Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3630: Wanfa Town God Array

The purple dragon turned across the sky.

The sky is burning.

Euphorbia cuts the sky.

Tianhuo Daojun and Ziyouhou joined forces to explode their most powerful means, vowing to kill the Yuanli Demon Lord here.


Yuan Li Mojun roared with anger, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became more and more hot.

Under the oppression of the Heavenly Fire and Dao Sovereign, he actually aroused even more tyrannical combat power.

Most races in the demons live by fighting, and spend most of their lives in fighting.

The fighting instinct has long been integrated into their blood.

Not to mention, Yuanli Demon Lord is already good at fighting in the Dali Barbarian Demon clan, Yuanli Demon Lord will instantly stimulate the fighting instinct hidden in the bloodline, and the combat power will rise again.

A punch was empty, and it collided with the attacks of the three Ziyouhou.


Hundreds of thousands of miles of sky burst into chaos, setting off an endless frenzy.

A random aftermath fell, turning the huge mountain range of tens of millions of miles on one side into nothingness, leaving only a bottomless sky.

The countless creatures that survived directly died on the spot.

"No, immediately mobilize Wanfa Town God Array!"

The expressions of the strong men of the powerful Barbarian Demon clan changed abruptly, one after another, they made a move to provoke a large formation engraved between the heavens and the earth.


A series of magic patterns emerged from the depths of the void, criss-crossing, forming a huge formation spanning the entire Ten Thousand Magic Domain.

Countless demonic energy and death energy were gathered, formed into a tornado, and merged into the big formation.

The strength of the space barrier in the Ten Thousand Magic Domain also increased, and the aftermath of the battle between the Yuanli Demon Lord and the Heavenly Fire Daoist was also suppressed.

A strong man of the strong savage demon clan stood in various places in the big formation, leading the formation, and falling strands of black light, haunting the many emperors in the five realms.

Some of the five great realms are emperors whose expressions changed, and they did not dare to neglect, and spontaneously gathered together to counter the falling black light.

Tianhuo Daojun and the others frowned, these black lights fell on them, and they were constantly drawing their strength and weakening their combat power.

Even Baijiang Sword Sovereign was almost forced out of the void by this force.

If it were normal, such a formation might have an impact on Baijiang Sword Lord and others, but as long as it was free, it could be broken.

But the problem was that in the face of Yuanli Demon Lord's offensive, Baijiang Sword Lord and others could not free up their hands.

On the contrary, with the blessing of the formation, Yuanli Mojun's combat power has been improved to a certain extent.

Under the superposition of the two, Baijiang Jianjun and others, who had already obtained a certain advantage, were in turn suppressed by Yuanli Mojun.

"Damn it!"

Zi Youhou looked gloomy and cursed inwardly.

He knows very well that if it drags on like this, they are likely to lose.

After all, this is the big world of Barbarian Demon, the stronghold of the Daoli Barbarian Demon clan, Yuanli Demon Lord is fighting at home.

With the blessing of the wild demon world, coupled with the blessing of this formation, the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for them.

"Zhang Zhenshan..."

Zi Youhou glanced at Zhang Zhenshan, where the old **** seemed to be there, and was very annoyed.

In his view, the reason why Zhang Zhenshan did not act was because of what he said just now, but it would be impossible for him to bow his head to Zhang Zhenshan.

However, judging from the current situation, if Zhang Zhenshan does not make a move, their defeat is only a matter of time.

"A bunch of trash!"

Zi Youhou glanced at the many emperors who gathered together and held them together to resist the forces of the great formation, their faces becoming more and more difficult to look.

Then, looking at Zhang Zhenshan, hesitation appeared on his face.

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