Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4015: avenue of guns


Yong Ye Ming's eyes were splitting, and he frantically urged his own source power, trying to break free from the bondage.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move.

The sharp edge emanating from the big blue spear firmly suppressed him, making him unable to move, and even his divine soul was locked.

This is a state that he has never felt on other Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates.

"After falling into the virtual fairyland, sinking into the state of remnant souls for countless years, but instead this guy's comprehension of the way of guns has been further improved?"

Eternal Night Underworld Lord secretly hates in his heart.

At the beginning, in the battle when many underworld masters besieged and killed Tai Tianzun, although Yongye underworld master did not take action, he once watched the battle with divine sense.

At that time, Tai Tianzun was powerful, but he did not have such amazing means.

With just one long spear, he can be firmly suppressed.

You must know that although his avatar is suppressed by the will of the Great Dao of the Heavens, it can only burst out the combat power of the peak of the quasi-tianzun.

But the essence of his avatar was transformed by a ray of his spiritual thoughts, and in a sense, it was no different from himself.

Tai Tianzun can suppress his spiritual thoughts, and it can also be said to suppress his deity.

Of course, if you want to overwhelm his deity, you need more powerful strength to do it, otherwise the Eternal Night Underworld Lord can break free with brute force.

Just like now, Eternal Night Underworld Lord seems to be powerless, but in fact, as long as the power of his clone is stronger, he can break free.

Realm is realm, power is power.

When the strength far exceeds the opponent's, no matter how high the opponent's realm is, he can still use his strength to break through the tricks and defeat ten times with one force.

However, when the strength of one's own body is almost the same, the one with the higher realm wins.

For example, if Tai Tianzun has not fallen into the virtual fairyland and is in the same realm as him, no matter how strong his avatar is, it is impossible to break free.

Even if his deity came personally and had a fight with the deity of Tai Tianzun, the outcome would be the same.

That is to say, because Tai Tianzun fell into the virtual fairyland, his realm was lacking, and he couldn't really exert his own strength, which allowed him to spy on a chance.

Of course.

This is only if, in the final analysis, his avatar only contains a wisp of his spiritual thoughts, and does not carry too much source power.

After all, when he first lowered this ray of spiritual thought, it was just to check the changes in the forbidden area of ​​​​white bones, and he did not have any idea of ​​​​making a move.

Therefore, this divine sense clone does not carry much source power.

This also led to the fact that Lord Yongye Ming wanted to break free from the suppression of Tai Tianzun, but he couldn't do it alone.

However, he is not the only one of the underworld masters present. Apart from him, there are six avatars of the underworld masters.

It is impossible for Shadow Underworld Master and others to sit back and watch his clone be killed.


Just as he was thinking, several great auras erupted in an instant, shaking the sky and earth, as if six ancient god-kings showed their aura.

The tyrannical breath joined together and rushed towards the cyan spear, abruptly stopping the momentum of the cyan spear, and stagnated it in the void.

Everyone looked back and saw that it was the Shadow Underworld Lord and others who shot.

I saw the shadow of the underworld master and other six underworld masters colluding with each other, blessing the eternal night underworld master, and also letting the eternal night underworld master break free from the suppression.

Then, the Shadow Lord and others took a step forward, came to the side of Yongye Ming Lord, and confronted Tai Tianzun.

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