Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3974: The mighty Galo Demon

A hundred quasi-tianzun powerhouses shot at the same time, and even the quasi-tianzun peak powerhouses would feel scared, and if they were not careful, they could be seriously injured.

Cang Mingzi and others would also feel extremely troublesome when facing the Nightmare King.

Fortunately, it was not them who faced the Nightmare King, but the Kaluo Demon Lord controlled by the Slaughter Avenue.


Suddenly, the attacks of the Nightmare King and others collided with the attacks of Kaluo Demon Lord.

In the sky, waves that ruined the sky and the earth broke out suddenly, penetrating through layers of void.

The boundless void shattered into deep, bottomless black holes, and these black holes collapsed into a square world, and immediately collapsed directly.

In this way, the cycle goes back and forth, and the horror is a mess.

At this time, if a quasi-tianzun powerhouse is placed in it, he will probably be torn to pieces by the raging power in the first place.

However, to the surprise of Cang Mingzi and others, the Demon Lord Kaluo faced the combined blow of the three nightmare kings, not only did not fall under the wind, but took a certain advantage.

Kaluo Mozun rushed into a crowd of nightmare creatures, just with a wave of his hand, several nightmare creatures fell into his hands.

These nightmare creatures, comparable to those of the quasi-celestial master, looked extremely weak in front of the tyrannical power of the Kaluo Demon Lord.

Even with one mouth, the energy transformed by these nightmare creatures was swallowed by one mouth and turned into a part of their power.

With the blessing of the power of the nightmare creatures, Kaluo Demon Zun became stronger as he fought.

"Controlled by Slaughter Avenue, this person has become so tyrannical?"

Cang Mingzi's eyebrows were throbbing, and his heart trembled.

The previous Jialuo Demon Venerable also had the cultivation base of the quasi-tianzun peak realm, but to be honest, Cang Mingzi was not too afraid.

With his cultivation base, coupled with the blessings of his subordinates, he is no less inferior to any quasi-tianzun peak realm powerhouse.

Even, to a certain extent, he is stronger than the powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun peak realm.

After all, he himself was only one step away from Zhuntianzun's peak realm, although he wanted to cross this step, and it would take countless years of hard work.

But he has already touched the threshold of Zhuntianzun's peak realm, and coupled with the Dark Dragon Guards he controls, it is one of the most elite legions in the Bone Nether Kingdom.

Every Nether Dragon Guardian is an elite of the White Bone Nether Kingdom, and he has practiced the battle formation given by the Lord, so he can gather all his strength on him.

With the blessings of many Hades, his combat power is naturally more than half the power of the ordinary quasi-tianzun peak realm.

This is also the reason why Cang Mingzi didn't care about Jialuo Demon Zun and the others.

It's just that the strength displayed by the Demon Lord Galo at this moment has exceeded Cang Mingzi's expectations, even if he has the blessing of the Dragon Guard, it is not as good.

It can be said that the Jialuo Demon Venerable at this moment, in the eyes of Cang Mingzi, is already standing under the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerable, the top level.

Except for the Heavenly Venerable Void, no one can crush the Demon Venerable Jialuo.

At this moment, the combat power displayed by the Kaluo Demon Sovereign is that of the many quasi-tianzun peak realm powerhouses in the endless underworld, no one can compare with it.

You know, some of the quasi-tianzun peak realm experts in the endless underworld are disciples of the supreme Mingzun who is comparable to the nine-day real immortal.

These powerful people practice the exercises of the Supreme Pluto, and are under the guidance of the Supreme Pluto, but these quasi-tians are the peak powers, and they are not as good as the Jialuo Mozun.

"Such combat power, if I could have it..."

Cang Mingzi sighed lightly, with a hint of wonder, a hint of jealousy, and a hint of envy in his eyes.

If he had the combat power of Kaluo Demon Zun, and with the blessing of the Dark Dragon Guardian, what level would his combat power reach?

Invincible under the heaven, it is not vain!

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