Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4046: The tyrannical Jumang Zuwu


The vast torrent of power fell with an unstoppable momentum, setting off a wave of terror that swept through everything.

All the heavens and ten thousand Taos roared together, and the laws of hundreds of millions collapsed and shattered!

Anything that stands in the way of this torrent of power will be annihilated.

At this moment, Cang Yi Dao Zun showed the strength of his own veteran Tian Zun, which was enough to look down on the sky.

"So magical!"

Jumang Zuwu's eyes brightened slightly, and a scorching fighting intent appeared on his face.

He is not afraid of Cang Yi Daoist being tyrannical, but worried that Cang Yi Daozun is not strong enough to let him enjoy himself.

In the previous collision, to be honest, Cang Yi Dao Zun's strength somewhat disappointed him.

He only used less than 70% of his own combat power to suppress Cang Yi Dao Zun. Fortunately, Cang Yi Dao Zun's magical power did not disappoint him again.

Cang Yi Daozun's magical powers can already bring a sense of threat to Jumang Zuwu, how can he not make Jumang Zuwu excited?


Many thoughts just disappeared in a flash, facing Cang Yi Dao Zun's supernatural power, Jumang Zuwu raised his right hand slightly, and greeted Cang Yi Dao Zun's blow without haste or slow.


As Jumang Zuwu's right hand protruded, the heavens and the earth roared together, and the Forbidden Land of White Bones, the empty space beyond the Forbidden Land of White Bones, all shook.

With the push of his palm, the sun and the moon, the ancient wilderness, and the ancient years all seem to be pushed by the whole!

One thought shakes the heavens, one hand moves all worlds!

The palm of Jumang Zuwu seems to be ordinary, but the will contained in it makes all the powerhouses who are still awake in the scene change their color.

Even the Shadow Underworld Lord and others showed fearful expressions on their faces.


Under the jaw-dropping gazes of countless people, Jumang Zuwu's big hand collided with the incomparable torrent of power.

The seemingly unstoppable torrent of power instantly extinguished, like a bubble that can be broken by a bomb, easily crushed by the big hand of Jumang Zuwu.

It was as if Jiutian Xinghai collided with an insurmountable mountain, was directly cut off, and even flowed back.

"Such a body!"

Shadow Underworld Lord and others swayed, shocked by the power displayed by Jumang Zuwu.

Cang Yi Dao Zun's supernatural power, none of the many underworld masters present dared to underestimate it, let alone resist it.

If they resist this type of magical power, I am afraid that they will be seriously injured on the spot.

This magical power of Cang Yi Dao Zun already has the potential to seriously injure the Heavenly Venerate in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

In the face of this magical power, Shadow Underworld Lord and others will choose to avoid its edge, not to resist it, and will not resist it with the flesh.

However, Jumang Ancestor Wu relied on his physical body to forcibly defeat Cang Yi Daozun's magical power.

"Is this person practicing Yimu Dao, or Flesh Dao?"

An underworld master couldn't help but said, shocked by the physical strength of Jumang Zuwu.

Not to mention other things, if this palm falls on him, this underworld Lord, who is only in the early stage of the virtual fairyland, is afraid that he will be seriously injured in the first time.

Even, it is likely to leave a road injury that is difficult to recover.

At this time, the Shadow Underworld Lord and others have all come to their senses, and the strength of Jumang Zuwu is likely to exceed their imagination.

"Could it be that Cang Yi Daozun is going to lose?"

A thought flashed in the mind of the Shadow Underworld Lord.

"No, no, Cang Yi Dao Zun is a veteran Tian Zun, and it is impossible to lose under the home field advantage."

Soon, the Shadow Underworld Lord denied the idea.

After all, Cang Yi Dao Zun's strength is far from being as simple as it is now.

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