Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4029: How can you be at ease

"This person…"

Taoist Cang Yi stared at the Jumang Ancestral Witch, with endless murderous intentions in his heart, the urge to kill the Jumang Ancestral Witch on the spot.

This is a warning from the avenue!

If he can't kill the person in front of him, he will lose his control over Otaki Avenue, thus falling into the virtual fairyland and losing the respect of Heavenly Venerate.

"The enemy of the road!"

Cang Yi Dao Zun suddenly stood up, his expression no longer indifferent.


In an instant, the universe shakes, and the avenue hangs upside down.

It seems that an ancient divine tree that supports the sky and the ground rises into the sky, grows out of the endless vastness, and goes straight into the sea of ​​​​stars.

The branches are luxuriant, and each leaf is like a world, as if swallowing. Spit out thousands of inspirations, and drop endless chaotic essence.

The tyrannical and domineering aura filled the sky and the earth, and Huang Huang's vast will spread out, dipping the universe into a blue.

The divine tree supports the sky, and the power to control the eternity!


At the same time, Yimu Avenue roared, and an astonishing vision erupted, and the river of time and the Avenue of the Heavens also shook.

At this moment, all existences above the seventh realm in the five realms felt the fluctuations of the Yimu Avenue.

"Is this Otsuki Avenue shaking?"

"Why does Yimu Avenue vibrate?"

"What is that guy Cang Yi doing, fighting with others, fighting to the death?"

A strong man's spiritual sense vibrated and communicated with each other.

With such violent fluctuations in Yimu Avenue, everyone had to suspect that Cang Yi Daozun, who occupies the source of Yimu Avenue, had an accident.

For a time, countless strong men lowered their will and looked at the world where Taoist Canggi was.

The giants of the heavens above the seventh realm transcend the long rivers of time, their divine might covers the heavens, and they can cross billions of chaotic paths with a single movement of their divine sense.

In the blink of an eye, the spiritual thoughts of a powerful man descended outside the world where Cang Yi Daoist was.

It's just because of the isolation of Cang Yi Dao Zun's power, others can't detect the scene in the world, let alone perceive Cang Yi Dao Zun's situation.

And the Taoist Cang Yi in the world also sensed the coming of the spiritual thoughts of many strong men, but he did not care about these strong men.

His attention at the moment is all within the forbidden area of ​​bones.

On Jumang Zuwu!


Jumang Zuwu seemed to feel it, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Dao Zun Cangyi calmly.

"You are the existence in this world who is in charge of Yimu Dao, no, or the person with the highest cultivation realm of Yimu Dao?"

Jumang Zuwu said lightly.

Jumang Zuwu's voice was neither loud nor low, but it spread out along the Yimu Avenue and fell into the world where Cang Yi Daozun was.

The next moment, like the explosion of billions of thunders, the sound waves exploded like a raging wave.

The world created by Fang Cangyi Daoist trembled, as if it was about to shatter, and countless vegetation and creatures fell on the spot.

"How brave!"

Taoist Cang Yi was furious and reached out his hand to caress it. The vast power of vitality poured out and swept across all directions, seemingly smoothing out the haze between heaven and earth.

The shattering speed of the world slowed down, and even returned to its original appearance.

At the same time, Cang Yi Dao Zun's power also sheltered many creatures in the world.


Taoist Cang Yi stroked his sleeve and stepped out, heading for the forbidden ground of bones.

He went to kill the Jumang Zuwu, and the existence of the Jumang Zuwu was an unimaginable threat to him.

The change of Yimu Avenue showed him that Yimu Avenue might be out of his control, how could this make Cang Yi Daozun calm down?

Jumang Zuwu is not dead, how can he feel at ease?

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