Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3617: The strong who appeared one after another


After Zi Youhou appeared, he joined forces with Daojun Tianhuo to suppress the wave of sound created by Yuanli Mojun in one fell swoop.

After doing this, Zi Youhou did not stop, but looked at the emperors on the side: "Several ones, are you not ready to show up?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the emperors looked at each other, and a terrible guess flooded everyone's hearts.

"It's worthy of being the top five Lord Hou of the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods. The old man believes that his hidden skill is not weaker than Zhun Tianzun, and he never expected to be seen through by the Lord Hou.

Sure enough, a faint sigh sounded, like a nightmare groaning, and like a whisper in the wind.

All the emperors suddenly felt aroused, only to feel a cold wind caressing their necks, and the whole body's hairs suddenly exploded, cold sweat drenched.

This feeling is like someone holding a knife and sliding across their necks.


A ray of gray light flew out from the depths of the void, turning into an old man.

The old man was dressed in a gray robe, full of silver hair, and squatted around his body. His skin was asered as tree bark, and his vitality and blood declined to the extreme, as if he might be dying at any time.

"Baijiang Sword Sovereign!"

As soon as he saw the old man, the emperor immediately recognized the identity of the old man.

A well-known kendo expert in the central realm said that kendo is fine, but this one in the central realm and several surrounding realms is more famous as an assassin.

The most famous record of this Baijiang Sword Sovereign was that he once used the cultivation base of the Ninth Realm to assassinate the quasi-tianzun realm powerhouse.

Although he could not kill the quasi-tianzun in the end, he also severely injured the quasi-tianzun, leaving him with an indelible injury.

It was because of this battle that Baijiang Sword Sovereign was shocked in the central realm.

Even Zhuntianzun did not dare to despise the Baijiang Sword Sovereign who only had the ninth realm.

Thinking of just now, such a murderous man was hiding beside his house, the emperors couldn't help but shudder, and the cold sweat broke down all of a sudden.

Compared with the record of this Sword Master of Baijiang, the most troubling thing is the character of the Sword Master of Baijiang, who is both righteous and evil, acting as he pleases.

It is said that a third-rate force on one side had offended this Baijiang Sword Lord and caused him to fight, killing nearly hundreds of millions of living beings up and down by this third-rate force.

The fierceness is frightening!

"Sword Lord Baijiang, the assassin of the ninth stage."

Qin Yi glanced at Baijiang Sword Sovereign, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and there was not a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

As early as when he came to Luanyang Mountain Range, he had already noticed this Hundred Realms Sword Sovereign, but compared with this Hundred Fronts Sword Sovereign, he cared more about another hidden powerhouse.

It is not that this hidden strong man has a stronger cultivation base than Baijiang Sword Sovereign, but Qin Yi perceives a similar aura from this hidden strong man.


Don't get me wrong, the so-called aura of the same kind refers to this hidden powerhouse and an emperor who controls the fortunes of a party.


Just thinking about it, a figure wearing a crown and a pale golden dragon robe stepped out of the void, like a big sun falling.

As it appeared, before he spoke a word, the emperor's energy was rolling over his face, covering the universe like a tide.

For a while, everyone present only felt a layer of pressure on their backs.

Behind this figure, there is also a middle-aged man wearing a black armor and a **** long sword hanging from his waist.

"Emperor Dawu, General Zhenkong!"

Seeing the two, it was Zi Youhou who was the first to break the identity of the two.

‘It’s them? ’

Zi Youhou furrowed his brows, his eyes firmly locked on the two Emperors.

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