Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3977: The Peep of the Underworld Pluto

In fact, as early as when Jialuo Mozun fell into the Slaughter Avenue and spurred the Slaughter Avenue, the Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign of the Endless Underworld had already lowered its will.

However, the Cangyou Mountain Range is outside the core area of ​​the Bone Forbidden Land, and the Heavenly Venerable Void Immortal in the endless underworld can lay down his will.

However, once stepping into the Tibetan Mountains, the Heavenly Venerable Xianxian in the Endless Underworld will also be suppressed by the Great Avenue of the Heavens, and its combat power will be greatly reduced as a result.

Not to mention the suppression of ten thousand gods, it may be suppressed by ten thousand gods.

Therefore, the Xuxian Tianzun of the endless underworld did not set foot in the hidden mountains, but quietly watched from the edge of the core area, watching the subsequent development.

A group of imaginary celestial gods of the endless underworld, the attention of the underworld masters of the underworld, did not fall on Cang Mingzi and others.

But it fell on the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, Taiyitianzun, and Jumang Zuwu.

"Unexpectedly, the first battle didn't let Tai Tian Zun completely fall, but let him escape a ray of soul?"

"Hahaha, if you let Bei Prisoner know about it, I'm afraid you will be shocked. If you know that Bei Prisoner was very sure at the beginning, this Taitianzun has completely fallen."

"After all, it is an imaginary heavenly venerable, it is not surprising to have this method."

In the void, the wills of the underworld masters of the underworld are talking. Compared with the ten thousand gods, they are more concerned about Taitianzun.

For Taiyitianzun, many Pluto masters are very familiar.

After all, today's Bone Forbidden Land is formed by fusing many worlds on the basis of the great world.

Even if you have never seen Taiyitianzun, many Pluto masters have heard of Taiyitianzun's name.

In fact, some Pluto masters have fought with Taiyitianzun.

However, for Taiyitianzun, many Pluto masters of the underworld did not care.

Taiyitianzun now only has a ray of remnant soul left, and his combat power is far less than the peak period, and it is not a big threat to many Hades.

In the eyes of many underworld masters, the threat of Taiyitianzun is not as great as the divine consciousness clone of the ten thousand gods.

Compared with Taiyitianzun and Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord, it is Jumangzu Witch that really makes many Underworld Plutos care about.

"Who is this?"

"A Heavenly Venerable Void Immortal? No, it doesn't seem to be the case, this person doesn't have any aura of great avenues.

This person should not occupy a source, but this person gives me a sense of invincibility. "

"It's strange, it's not Tianzun Xianxian, but better than Tianzun Xianxian."

A **** of the underworld looked at Jumang Zuwu solemnly, who stood behind Qin Yi at will, but gave him a strong sense of threat.

Only the deity of Tianzun Xuxian can bring such a strong sense of threat to his divine mind clone.

However, from Jumang Zu Witch, he did not perceive the aura of any great avenues, and even Jumang Zu Witch seemed to faintly reject the great avenues of heaven.

But he never doubted the strength of Jumangzu Witch, he could perceive the unimaginable terrifying power in Jumangzu Witch.

If it broke out, it would be enough to destroy the world!

"It's not like Tianzun Xuxian, better than Tianzun Xuxian?"

The words of the Pluto of the Underworld immediately attracted the attention of the other Underworld Lords.

In their eyes, Jumang Zu Witch didn't have any aura of great avenues, and might have some strength, but at most it was an existence that broke the barrier of the peak realm of the quasi-tianzun.

Of course, other Underworld Plutos did not doubt the words of this Underworld Pluto, but were shocked.

This **** of the underworld is called the shadow underworld, and it is the ancestor of the shadow underworld clan.

The Shadow Hades practiced the Avenue of Shadows, he was still good at assassinating and inquiring about intelligence, and his ability to perceive his cultivation and combat power was even more tyrannical.

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