Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3616: Ten Thousand Ways of Gods Appear to the Strong


A venerable emperor burst in the air and was directly smashed by the sound wave.

If the outside world, the creatures of the five realms who have not yet become emperors, see this scene, I am afraid that they will be trembling, and I can't believe it.

When did the emperor become so fragile?

Moreover, most of the emperors who have died now have their cultivation bases above the third realm.

However, in front of the overlord of the heavens like Yuanli Demon Lord, aren't all the emperors who don't even have the seventh realm just like the ants?

The sound wave set off in one sentence instantly killed dozens of emperors.


At this moment, a strong man couldn't sit still, and with a cold snort, he stopped the tide that was surging in a radius of thousands of miles.

At the same time, a young man dressed in a lavender robe and Eguan belt, with a ethereal and leisurely breath, walked out and stood side by side with Tianhuo Daojun.

"Ziyouhou of the Ten Thousand Ways of God."

Yang Yiming on the side screamed the identity of the young man.

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the many emperors who flee to Qin Yi's side suddenly shrank to the size of a needle.

If Yang Yiming and others were just shocked by the appearance of Tianhuo Daojun, then the appearance of Zi Youhou shocked their hearts.

After all, behind Zi Youhou is the Ten Thousand Ways of God.

Ten thousand gods!

This is a behemoth that dominates the eastern part of the central realm. Its prestige stuns the entire heavens and all realms, disregarding the five realms.

Among them, a strong man walked out at will, and even Heavenly Fire Daojun and other heavenly overlords had to give a certain respect.

Not to mention, the stomping of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Gods, such as Ziyouhou, could shake most of the central realm.

Perhaps Ziyouhou was inferior to the many princes of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty in terms of status, but compared with the powerhouses such as Tianhuo Daojun, he was still superior.

Powers such as the Skyfire Sect and the Yunlan Sect are all dependent on the Ten Thousand Dao God Realm and rely on the Ten Thousand Dao God Realm to survive.

If the Ten Thousand Ways of God were angry, not to mention such forces as the Sky Fire Sect, even the powerhouses of the Vigorous Barbarian Demon clan could be wiped out.

In fact, as long as the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods are willing, stepping out of the Zhenmoyuan is easy for the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods.

The reason why Zhenmoyuan could continue to exist was simply because Ten Thousand Dao Gods were unwilling to destroy it.

In addition to being unwilling to lose his subordinates, it was also to leave a place for Wandaoshen Chaotianjiao to experience.

The existence of Zhenmoyuan gave the Tianjiao of the major forces a place to experience the surrounding hundreds of thousands of miles of chaos, including the Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty.

Since it is an area that is easily accessible, plus it can be used as a place for the subordinate Tianjiao to experience, therefore, the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty allowed Zhen Moyuan to continue to exist.

Of course, there are deeper reasons for this. These are not information that Yang Yiming and others can know.

"Why do the relics left by Dayan Daojun alarm the Lord Hou of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire?"

The strong frowned.

However, as soon as this sentence was uttered, this strong man couldn't help but laugh, and seemed to be amused by his own stupidity.

This is the inheritance left by a peak power of the quasi-tianzun, and many quasi-tianzuns of the ten thousand dao dynasty, such as the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways and King Baiwu, may not care.

But to the powers of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods, such as Ziyouhou who have never broken through the quasi-tianzun, the inheritance left by a quasi-tianzun's peak powerhouse is still very important.

Perhaps Ziyouhou and other powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire couldn't see the supernatural powers and techniques left by the Heavenly Fire Dao Monarch, but they couldn't ignore the emperor soldiers, the divine pill, and the magic medicine left by the Heavenly Fire Dao Monarch.

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