Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4014: powerless


The big blue spear swallowed and spit out a terrifying edge, easily tearing space and time, and I don't know how many worlds it has penetrated.

Everyone just looked at it, and they felt as if their body and soul were torn apart.


It's not as if some of the five realm powerhouses with weak cultivation bases just couldn't bear it as soon as their eyes touched the cyan spear.

Scarlet blood flowed out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of many strong men, and the seven orifices bleed.

The next moment, many strong men exploded directly, and the flesh, together with the soul, was torn apart by the sharp edge of the big blue spear.

Can't die anymore!


The kingdom of underworld led by Cang Mingzi and others. Legion soldiers, even more casualties.

these underworld. The cultivation of legion soldiers is generally weaker than that of the strong in the five realms.

After all, the creatures of the five realms who dare to go deep into the Forbidden Land of White Bones are at least above the seventh realm.

On the other hand, look at these underworld countries. The legion soldiers, there are many emperors of the first and second realms, how can they withstand the baptism of the blue spear.

In just a moment, there are thousands of major underworld countries. The soldiers of the Legion fell.

"Get up!"

Cang Mingzi and the other legion chiefs shouted, and his breath connected with all the legion soldiers.

One after another black and cyan dark patterns spread and intertwined, turning into a huge formation, blessing on the soldiers of the legion, and sheltering everyone.

This stops the underworld. The momentum of the fall of the soldiers of the legion.


Even so, Cang Mingzi and others had to lead the crowd to retreat thousands of miles again to avoid being affected and causing casualties.

This shows how terrifying the sharpness of the big blue spear is.

Even the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and Demon Venerable Garro, who were fighting on the side, were affected to a certain extent.

"Before this guy Taiyi fell, it was only in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, and his remnant soul had such strength."

Divine Master Wan Dao repelled Demon Venerable Garo with one blow, feeling this extreme edge, and frowned.

Before Tai Tianzun fell, He had dealt with Tai Tianzun and had a certain understanding of Tai Tianzun's strength.

Although at that time, Tai Tianzun's cultivation realm was far superior to his.

But such a long time has passed, and his cultivation realm has already surpassed the original, and he thinks that he is not inferior to the former Tai Tianzun.

And Tai Tianzun died because of his own body, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul, and his cultivation realm stagnated.

In other words, the strength that Tai Tianzun is showing now is the strength of countless years ago, which greatly exceeds the expectations of the Lord of Ten Thousand Taos.

Obviously, his estimate of Tai Tianzun's strength is biased.

However, the Shadow Underworld Lord and others were not too surprised by the strength of Tai Tianzun.

In the eyes of Shadow Underworld Lord and others, Tai Tianzun can escape a remnant of souls from the siege of the underworld underworld masters and quickly get rid of the influence of the endless will of the underworld. His means must be extraordinary.

The strength displayed at this moment was also expected, and did not exceed the expectations of the Shadow Nether Master and others.

Of course, this does not include the Eternal Night Underworld Lord who faces the cyan spear.


At the moment when the blue spear stabbed, He only felt that he could not move.

This feeling is like a creature under the virtual fairyland, feeling powerless when facing the virtual fairy.

However, the current state of Yongye Mingzhu is much better, and his consciousness has not fallen into a coma and is still running.

But that's all, He couldn't make any resistance action, he could only watch the spear stab.

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