Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3996: News in succession

Yin and Yang Dao Zun.

Among the five great realms, an extremely ancient heavenly deity, his years of enlightenment are far longer than the gods of ten thousand ways, and he has shocked the heavens.

Although the Yin and Yang Dao Zun did not create a power and his body was quite low-key, no one dared to despise this ancient Tian Zun.

You know, Yin and Yang Dao Zun often travels to the heavens, and likes to forge good bonds with all kinds of Tianjiao.

Many famous and powerful people in the five realms have accepted Yin Yang Dao Zun’s instructions and held disciples to Yin Yang Dao Zun before they rose to the top.

In a sense, these powerhouses are forces that belong to the line of Yin and Yang Dao Zun.

Besides, there are six disciples of Yin and Yang Dao Zun, and each disciple has cultivated into the giant realm of the heavens above the seventh realm.

There is no shortage of heavenly overlords in the ninth realm, quasi-tiansun strong, and even quasi-tiansun peak realm.

Not to mention, the Yin Yang Dao Zun itself is extremely terrifying.

The older, the stronger.

As the existence of the years of enlightenment far before the ten thousand gods, the strength of the Yin Yang Taoist is not to say that it is stronger than the ten thousand gods, but at least it is not weaker than the ten thousand gods.

"The God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways really planned well, and he was fully prepared long ago."

Venerable Golden Knife smiled.

The appearance of Yin Yang Dao Zun naturally shocked everyone, but it was Tai Tian Zun that shocked everyone even more.

With the destruction of Taiyi School, Taitianzun also muffled his voice and searched for a trace.

According to legend, Taitianzun was dragged into the endless underworld by the Xianxian Tianzun of the endless underworld when the endless underworld invaded the central realm.

Everyone concluded that the Yin Yang Dao Zun had no chance of surviving.

After all, the horror of the endless underworld has long been deeply rooted in the souls of countless creatures in the five realms.

The place where life is dead, this is not a joke!

If the White Bone Forbidden Land is a forbidden land for the creatures under the Heavenly Lord, then the Endless Underworld is a forbidden land for the Void Immortal Heavenly Lord, and even the Nine Heavenly Immortals in the Nine Heavens Realm.

The Nine Heavens True Immortal fell into the endless underworld, all in danger of falling.

Before the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm was separated from the Five Great Realms, there was a record of the Nine Heavens True Immortal falling to the endless underworld and the Nine Nether Abyss.

For this reason, the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm also broke out a battle with the endless underworld.

Although Taiyitianzun is a virtual god, no one thinks that Taiyitianzun can survive from the endless underworld.

Because of this, everyone would be so shocked when they learned that Tai Tian Zun appeared again.

"Tai Tian Zun only has a ray of remnant soul left, no longer the peak of the past."

However, when the detailed information came, everyone suddenly realized.

It is also reasonable to be able to survive a ray of remnant soul from the endless underworld by Xuxian Tianzun's means.

"Is this the emperor's hole card?"

Yuan Zhen moved his eyes, and the worries in his heart dissipated a little.

Wen Zhong, together with the remnant soul of Tai Tian Zun, were enough to protect Qin Yi and others from the Bone Forbidden Land.

After all, the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways descended at most a strand of will to the Bone Forbidden Land.

Even if the Yin and Yang Dao Zun were added, it would only be the power of the two to break the barriers of the Zhuntian Zun's peak realm, leaving Qin Yi and others who had been respected for one day.

Taiyitian Zun may not be the opponent of the combination of the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways and the Dao Zun Yin and Yang, but there is no problem if he wants to retreat calmly.

In the final analysis, among the strong in the same realm, if it is not that the combat power is too different, as long as one side wants to go, the other side may not be able to keep the other side.

In his opinion, this battle in the forbidden area of ​​the bones will soon be over.

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