Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3652: Why, do you want to hide?

Taigu Xingchen, the top-notch material for refining Celestial Venerables, is well-known in the entire world.

I don't know how many powerful people went to the ancient star world to seek the ancient stars in the ancient star world to refine their weapons.

It is a pity that the Ancient Star World is located in a forbidden area in the central realm. The existence of this forbidden area limits the ideas of many powerful people who want to seize the ancient stars.

You must know that this forbidden land is countless times more terrifying than the town of Demon Abyss. There are so many terrible existences hidden, and even Tianzun dare not step into it rashly.

Only when this forbidden area is opened, the powerhouses of many realms will set foot on this forbidden area.

And this forbidden area only opens once every tens of millions of years, and each time it only opens for less than three days.

Therefore, if the powerhouses of many realms want to seize the ancient stars in the ancient star world, they can only take advantage of the three days when the forbidden land is opened to enter the ancient star world.

The topic was a bit far away, and he returned to the Great Flame Palace in front of him.

This palace was condensed by Dayan Daojun with one hundred thousand primordial stars, weighing more than billions of billions, and it was both a vehicle and a war weapon.

If this palace is smashed out, it is no weaker than a giant of the heavens in the seventh or even the eighth level.

Of course, for Da Yan Daojun, the Great Flame Palace is more of a vehicle, and the power of its casual blow surpasses the full blow of the Great Flame Palace.

"Kang Dang!"

The door of the Great Flame Hall burst open, like countless thunder bursts.

The vast star essence and chaotic essence poured out from the portal in an instant, and the concentration of the surrounding aura skyrocketed.

The devilish energy that had flooded the surroundings was also completely lined up.


On the floating island where the Great Flame Hall is located, a giant beast felt the breath from the Great Flame Hall, and could not help but let out a sharp howling sound.

The golden-winged roc bird enveloped Jinhui, and its claws tore the world, suddenly grabbed it.

A great ancient ape pulled up a sacred mountain and threw it outright.

Suzaku took off and struck the three thousand realms...


Qin Yi didn't even look at it. Zhang Zhenshan's eyes moved and he let out a low voice.


A violent evil spirit rushed out, like if the nine-day galaxy rolled out, enveloped a group of sacred beasts.


Suddenly, a group of sacred beasts were struck by lightning and wailed, fleeing away from the Great Yan Temple, and also left the floating island.

Most of these sacred beasts have fifth and sixth levels of cultivation, but compared with Zhang Zhenshan, they are still as weak as an ant.

They also knew very well that if Zhang Zhenshan had a murderous intent, they would have already fallen.


After doing this, Zhang Zhenshan cast his gaze into the Great Flame Hall, and he could see the structure of the Great Flame Hall, which was not much different from an ordinary hall.

If you look closely, you can also see that Fang Fang's small world is suspended in the Great Flame Hall.

However, the most striking thing is the clusters of light like stars.

"Well, that should be the last part of the quasi-tianzun tool that Daojun Yujing needs."

Qin Yi cast his eyes on one of the light balls, his expression condensed.

He could clearly perceive the terrifying aura from this group of light, which was generally the same as the aura of the original imperial artifact of Daojun Yujing.

"Why, are you still hiding?"

However, Qin Yi did not directly step into the Great Flame Hall, but looked towards the void somewhere behind him.

The voice was faint and echoed all over the world.

However, the void that Qin Yi looked at was still calm as usual, nothing happened, as if Qin Yi was talking to himself.

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