Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3976: The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways Appears


Invisible power permeated the void, and the void instantly stagnated within a radius of thousands of miles.

Within this piece of void, both the chaotic storm and the raging terrifying force stopped flowing at this moment.

This also includes the Demon Lord Jialuo, which is like a creature stuck in amber, floating motionlessly above the sky.

Time is freezing at this moment!

"This is?"

Cang Mingzi was shocked when he saw this scene.

The combat power of Galo Demon Sovereign has surpassed the peak realm of the quasi-tianzun, and can suppress Galo Demon Sovereign, and can even play with the power of Galo Demon Sovereign like a toy.

no doubt…

"Xianxian Tianzun!"

Cang Mingzi's expression was solemn, and he said every word.

Only Xuxian Tianzun can have such a powerful force!

"Thank you God Lord for helping me."

The Nightmare King breathed a sigh of relief, looked straight, and quickly bowed to the void behind him.

"Meet the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways!"

The World Jie Buddha immediately reacted and bowed down with the Nightmare King.

Even King Baiwu, who was seriously injured on the side, did not dare to neglect at this time, and the person who urged the power of the origin to suppress his injuries, got up and saluted.


The void rippled like water waves, and then, a hazy figure spreading endless brilliance walked out of it.

It is like an ancient **** king stepping down on the nine heavens to rule the heavens and all realms. With every move, there will be an atmosphere of overwhelming force sweeping across the world.

Numerous laws linger around him, surrendering to him.

As soon as the figure appeared, the center of the entire world shifted and fell on the figure.

This person is the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways.

"The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways..."

Seeing the figure of Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord, Cang Mingzi's pupils immediately shrank to the extreme, and a coldness surged into his heart.

Just like the Xianxian Tianzun of the endless underworld, he doesn't mind to obliterate the strong in the five realms.

The Heavenly Venerable Void Immortal in the five realms absolutely doesn't mind killing the powerhouse of the endless underworld if it goes smoothly.

A Tianzun of the Five Great Realms appeared here, how could Cang Mingzi not be afraid?

Even if the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways has only one clone here, it will not be a lot of effort to kill him.

Under this circumstance, if the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways killed him casually, Cang Mingzi would have nowhere to cry.

Not only Cang Mingzi, but also Venerable Wangya and others on the side were also reluctant to stay here again.

After all, there is no Xianxian Tianzun of the endless underworld who can shelter them.

Even if many Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereigns of the Endless Underworld took action to kill this clone of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord, their deities were also lost in vain.

Cang Mingzi and the others looked at each other, and tacitly led the strong under their command to retreat to the core area of ​​the Bone Forbidden Land.

In the core area, the Heavenly Venerable Void Immortal of the Endless Underworld can drop divine consciousness at any time and transform into divine mind clones to protect them.

This process lasted for one ten millionth of a breath. During this period, Cang Mingzi and others were nervous.

Fortunately, the God Lord of Ten Thousand Paths didn't seem to care about Cang Mingzi and others, allowing Cang Mingzi and others to enter the core area of ​​the Bone Forbidden Land without any risk.

When they stepped into the core area, Cang Mingzi and others breathed a sigh of relief and completely relaxed.

At the same time, I also felt that there were several great wills in the void, paying attention to the hidden mountains.

The masters of these wills are the many imaginary heavenly sovereigns of the endless underworld, that is, the underworld masters of the great underworld.

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