Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3975: King Baiwu, lose


The violent power surged in the void, setting off an endless wave.

Kaluo Mozun continued to fight against the Buddha and others in the world, and the collision caused them to annihilate the emptiness of hundreds of thousands of miles into nothingness.

Under the power of Kaluo Demon Zun and others, the surrounding void was like a thin piece of paper, which shattered at the touch of a touch.

"Unfortunately, the Demon Lord Kaluo can't fully display his current combat power."

Qin Yi looked on with cold eyes and got a panoramic view of everything.

In the scene, although the Kaluo Demon Sovereign occupies an absolute advantage, the Buddha and others in the world are not easy to be with. The three of them can join forces and can barely compete with the Jialuo Demon Sovereign.

Kaluo Demon Sovereign wants to win the worldly Jie Buddha three people, but he can't do it in a short time.

In the final analysis, although the combat power of Galo Demon Lord crossed the threshold of the peak realm of the quasi-tianzun, after all, he lost his mind and was dominated by the killing avenue, and he could only fight according to his physical instinct.

This may have greatly increased the fighting power of Kaluo Mozun, but because of losing his mind, Kaluo Mozun has become like a beast, but it has given the world's Jie Buddha three opportunities.

In the world, the three Buddhas entangled Kalo Demon Zun with wheel warfare, barely maintaining the undefeated situation.

If Jialuo Demon Zun was turned into Wenzhong, or Cai Yulei, perhaps the three worldly Buddhas would have been suppressed long ago.

Wen Zhong and Cai Yulei will not be fooled by the three worldly interpretations of the Buddha.

Furthermore, the existence of beyond the fence of the quasi-tianzun peak level and the disparity between the quasi-tianzun peak-level powerhouse is not as great as the gap between the imaginary Tianzun and the quasi-tianzun peak-level powerhouse, but it is also like a gap in the sky.


After all, Kaluo Mozun has crossed the barriers of the quasi-tianzun's peak state. If it continues, the three people who understand the Buddha in the world will undoubtedly lose.

"Divine Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, Dao Zun Yin and Yang, don't you still make a move?"

Qin Yi's faint gaze seemed to penetrate layers of void, looking through the void, falling into a secret void.

Because of Jumang Zuwu's reminder, he knew that there were two Xuxian Tianzun lurking in the dark.

Qin Yi searched for the traces of the two imaginary gods in secret, and with the power of eternal clone, naturally unable to see through the hidden means of the imaginary gods, and found the two gods of imaginary gods.

But Qin Yi had a system, and at the expense of two million killing points, with the help of the system, he found the location of these two imaginary heavenly venerables.

However, what was beyond Qin Yi's expectation was that the two gods hidden in the dark were not the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways and the Nying Buddha Sect.

It was the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways and another Heavenly Venerable Virtual Immortal, combined with the information obtained from the Qilin Clan, Qin Yi also quickly judged the identity of the Heavenly Venerable Virtual Immortal.

Yin and Yang Dao Zun.

An ancient Xianxian Tianzun who has never developed a force.

This made Qin Yi a little surprised. After all, there was no contradiction between him, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty and the Yin-Yang Dao Zun.

However, after another thought, Qin Yi suddenly realized that perhaps this Yin-Yang Dao Venerable had been invited by the Lord of Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

For Qin Yi, no matter what purpose the Yin-Yang Dao Zun came for, the Yin-Yang Dao Zun and the God Lord of Ten Thousand Dao Divine Masters were fighting together, and they were undoubtedly standing on the opposite side of him.

As long as Yin Yang Dao Zun dares to make a move, Qin Yi doesn't mind suppressing it.


As Qin Yi's thoughts turned, King Baiwu was careless, but Jia Luo Demon Sovereign seized the opportunity and slammed his body with a palm.

The next moment, King Baiwu flew out directly, his muscles and bones exploded, the blood of the emperor was like fog, and the body of the emperor almost collapsed.

Also because of the defeat of King Baiwu, the joint force of the three Buddhas in the world was destroyed in an instant.

For a time, the Nightmare King, who was about to attack the Kaluo Mozun, was in crisis.

The Jialuo Demon Zun's big hands enveloped the Nightmare King in it, as if he wanted to crush the Nightmare King into powder in one fell swoop.


At this moment, a soft sigh sounded.

The figure of Kaluo Demon Zun immediately froze in the air, unable to move.

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