Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3971: Venerable Wangya

‘A new dynasty of the heavens? ’

Cang Mingzi frowned, and his doubts deepened.

In his view, the power of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty that can defeat the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty must be a powerful force of the same level.

This is true even if its name is Buluodi Chao, not Buluo Shen Chao.

Only at the same level, with the power of the Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, can defeat the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire.

But how could the power leader of the first level of the heavens and gods be just a giant of the heavens in the seventh realm?

Even if Qin Yi was a puppet pushed to the surface by the strong behind the imperial emperor, such a low level of cultivation was not in line with common sense.

The power of the first level of the heavens and gods on one side, the leader of its power, even if it is just a puppet, should not only have the cultivation base of the seventh realm.

The so-called virtue is not coordinated.

A giant of the heavens in the seventh realm is not qualified to occupy such a high position.

Under normal circumstances, the ninth realm overlord in this power, and even the strong quasi-tian, would not allow a creature whose strength is weaker than that of his body to stand on top of his body.

This is an insult to them!

Similarly, the Celestial Venerable False Immortal of this power will not do this, and will not let the strong under his own morals.

As for Qin Yi is the clone of Xuxian Tianzun, that is even more impossible.

From Qin Yi, Cang Mingzi didn't feel the terrible feeling of oppression that belonged to Xuxian Tianzun alone.

"This imperial dynasty of Buluo is only an emperor, not a dynasty of heavens and gods."

As if he could see what Cang Mingzi was thinking, the endless underworld powerhouse who had spoken before said with a smile.

"Please also Venerable Wangya to solve my doubts."

A flash of surprise flashed across Cang Mingzi's face, and he couldn't help but look at this existence.

This powerful man of the endless underworld is called Venerable Wangya, whose strength may not be considered as strong among the army commanders, and may even be the weakest one.

However, Venerable Wangya came from the Shadow Habitat clan, this clan naturally fits with the Shadow Avenue. Although it is not good at fighting, it has a natural advantage in assassination and intelligence detection.

The ability of the Shadow Habitat clan to spy on information is also well-known in the entire endless underworld.

Obviously, Venerable Wangya possesses detailed information about the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

"The Buluo Empire rises on the eastern frontier."

Venerable Wangya did not answer directly, but just said a word.

"East Frontier?"

Cang Mingzi's expression moved, as if thinking of something.

"That's right, there is no Xuxian Tianzun in the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, there is only one Tianzun device suppressing the background.

The reason why the Buluo Emperor Dynasty was able to defeat the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty was because of the great roads in the eastern frontier to seal the town. "

Before Cang Mingzi could speak, Venerable Wangya confirmed Cang Mingzi's guess.

"This unfallen emperor is not a giant in the seventh realm. It is said that his power has also reached the level of the quasi-tianzun. This should be just a clone of him."

Venerable Wangya paused and continued.

"I see."

Cang Mingzi's eyes flashed a flash of suspicion, if so, everything would make sense.

If it were him, he would not dare to let his deity leave the eastern frontier even when he offended the ten thousand gods, and even the ten thousand gods might take action.

‘However, for the purpose of this clone of the Lord of the Emperor, Wan Dao Shen Chao actually sent four quasi-tianzun peak powers. It seems that Wan Dao Shen Dynasty has suffered a lot from the hands of the Emperor Fu. ’

Such a thought flashed through Cang Mingzi's mind.

Next, Cang Mingzi and the others didn't intend to take action either, they just stayed quietly and watched what was happening in front of them.

Although they were angry at Qin Yi and others making a fuss in the Bone Forbidden Land, they did not intend to stop it.

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