Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3741: Aftermath


The violent power poured everywhere, sweeping the entire treasure elephant world.

I don't know how many spatial cracks spread, tearing apart the surrounding void, shattering and collapsing, turning into chaos.

that moment.

The sky of the entire treasure elephant world seems to have been shattered.

The Boundary of Edom is now in a state of aura recovery. Many Great Worlds have not yet returned to their peak period, and the strength of the space barrier is far weaker than the Great World of the Central Territory.

Under this circumstance, a single blow from the Tianzun powerhouse is enough to penetrate the entire treasure elephant world.

Although the power of the quasi-tianzun strong is not as good as the power of the Tianzun strong, the destructive power that can be caused by the explosion is also very amazing.

Not to mention, Jin Chanzi and Wandao Dragon Boat can be regarded as the strong in the quasi-tianzun.

Needless to say, the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boats, under the control of many Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty powerhouses, has exploded out of combat power close to the peak period.

Although Jin Chanzi had just re-entered the Golden Immortal Dzogchen Realm, he had practiced for countless years in the Golden Immortal Dzogchen Realm, and once a breakthrough, his combat power directly entered the ranks of the top quasi-tianzun.

Under the collision of the two, how terrifying the aftermath is, it can be imagined that almost tore the sky of the entire treasure elephant world.


A strong person had no choice but to withdraw directly from the treasure world, lest he would be affected by this aftermath and end up severely injured.

Only the strong above the eighth stage can barely stay above the sky of the treasure elephant world.

And the inside of the treasure elephant world was directly stirred into a mess, and the aftermath of the waves escaped, sinking the continents.

Countless creatures fell in the aftermath of the collision between Jin Chanzi and Jin Chanzi. In the confrontation between the quasi-tianzun, these creatures appeared extremely fragile.

Many powerhouses in the treasure elephant world, as well as the disciples who protect themselves, are somewhat reluctant, so how can they protect other creatures?

That is, Dilu Temple Spirit and others got Qin Yi's instructions, secretly took action, sheltering most of the creatures, otherwise, the creatures of the treasure elephant world would suffer more serious losses.

You must know that the entire eastern frontier has long been regarded by Qin Yi as something in his bag, and the treasure elephant world is naturally the same.

Sooner or later, the creatures in the treasure elephant world will become subjects of the imperial imperial dynasty. Qin Yi gave an order to let Dilu Temple Spirit and others shelter the creatures in the treasure elephant world.

Fortunately, the attention of a group of powerful people was all on Jin Chanzi and Wandao Dragon Boat, but they did not notice this problem.

As for Monkey King and Canggu Dragon Banner, the two were most affected by the collision between Jin Chanzi and Wandao Dragon Boat, and even had to interrupt the battle.

The Wandao Dragon Boat was able to save the Canggu Dragon Banner. In a sense, the Wandao Dragon Boat also achieved its goal.

Monkey King and Canggu Longqi did not fight again, but looked at Jin Chanzi and Wandao Dragon Boat.


Under the collision, I saw the Wandao Dragon Boat flying out directly.

After quitting tens of thousands of miles, the Wandao Dragon Boat stopped and the light dimmed.

Obviously, in the collision just now, the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boat has fallen to the wind, and many of the powerful people in the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boat who have not fallen to the Emperor do not know how much they have fallen.

"The Wandao Dragon Boat didn't kill Jin Chanzi?"

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses were even more shocked.

Not only did Jin Chanzi not be killed by Wandao Dragon Boat Town, but with the pressure of Wandao Dragon Boat, he completed his breakthrough.

This is simply incredible.

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