Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3997: Thank you

Forbidden area of ​​bones.


The tyrannical and terrifying force penetrated the layers of space, stirring up the tens of thousands of miles in the void to a mess.

Unspeakable shock waves of terror, engulfing the energy that destroys the world, set off vast storms.

The two figures appeared and disappeared in the storm, constantly colliding.

There are no more than a few tricks between Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord and Galo Demon Venerable, but the aftermath of the fight between the two has already shattered this void.

A random aftermath is enough to destroy countless Zhongqian worlds.

That is to say, the Bone Forbidden Land has the suppression of the will of the heavens and the will of the endless underworld, and the aftermath caused by the two is limited to hundreds of millions of miles near the Tibetan Mountains.

For other big worlds, I am afraid that the collision between the two has long been agitated and turned upside down.

The combat power of the two Galo Demon Sovereigns has already surpassed the barriers of the quasi-tianzun's peak realm. Although it is not as good as the Xuxian Tianzun, it is not comparable to the power of the quasi-tianzun.


A dull sound blasted through the world, like the roar of a avenue.

The God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways was repelled by Galo Demon Venerable once again, and he opened his mouth to exhale a **** hot breath.

The many avenues behind him, the brilliance that bloomed, also dimmed.

Obviously, in the collision just now, he was still suppressed by Kaluo Demon Lord.

Kaluo Mozun is far stronger than he imagined, and because of the characteristics of the Slaughter Avenue, the more the battle, the stronger it is.

"All practitioners of Buddhism and Taoism deserve to die, and all those who are entangled with Buddhism and Taoism deserve to die, all deserve to die!"

The red color in the light of Kaluo Mozun's eyes was like flames, and the color of madness was more triumphant, and he did not wait, and once again made a shot at the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways.

"Daoist Yin and Yang, let's kill Qin Yi's clone!"

The God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways had an ugly look, and had to meet the Demon Lord Jialuo, and at the same time communicate the Dao Lord Yin and Yang with divine thoughts.

At this time, He has no face.

Judging from the current situation, if Yin Yang Dao Zun does not make a move, it will no longer be possible to make a move against Qin Yi.

With the passage of time, the combat power of Kaluo Mozun is getting stronger and stronger, and it will not be long before his divine mind clone will be defeated.

Even if Qin Yi and others intervened in the battle between him and Kaluo Demon Venerable, he might lose faster.

Only when the Yin and Yang Dao Zun's traces were not revealed, he secretly shot, and it was possible to kill the clone Qin Yi, which was not a trip in vain.

Otherwise, if he personally took action, but returned to no avail, what a shame it would be?

"My fellow daoists, please take action, but you have to pay a corresponding price."

Yin Yang Dao Zun chuckled and said lightly.

In the beginning, it was indeed that he took the initiative to find thousands of gods, and wanted to join forces with the gods of all kinds to obtain the Heavenly Sovereign Tool in the hands of Taiyitianzun.

But the situation has changed, and his purpose will naturally change accordingly.

The God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways was dragged by Galo Demon Venerable, and it seemed that he might be defeated, so he alone did not intend to trouble Qin Yi and others.

After all, Qin Yi's side could have two battle powers beyond the peak realm of the quasi-tianzun, as well as the possible existence of the heavenly weapons.

It is that his divine mind clone has some cards, and he does not think that his body can suppress Qin Yi and others without the help of ten thousand gods.


A sullen anger flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, but he could only suppress the anger in his heart: "If the Yin and Yang Taoist friends can kill the clone of this son, I would like to offer an embryo of the Heavenly Sovereign Tool as a gift."


Upon hearing this, Yin Yang Dao Zun raised his eyebrows in surprise.

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