Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4030: with no doubt

The battle of the avenues is above everything else.

For any strong person, all existences that may threaten their own path are great enemies, and they will be killed by all means.

Not to mention, Jumang Ancestral Witch may occupy the position of the source of the avenue and knock him down to the virtual fairyland.

This is something that Jumang Zuwu absolutely does not want to happen, and to eliminate the possibility of this incident, he must kill Jumang Zuwu.

Therefore, Jumang Zuwu didn't care about anything else and went directly to the forbidden area of ​​​​white bones.


The azure divine radiance runs through the chaos, and the violent power is poured out recklessly, setting off a frenzy that destroys everything in the endless chaotic sea.

One after another, one after another!

Wherever he passed, everything was annihilated into nothingness, the world collapsed, the void was shattered, and people couldn't help but change color.

Countless strong people can feel the terrifying power contained in them even if they are separated from the infinite chaos.

"After all these years, Cang Yi's strength has improved again."

"It is said that Daoist Cang Yi has been in retreat for more than three hundred epochs, and it is reasonable to have such a breakthrough."

"Daoist Cang Yi seems to be standing at the peak of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland. It is not far from the late stage of the virtual fairyland. It may not be long before he can break through."

A Zun Xunxian Tianzun opened his mouth, and his words revealed his fear of Cang Yi Dao Zun.

There are very few Void Immortals in the five realms, and the Void Immortals born of hundreds of millions of Jingzhao souls will not exceed one hundred.

The cultivation in the virtual fairyland is far more difficult than that in the virtual fairyland. If you want to take a step closer, the time required is basically calculated in hundreds of epochs.

It is even common for hundreds of epochs to have no breakthroughs.

Among the five realms, there are very few heavenly materials, earthly treasures, magical medicines, fairy medicines, and opportunities that are useful to the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

This also caused the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate in the five realms, most of the cultivation realms stayed in the early stage of the Void Immortal Realm, and there were even fewer Tianzun who broke through the middle stage of the Void Immortal Realm.

Not to mention, the existence of Cang Yi Dao Zun standing at the peak of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

It can be said that Cang Yi Dao Zun has already stood at the upper level of many virtual immortals in the five realms. Even in the endless underworld and the nine secluded abyss, he is still the strongest among the immortals.

Among the nine underworld masters, such as the shadow masters, there are only two who have set foot in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

"Yimu Avenue is shaking, Cang Yi Daoist is in a hurry again. Could it be that someone knocked on the door of Tianzun and wanted to use Yimu Avenue to prove the Taoist Tianzun, which made Cang Yi Daoist so anxious?"

There is Xuxian Tianzun guessing.

At this moment, the views of many virtual immortals are the same as those of Cang Yi Daoist at the beginning.

The vibration of Yimu Avenue made all the Heavenly Venerates suspect that someone wanted to use Yimu Avenue to prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate and seize the position of Cang Yi Taoist Venerable.

However, the Heavenly Venerates are not optimistic about this powerhouse who wants to seize the position of Cang Yi Dao Zun.

The gap between the virtual fairyland Tianzun and the existence under the virtual fairyland is as if the sky is separated, and the two are not the same.

The existence under the virtual fairyland is not comparable to the virtual fairy god.

Even if the existence of the shackles of the quasi-Tianzun peak is broken, it is not the opponent of Tianzun who has just entered the virtual fairyland, and the backhand will be suppressed.

Not to mention, compared to the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate in the middle stage of Void Fairyland.

Therefore, from the very beginning, a group of virtual immortals have already made judgments on the outcome of this battle.

No controversy, no suspense.

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