Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3970: Cang Mingzi's doubts

Although Cang Mingzi didn't like Jia Luo Demon Zun, he would not deny the power of Jia Luo Demon Zun and others.

A powerful person in the peak realm of the quasi-tianzun, looking at the entire endless underworld, the various underworld countries are also extremely powerful existences, and their status is respected.

After all, this is only half a step away from the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

No one knows when this kind of existence will break through the last barrier and become the Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign.

Such as Cang Mingzi himself, relying on the blessing of the army under his command, may be able to fight a quasi-tianzun peak realm powerhouse.

But in fact, he was still far from the peak realm of Zhuntianzun.

With his current progress in practice, it would take at least several or even dozens of epochs to break through the pinnacle realm of the quasi-tianzun.

At this point, Cang Mingzi would not deny the power of Kaluo Demon Zun and others.

Not to mention, the four quasi-tianzun peak realm powerhouses!

Four quasi-tianzun peak realm powerhouses shot at the same time, which made Cang Mingzi have to be interested in Qin Yi and others.

Especially for Qin Yi and Cang Mingzi had a keen interest.

Among Qin Yi's people, Qin Yi's cultivation base is the lowest, but Wen Zhong's people are led by Qin Yi and respect Qin Yi very much.

Whether in the five great realms or in the endless underworld, the strong are respected.

The emperor of the seventh stage such as Qin Yi may not have a low status, but Wen Zhong and others are obviously above the quasi-tianzun, and it is absolutely impossible to surrender to Qin Yi.

With Qin Yi's strength, perhaps he could be the commander of a legion in the endless underworld.

But Wen Zhong and others, like him, can take charge of a legion and become legion chiefs.

The two differ greatly in strength and status.

Under these circumstances, Wen Zhong's attitude towards Qin Yi made Cang Mingzi more curious.

"Do not fall the lord of the imperial dynasty?"

Cang Mingzi's eyes flickered, and there was some doubt in his heart.

As a legion commander stationed in the Bone Forbidden Land, he has knowledge of many first-class forces in the five realms.

However, there is no such force as the imperial dynasty.

However, there are a few quasi-tiansun powerhouses who are sitting here, and it is impossible for such a force to remain unknown in the five realms.

In fact, it's no wonder that Cang Mingzi had never heard of the name of the Buluo Emperor, and the rise of the Buluo Emperor only took hundreds of years.

Such a short period of time is not enough for the name of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty to spread across the entire world.

In fact, among the five great realms, the name of the Buluo Empire was only passed on among the forces above the first-class and those close to the eastern frontier.

Even some strong men of the first-class forces far away from the eastern frontier have never heard of the name of the imperial dynasty.

After all, the five realms are too large, and the speed of message transmission is naturally extremely slow.

This is true of the five realms, not to mention Cang Mingzi, who is in the forbidden ground of bones.

"Have you ever heard of the imperial dynasty?"

Cang Mingzi looked at the many Infinite Underworld experts on the side and asked.

"This Buluo imperial dynasty seems to be the top emerging power among the five great realms, dominating the eastern border.

Even, he has defeated Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty several times. "

A quasi-tiansun strong man of endless underworld, thought for a moment, said.

"Have you defeated the Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty several times?"

Hearing this, Cang Mingzi's expression was shocked and suddenly became serious.

Wandao Divine Dynasty is a dynasty of the heavens, with the Void Immortal Tianzun sitting on the ground, even in the endless land of the world, it has a great reputation.

It is the White Bone Nether Kingdom behind him, whose strength is only among the uncles compared with the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire.

The Buluo Emperor was able to defeat the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty several times, and its strength must not be underestimated.

Is it another dynasty of the heavens?

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