Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3629: Siege


The nine true purple dragons roared, smashing through the universe, and rushing directly to the Yuanli Demon Lord. The pure power suddenly burst out.

It was as if the nine-day galaxy rolled upside down, instantly flooding hundreds of thousands of miles of void, shaking hundreds of demon realms including the Ten Thousand Magic Realm.

Even the whole world of wild demon.

The violent force tore through the void universe and rolled up the most terrifying hurricane in the world, seeming to crush everything between heaven and earth.

Mountains and cities were destroyed under this force.

Even the Chaotic Sun Mountains that a few people deliberately avoided when they fought against each other were also affected. The mountains over ten million meters high collapsed, causing smoke and dust to fill the sky.

Let the chaotic and gloomy sky become even more dim.


The nine true purple dragons roared, seeming to become the center of heaven and earth.

The eyes of everyone present did not feel attracted to it.

With this blow, Zi Youhou had already abandoned other bells and whistles, without any fancy, only a simple collision.

Drive the nine true purple dragons and slam into the Yuanli Demon Lord.

The momentum of this collision is like breaking the sun, moon and stars, time and space, the heavens and the world... all.

There is nothing to stop!



With such a powerful momentum, Qin Yi couldn't help but look at him.

In other words, he was in the position of Yuanli Demon Lord, and Qin Yi also had to urge Wanling Town Shizhong, and then use Wanling Town Shizhong's power to urge Zhanxian Gourd to resist.

I have to say that Ziyouhou can sit firmly on the throne of Lord Hou, the God of Ten Thousand Ways, and the means are really extraordinary.

"Huh, great!"

Facing Ziyouhou's blow, Yuanli Mojun pushed it horizontally, pushing Baijiang Swordlord back, and the infinite fighting spirit seemed to ignite in his eyes.

Although this blow was somewhat unexpected, he did not have the slightest fear.

He has gone through countless killings to this day, and he has never seen any scenes, even more dangerous situations.

What is there to be afraid of when the three heavenly overlords are besieging me!


There seem to be countless acupuncture points lit up all over his body, faintly connected with the Great Avenue of the Heavens, blooming with light that shines through the ages.


The billowing blood shook the sky, shook the universe like a tide, and washed away the boundless smoke and dust raised by the purple dragon.

The intent of the fist that overwhelms the eternity, fills the sun and the moon, and shakes the entire world of wild demon.

next moment.

As the Yuanli Mojun blasted out with a punch, it was like the sky covered with pressure, and the surging blood instantly filled the space of hundreds of thousands of miles.

All the tangible and intangible substances pointed to by the quanfeng will be broken.

The meaning of Yuanli Mojun is very simple, you are domineering, I am more domineering than you, with my fist, suppress your purple dragon.


Zi Youhou was also ruthless, without any intention to evade.

Under the control of their will, the nine true purple dragons, with a domineering posture, met the punch of the Yuanli Demon Lord without retreat.


Emperor Wu did not neglect, waved the bronze spear in his hand, wrapped in endless killing intent, and slashed towards Yuanli Daojun with one halberd.

The murderous intent is overwhelming, flooding the sun and the moon.


The Heavenly Fire Daoist looked solemn, igniting the Five Elements Heavenly Fire, and flocked to the Yuanli Demon Lord.

The terrible sky fire seems to burn all the emptiness of heaven and earth.


Baijiang Sword Sovereign smiled, his body moved, and he sank into the void, walking on the boundary between the virtual and the real, and walking around the Yuanli Demon Lord.

Waiting for an opportunity to wander, looking for opportunities to attack Yuanli Mojun.

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