Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3742: Resolute Sword God King

Treasure elephant outside the big world.

A group of powerful men from the Ten Thousand Dao Shen Chao and other forces looked into the treasure elephant world with shocked faces, and their eyes fell on Jin Chanzi.

A group of powerful people can't think of it, under the control of many tens of thousands of gods, they may not be able to kill Jin Chanzi in one fell swoop.

You know, Wandao Dragon Boat is close to the power of the peak period of awakening, and its combat power is comparable to the strong in the quasi-tianzun.

Even some powerful people who have just entered the quasi-tianzun realm, face this blow, if they are not careful, they may be directly hit and killed by the Wandao Dragon Boat.

An emperor at the peak of the Ninth Stage in Jin Chanzi District has not yet broken through the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm. From their point of view, under the attack of the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boat, he will undoubtedly die.

However, under the attack of the Wandao Dragon Boat, not only did it not fall, but instead, with the help of the pressure of the Wandao Dragon Boat, it broke through the quasi-tianzun realm.

Everyone is very clear about what a quasi-tianzun powerhouse means in the eastern frontier.

Moreover, after breaking through the quasi-tianzun realm, Jin Chanzi slapped the Wandao Dragon Boat into flight.

This completely subverted everyone's imagination!

"How is it possible that he was clearly defeated before, because this person broke through the quasi-tianzun realm under the pressure of the ten thousand dragon boats. How could this person's combat power have such a big breakthrough?"

The Sword God King's expression was condensed, he knew very well that Jin Chanzi had not hidden his strength before, and indeed only had the cultivation base of the ninth stage peak.

However, after Jin Chanzi broke through the quasi-tianzun realm, he quickly grasped the power of the quasi-tianzun realm, and it seemed like a matter of course without any discomfort.

"Could it be that I had already cultivated into the quasi-tianzun realm before, but for some reason, I fell into the quasi-tianzun realm, and now it is only returning to the quasi-tianzun realm."

The Sword God King guessed in his heart that such a situation is not uncommon in the heavens and all realms.

Many strong people cut their realm by themselves for various reasons, or because they were seriously injured, or because of some reasons.

After such a powerful person has regained his original realm, he does not need to stabilize his realm, and he can quickly grasp the power of the corresponding realm.

Jin Chanzi is obviously such a strong man.

"This person has practiced the Buddhism patriarchal clan and condensed a certain kind of golden body. His combat power has firmly stood in the realm above the mid-term of the quasi-tianzun."

The King of Sword God frowned, feeling very troublesome.

Although the road closure suppressed his realm and power, his vision was still there, and he could naturally see Jin Chanzi's current realm.

At this moment, the Sword God King's complexion was a little gloomy, and there was a faint shadow in his heart for this battle.

Originally, according to his expectations, he joined forces with many powerful men from all sides to quickly suppress the three Jin Chanzi.

Even if there is a strong man who does not fall into the imperial dynasty and protects three people in secret, he can defeat them with absolute power.

As a result, I never thought that Sun Wukong's strength exceeded his expectations, and then Jin Chanzi made a breakthrough and set foot in the quasi-tianzun realm.

Two consecutive changes made the Sword God King also a little worried.

‘No, there is also the treasure of the Lord himself...’

However, in the end it was the strongest quasi-tian, the Sword God King quickly cut off his distracting thoughts, and his icy eyes fell on Monkey King.


next moment.

The sword **** king turned into sword light and dived into the underworld. When he reappeared, he had already come to the side of the Canggu Dragon Banner god, grasping the body of the Canggu Dragon Banner.


The moment he held the Canggu Dragon Banner, the Sword God King's momentum skyrocketed, his body exploded with dazzling sword light, and the sword intent burned all over him like a substance.

Then, he stepped out one step, the magnificent breath rolled, the unparalleled sharpness dissipated, as if to tear the heavens and the world.

The Sword God King grabbed the Canggu Dragon Banner and swung it down with the Canggu Dragon Banner as his sword.

Like a nine-day sword immortal who came across the heavens, he swung a powerful sword, cut open the sky, and broke through the eternal years with one sword!

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