Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3995: When the news came out, everyone was shocked

No matter how strong the Jialuo Demon Sovereign is, it will ultimately only exist in the pinnacle state of the Quasi-Tianzun, not the Xianxian Heavenly Sovereign.

Even if the Demon Lord Galo sinks into the avenue of killing, everyone does not think that the Demon Lord Galo will be the opponent of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways.

How can the gap between Xuxian Tianzun and Zhuntianzun realm be surpassed at will?

However, a group of powerful people overlooked one point. The Lord of Ten Thousand Ways only descended on a divine mind clone, and was suppressed by the endless will of the earth in the bone forbidden area.

In terms of combat power, this divine mind clone of Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord may not be much more than Zhuntianzun's peak realm powerhouse.

And Jialuo Mozun was controlled by Slaughter Avenue and became a puppet of Slaughter Avenue. To some extent, the essence of Divine Soul was not inferior to Xuxian Tianzun.

Moreover, as long as Jia Luo Mozun gets rid of the control of the Slaughter Avenue, he will be able to cross the quasi-tianzun's peak realm and gain a glimpse of the mystery of the Xuxiantian realm.

After sinking into the avenue of killing, the combat power of Jialuo Mozun was not inferior to the ordinary existence of breaking the barriers of the peak realm of the quasi-tianzun, and suppressing the divine mind clone of the ten thousand gods, which is also reasonable.

If it hadn't been for the demon Lord Kaluo's loss of reason, the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways would have been defeated by the Demon Lord Kaluo long ago.


"The longer the Ten Thousand Ways of God and the Kaluo Demon Lord fought against each other, not only did they not reverse their disadvantages, but they were suppressed everywhere."

When the sixth news came, Venerable Jindao and others were embarrassed again.

Not to mention Venerable Golden Sword, Fairy Tianxing and City Lord Tianjiao are even more bewildered.

When they heard the news of the appearance of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, the two of them thought that the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways was mainly showing great power, sweeping the world, and suppressing Qin Yi and others casually.

Who ever thought that the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways would be dragged by Galo Demon Venerable, let alone suppress Qin Yi and others.

To use an analogy, the God Lord of Ten Thousand Paths is breaking through the level, and as a result, even the level of Galo Demon Venerable is not passed. How can it threaten Qin Yi and others?

"It should be said that the emperor who is not falling is clever, or he is lucky."

Tianxing Fairy Liu frowned slightly, and muttered in his heart.

That is to say, after Qin Yi met a strong man like Jialuo Mozun and fell into the Slaughter Avenue, his combat power was astonishing, and he was able to suppress the divine mind clone of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord.

If he were to be replaced by another weaker strong one, he might not be able to do this.

For example, Qin Yi let a quasi-tiansun strong man sink into the Great Avenue of the Heavens, even if his combat power soars, he will be suppressed by the Lord of Ten Thousand Daos.

Of course, Qin Yi's skill in making Jialuo Demon Lord sink into Slaughter Avenue was also Qin Yi's clever means.

The two conditions are superimposed, and this has caused the embarrassing situation today.

Fairy Tian Xing knows very well that if it continues to develop, the state of affairs may become even more unfavorable to the Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

The God Lord of Ten Thousand Paths was silent for hundreds of epochs, and the first time he made a move, but returned without success, allowing Qin Yi and others to escape safely.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the prestige of Ten Thousand Dao God Lord and Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty.

The lord of the dignified divine dynasty, an imaginary Tianzun personally shot, but failed to suppress the rebellious Xiaoxiao town?

If this incident spreads out, all the gods of the gods may be reduced to the laughing stock of the five realms!

"At the time when the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways was entangled with the Demon Lord Jialuo, the Dao Lord Yin and Yang suddenly appeared and took action against the Lord Buluo and others!"

At this time, the seventh news came, and the strong people were shocked.

Before everyone could react, another news came: "The Taiyitianzun, who has disappeared for countless years, seems to have fallen, reappears in the world, stands in front of the emperor and others, and fights against Yin and Yang Daozun!"

When the news came out, everyone was shocked.

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