Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3985: The tyranny of the Lord of All Ways


Although the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths was unwilling to make a move, he still made a move when King Baiwu and others were in danger of falling.


It was just a sigh, an invisible mood swing that seemed to swept across the void for thousands of miles.

Taihang Gong and Huo De Xing Jun suddenly felt an indescribable melancholy. It seemed helpless and self-blaming, as if they had committed some serious mistake, making them want to kneel on the ground and pray for death. idea.

Even Qin Yi had this feeling in his heart.


Qin Yi was so determined that he quickly got rid of the influence of this emotion. He glanced at the two Taihang Gongs who were still sinking in them, and he snorted coldly.

The voice was like Hong Zhong Dalu, awakening the two Taihang fathers.

"Thank your majesty for your life-saving grace."

At this time, the two of Taihanggong woke up like a dream, pale and thanked Qin Yi.

If they continue to sink into this emotion, the two of them are likely to do it themselves and wipe out themselves.

This is not a joke, but something that can really happen!

At the thought of this, the two of Taihang Gong looked ashamed. They were called by the emperor. Not only could they not fight for the emperor, but they also needed the emperor's shelter.


Qin Yi nodded and didn't blame the two too much.

The cultivation bases of the two of Taihang Gong were too low, and they were separated by a distance of tens of thousands of miles from the gods of ten thousand ways, like a moat.

The emotions of the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways can easily infect the Taihang Gong two.

If it hadn't been for Qin Yi to take the protection of the ancient figure of ten thousand monsters, as early as the first time the ten thousand gods sighed, the two of Taihanggong had already started to annihilate their own souls.

The gap between Tianzun and the creatures under Tianzun is really too big.

Zhuntianzun still couldn't resist, not to mention that both Taihangguru and Zhuntianzun were both.

Qin Yi retracted his gaze and looked at the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways again.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways moved and stood in front of King Baiwu and the others, and then pointed out.

This finger was plain and plain, with no radiance flowing out, just like a finger pointed out by a mortal at will.


But the next moment, Void trembles violently.

Hundreds of thousands of miles around the void is like a piece of rags kneaded wantonly, shattered in violent shaking, turning into turbulent chaos.

Even the raging chaotic air current was distorted under the influence of the finger of Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord.


The world of evil spirits pressured by King Chao Baiwu and others was also distorted.


Broken and collapsed.

The grinding disc composed of countless evil spirit worlds also collapsed.

"It deserves to be Tianzun Xuxian, such a method is far from comparable to Tianzun Zhun."

Qin Yi's eyes lit up and couldn't help but admire.

I have to admit that the Divine Lord of Ten Thousand Ways has a high means. This means that the Divine Lord of Ten Thousand Ways did not use more power than the peak realm of the quasi-tianzun.

However, it exerts a power far beyond the peak realm of the quasi-tianzun. The ten thousand gods pointed directly to the weakest place of the Jialuo Mozun's attack, and instantly broke the large array composed of countless evil worlds.

With just a single blow, the attack of Galo Demon Sovereign that was enough to kill the peak powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun was destroyed.

This is the gap in realm!

In terms of power alone, today's Kaluo Demon Lord is not inferior to the Divine Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, but the use of power by the Demon Lord Jialuo is far inferior to the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways.

If it is very powerful, Kaluo Demon Lord can exert eight points of power, then Ten Thousand Ways Divine Lord can exert twelve points of power.

There is a world of difference in the use of power between the two.

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