Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4047: Chaos God Tree

As an ancient Heavenly Venerate, Cang Yi Dao Zun has an unfathomable strength even thousands of epochs ago.

Will it be easy to lose?

"Cangyi Zhentian Great Divine Ability!"

Daoist Cang Yi let out a long whistle, his whole body glowing brightly, and an incomparably dazzling azure divine light burst out from his body.

At this moment, Cang Yi Dao Zun's entire body seemed to be transformed into a piece of immortal glazed immortal jade, exuding an aura that nourished all things and was full of vitality.

Behind him, a towering tree appeared out of nowhere.

This big tree is extremely tall, with the sun, moon and star sea lingering around the tree body, and countless avenues of laws hanging above the branches and leaves.

It is like opening up chaos and holding up the ancient divine tree of the heavens and the world!


The moment the divine tree appeared, the majestic and vast vitality spread, sweeping through the chaotic void of billions of miles.

In an instant, the entire void was full of vitality, green trees rose from the ground, the rays of the sun were dazzling, and the elves of plants and trees took off, as if to open up a fairyland.

Even the ghostly aura, demonic energy, ghost energy and other evil auras in the Forbidden Land of White Bones were suppressed, leaving only endless vitality.

The will of the endless underworld seems to also avoid the edge of the **** tree.

"Chaos God Tree!"

When the Shadow Nether Master and others saw the divine tree behind Cang Yi Dao Zun, their expressions couldn't help changing.

This is the legendary chaotic tree that opened up the chaotic universe and evolved the heavens and the world in the distant wild era.

Whether it is the current five realms, the endless underworld, and the nine secluded abyss, they were all opened up by the Chaos God Tree.

According to legend, the Chaos God Tree stands in the center of the heavens and the world, and every time it trembles, it will destroy hundreds of thousands of worlds.

However, after the end of the ancient and barbaric era, the Chaos God Tree mysteriously disappeared, and future generations can no longer find the trace of the Chaos God Tree.


Taoist Cang Yi used his great supernatural powers to link the long rivers of time. He found a phantom of the chaotic tree from the ancient and barbaric era, and recreated the chaotic tree.


The next moment, the Chaos God Tree shook, and strands of Chaos aura fell down, sweeping towards the Jumang Ancestral Witch, like a wave of annihilation that drowned the world.

The mighty aura of destruction came together and was entrained.

Hundreds of millions of miles of void were torn apart by the chaotic aura, and one after another hideous void cracks spread across the sky.

The world seems to be howling, and the sun, moon, and stars are falling!

Destruction and rebirth are only a matter of thought for the Chaos God Tree.

The Chaos Divine Tree can open up the heavens and the world, and it can also destroy the heavens and the world. This blow is terrifying to the extreme.

"Good come!"

Jumang Zuwu saw this, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to be a little surprised. He couldn't help but take a step forward, and his right hand continued to press towards Cang Yi Dao Zun.


During the turbulent air flow, the monstrous blood surged into the sky, roaring like hundreds of millions of real dragons, tearing apart the chaotic aura that fell.

Then, the majestic power penetrated through the layers of void, collapsed the void of hundreds of millions of miles, and slammed into the Chaos God Tree.


A dull sound that rang through the heavens set off an endless storm and swept through the chaos.

Jumang Zuwu groaned, blood surged, and the whole person took a few steps back, and then he stopped.

Correspondingly, there is also a clear fist mark on the Chaos God Tree, and a crack like a spider web spreads from the fist mark.

However, the Chaos God Tree shook and swallowed countless auras, then removed the scars of the fist marks and restored its original posture, exuding an immortal aura.

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