Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3653: Tianhuo Daojun reappears


The wind howled, the void was like a mirror.

After Qin Yi spoke, everything that Qin Yi looked at was the same as before, without the slightest change.


Zhang Zhenshan's eyes were shining, and the cold sword light was rising all over him, and he was about to do it.

"General Zhang Da, do it slowly, this seat will show up."

At this moment, a voice begging for mercy sounded.

Void shattered at the sound, and a figure stepped out of the shattered void, wearing a red robe and a golden crown on his head. It was Heavenly Fire Daojun.

Although Tianhuo Daojun was embarrassed and his breath declined, he did not suffer much damage.

Obviously, the previous blow of the Yuanli Demon Lord did not kill the Heavenly Fire Daoist, in other words, the Heavenly Fire Daoist used some means to avoid the mortal blow of the Yuanli Demon Lord.

"Tianhuo, I have seen the Lord of the Fallen Lord."

As soon as Tianhuo Daojun appeared, he bowed his hand to Qin Yi and broke Qin Yi's identity with one word.

As he spoke, he glanced at Qin Yi and Zhang Zhenshan calmly, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Because the deity had fallen, he had to spend several epochs in his body before he could cultivate to the ninth state again.

In order to avoid this situation, he specially practiced a secret method "Nine Turns of Reincarnation".

Prior to this, he used the "Nine Turns of Reincarnation Sutra" to replace his death, reluctantly resisting the full blow of the Yuanli Demon Lord, avoiding the difficulty of the deity's fall.

Originally thinking of hiding in the dark, looking for opportunities to seek opportunities to seize the inheritance left by Dayan Daojun.

Originally, according to his expectation, after the Yuanli Demon Lord killed the Emperor Dawu and others, he followed the Yuanli Demon into the relics left by Dayan Daojun.

Waiting for the opportunity to win the inheritance left by Dayan Daojun from Yuanli Demon Lord.

As a result, he did not expect the development of things far beyond his expectations.

Yuan Li Mojun really swept Wuji at the beginning, killing Ziyouhou and Baijiang Jianjun one after another, suppressing the Great Wu Emperor in one fell swoop.

Up to this point, the development of the situation was consistent with the expectations of the Tianhuo Daojun, but an accident happened to Zhang Zhenshan. Zhang Zhenshan was not affected by the closure of the east border road, and was able to explode the peak combat power.

With an unstoppable momentum, kill the Yuanli Demon Lord.

At this moment, the Heavenly Fire Daoist was dumbfounded.

Why is this different from what he expected, Zhang Zhenshan is so fierce?

Also, how can Zhang Zhenshan not be affected by the closure of the main road?

Without waiting for him to think clearly, what happened next made the Heavenly Fire Daoist even more embarrassed. Zhang Zhenshan held the courtesy to an emperor who did not seem to be in the fourth stage?

What's happening here!

However, Tianhuo Daojun was not a foolish person, and quickly combined the known information to infer Qin Yi's identity.

In his view, Zhang Zhenshan's betrayal of the Emperor Dawu was because he had taken refuge in the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

And because of the protection of the emperor's luck, Zhang Zhenshan was able to explode his peak combat power and swept the Yuanli Demon Lord.

Compared with the actual situation, Tianhuo Daojun's speculation is already inseparable.

Of course, for the Lord of Heavenly Fire, regardless of whether the actual situation is consistent with his speculation, the difficulty of his previous plan to succeed has once again risen by several chips.

He is not the opponent of Yuanli Demon Lord, it is even more difficult to grab food from Zhang Zhenshan's hand.

Not to mention, the volatility of Cai Yulei's shots, Heavenly Fire Daojun had also sensed, and he naturally understood that this was a quasi-tianzun.

If you want to do something under the eyelids of a quasi-tianzun, it is simply looking for death.

Tianhuo Daojun decisively gave up the idea of ​​seeking to win the inheritance of Tianhuo Daojun, carefully concealing his traces, hiding in the depths of the void, for fear of being discovered by Qin Yi and others.

However, Qin Yi eventually broke his hiding place.

Tianhuo Daojun had to show up.

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