Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3986: madman


The God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways pointed out and broke the attack of Galo Demon Venerable.

The great formation was wiped out, and the huge grinding disc made up of countless evil spirit worlds shattered directly and collapsed into countless fragments.

Then, this finger collided with the palm of Kaluo Demon Zun.


In the next moment, the two took a step back and stepped on the sky together, shattering thousands of miles of void into chaos.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways shook his body, and opened his mouth to exhale a hot air current.

This air current directly pierced the void, drawing out a tens of millions of miles of nothingness, falling into the boundlessness, and even breaking out a huge bottomless gap.

Kaluo Demon Sovereign is indeed inferior to his power, but the power of Jialuo Demon Sovereign is true.

As the saying goes, one force breaks through thousands of tricks.

As long as the strength is enough, it is enough to crush all skills.

Kaluo Demon Zun made a full blow, which also made him somewhat unbearable.


The light of Jialuo Mozun's eyes dimmed first, and then suddenly rose up, like fire like flames, the color of madness was more triumphant, and the mouth was spitting out magic sounds.

In an instant, the lingering evil energy, devilish energy, underworld energy, and scarlet energy intertwined, turning into a terrifying power as deep as blood.

Against the background of this power, the aura of Demon Lord Kaluo became more and more terrifying, as if the Nine Nether Demon God reappeared in the world.

The devil is here to ring the death knell for the heavens!

Immediately, Galo Demon Lord slapped it again, as if the stars of the ten thousand realms fell, time and space vibrated, and the universe was hanging upside down.

The Slaughter Avenue manifested itself, bursting out infinite power, as if angry.

A powerful existence with a crazy look, humans, demons, or demons, all roared beside Kaluo Demon Lord.

At this moment, Kaluo Demon Lord is like the King of Ten Thousand Demons!


The Lord of All Paths looked gloomy, and only felt extremely unlucky.

The thing that troubles him the most when he shoots against the Demon Lord Jialuo is not the power that Demon Lord Jialuo possesses now.

It lies in the influence of Killing Avenue.

Every existence of the road of killing and slaughter is counted as one. They are all lunatics. Fighting for their lives with injuries for injuries is the most basic operation.

Sinking in the avenue of killings, and being controlled by the avenue of killings, the Demon Lord Kaluo is even more of a lunatic among lunatics.

Generally speaking, when encountering such existence, it is best to avoid its edge.

Even the God Lord of Ten Thousand Paths is not willing to entangle with the lunatics who practice Slaughter Avenue.

Just like now, in the collision just now, the injuries suffered by Demon Lord Kaluo must be much more serious than him.

But Kaluo Mozun was like a okay person, completely disregarding the injury he suffered, and attacked him again, with an endless manner.

If it is outside, the God Lord of Ten Thousand Paths can ignore it.

No matter how crazy Kaluo Demon Lord was, it was only an existence under the Heavenly Lord, and he could suppress it at will.

But this is a forbidden place for bones, where the endless will of the earth and the avenue of heavens confront.

The connection between his divine mind clone and the deity is extremely weak.

How weak is this connection? Simply put, the deity can only vaguely perceive the state of this divine mind clone.

That is, whether this clone is still alive, nothing more.

The deity cannot transmit power to this divine mind clone. If this divine mind clone is injured, it will naturally not be able to use the power of the deity to easily suppress the injury.

The injury left by the Demon Lord Kaluo naturally stayed on this divine mind clone, and he must divide his strength to suppress the injury.

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