Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3973: Nightmare World

Because Kaluo Demon Zun was sinking into the killing avenue, he had already lost all the mood swings, and naturally he would not be affected by fear.

Of course, the Nightmare King did not expect to rely on this nightmare world to influence Kaluo Mozun.


The nightmare king poured the power of the source into this nightmare world.

Many creatures in the world of nightmares, their bodies instantly solidified, as if they had come alive, turning into real and innocent existences.

The creatures in these nightmare worlds are the nightmare creatures created by the nightmare king who has absorbed the nightmare from the hearts of countless five realms since the nightmare king has countless years.

There is no shortage, from the nightmare of the quasi-tianzun powerhouse, and even the quasi-tianzun peak-level powerhouse.

And how terrifying is the nightmare creature that can make the quasi-celestial powers fearful?

Although the Nightmare King could not really revive the nightmare creatures that the quasi-celestial powers were afraid of, it was enough to make these nightmare creatures explode with 30 to 40% combat power.

A nightmare creature that can make the powerful quasi-tians feel fearful, even if it can only display 30 to 40% of the combat power, its combat power can be comparable to the powerful quasi-tians.

And the number of these nightmare creatures is no less than a hundred.

A hundred quasi-celestial powers, what a terrifying combat power this is.


A nightmare creature, stepping out of the nightmare world.

There are ancient demon gods with three heads and six arms and a hideous face; there are true phoenixes who haunt infinite flames; there are nine heavenly immortals who hold supreme mighty power.

The moment these nightmare creatures appeared, they shot at Kaluo Demon Venerable one after another.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of miles around the void shook together, and the entire Bone Forbidden Land, including the core area of ​​the Bone Forbidden Land, was shaken at this moment.

The avenue of heavens roared for it, and terrible visions manifested in the sky.

this moment.

The entire white bones forbidden area is illuminated!

The vast and turbulent torrents of energy rushed endlessly, permeating the void, and crushed in a posture of crushing everything.


The void of this piece of heaven and earth instantly shattered, and the boundless flow of chaos surging horizontally and horizontally, setting off a wave of horror that could destroy the world.

How tyrannical is the power of Zhun Tianzun, a single thought can subvert most of the world, and a ray of breath can destroy countless worlds.

What's more, hundreds of quasi-tianzun powerhouses shot at the same time.

Under the influence of a swarm of dominating the heavens and disregarding the boundless aura, within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, hundreds of millions of bones and forbidden creatures were crushed into powder in a blink of an eye.

The body, together with its soul, was wiped out into nothingness.

Under the aura of hundreds of quasi-tianjin powerhouses, the creatures under the seventh stage are not much better than the ants.

Only the giants of the heavens above the seventh realm can barely survive.

If it is accidentally affected by the aftermath, the emperor of the seventh, eighth, and even ninth state may also fall.

A group of powerful people all withdrew and retreated, even Cang Mingzi and other powerful people in the endless underworld had to take the powerful people under his command to withdraw from the aftermath.

As for the many endless underworld creatures that died tragically under the attack of the Nightmare King, the Nightmare King and others had no time to manage.

Compared with the five realms, people in the endless underworld behave more savagely, and believe in the law of the jungle where natural selection is made and the strong is respected.

The strong occupies everything, and the weak are nothing more than ants under their feet.

These ants that don't even have an emperor realm are not worthy of the attention of Cang Mingzi and others.

In contrast, Cang Mingzi and others were more concerned about the Nightmare King's methods.

With the Nightmare King, Cang Mingzi and others felt jealous, a quasi-celestial powerhouse, they can ignore it.

But one hundred quasi-tiansun strong, they can't not care.

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