Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3998: Confident Yin and Yang Dao Zun

"For a clone of this child, put a Tianzun artifact embryo, is it worth it, Fellow Wandao?"

Yin Yang Dao Zun asked with interest.

In his view, this choice of the Lord of All Paths is extremely unwise.

Since things can't be done, why not retreat, why do you have to fight for this breath and use a Tianzun's embryo to exchange for a clone of Qin Yi?

How precious are Tianzun's embryos?

As long as a Celestial Device embryo continues to be cultivated, it is likely to survive the Celestial Device Tribulation and become a real Celestial Device.

Although the Celestial Device embryo is not a real Celestial Device, it is not much more precious than the Celestial Device.

The so-called Tianzun's embryos are made by all kinds of treasured divine materials and materials.

Each of these materials is a priceless treasure, such as Feathered Immortal Gold, Chaos Divine Iron, Canggu Immortal Essence, etc., if any one is born, it will attract countless powerful people.

Not to mention, casting these materials may transform into the embryo of the Celestial Device, whose value is even more than that of thousands of squares in the world.

Generally speaking, an embryo of a Tianzun artifact is enough for a Tianzun Xianzun to take it personally.

If it was Qin Yi's deity here, the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways would ask him to do it at the price of an embryo of the Heavenly Venerable, which is in line with common sense.

But now there is only one clone of Qin Yi, and it is not worth it for Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord to do so.

Is it true that the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways wants to deceive him?

Dao Zun Yin and Yang frowned, and looked at Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord suspiciously.

"Daoist yin and yang are not firmly worried, as long as the daoist yin and yang kills this clone of this son, I will offer the embryo of the heavenly weapon."

As if feeling the gaze of the yin and yang Dao Zun, the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways said in a deep voice.

"Since Friends of the Taoist Dao have spoken to this point, I should take this job."

Yin Yang Dao Zun said with a smile.

Maybe the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways has plans that he doesn't know, but he doesn't want to go into it.

As far as this transaction is concerned, he didn't have any disadvantages. He traded a divine mind clone for an embryo of the Celestial Device. In any case, he earned it.

As for, after the matter is done, the Lord of Gods will break the contract?

In his view, no one would be so unwise to dare to rely on the account of an imaginary god.

Even the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways would never want to see a scene where the Heavenly Venerable Void Immortal went to the Ten Thousand Ways of God to make a fuss.

"The Lord Doesn't Fall..."

At this point, Yin Yang Dao Zun looked at Qin Yi, his eyes flickering.

For the Lord of the Fallen Emperor, Yin Yang Dao Zun didn't care much at first, but the other party exceeded his expectations time and time again.

But that's it.

If the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways asks him to take action against Taitianzun, or the existence beside Qin Yi who breaks the barrier of Zhuntianzun's peak realm, he may not be sure.

But this clone of Qin Yi, he wanted to kill it, only in the palm of his hand.

He is quite confident about the secret method of his own body, even if he is a strong person in the same realm, he can also hide from each other.

Just before this, if it hadn't been for him to take the initiative to show up, it would be impossible for the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways to find his trace, and it would be impossible for Qin Yi and others to find his trace.

He only needs to sneak to Qin Yi's side when the attention of Qin Yi and others is attracted by the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, and suddenly make a move to kill Qin Yi.

However, after killing Qin Yi, his divine mind clone will also be obliterated by the furious Taitianzun and others.

However, by then his purpose had been achieved, and this clone would be gone.

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