Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4050: Shaky Chaos God Tree


Jumang Zuwu swung out a fist, and the majestic and tyrannical fist ran through time and space, colliding with the cyan torrent falling from the Chaos God Tree.

In an instant, the sky collapsed, and the ten directions were destroyed!

The aftermath of unimaginable power swept across the four directions, as if to destroy the entire Forbidden Land of Bones.

This is a forbidden area of ​​bones formed by the integration of several large thousand worlds, and the strength of the space barrier is thousands of times stronger than that of ordinary large thousand worlds.

But at this moment, under the power of both Jumang Zuwu, it was like fragile glass, shattering.

The void is shattered, turning into chaos, and the earth, water, fire and wind rotate.

One side of the world was born, shattered, and the boundless color of destruction raged in the blink of an eye.

"Just the aftermath of the fight is still more than a full blow from the peak of the quasi-tianzun, and even more than the initial stage of the virtual fairyland..."

Wen Zhong opened his eyebrows and eyes, barely able to see the scene of Jumang Zuwu fighting against each other, and was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

Vaguely, He could see millions of Great Thousand Worlds being opened up and then destroyed.

The power contained in it made him not only tremble with fear.

If he is in the storm, I am afraid that the aftermath of the fight between the two will be wiped into nothingness in the first place.

You must know that he has already penetrated the Golden Immortal Great Perfection Realm, which is the threshold of the quasi-tianzun peak realm, and it is only a water mill to break through the virtual fairyland!

The practitioners of the five realms must occupy the origin of the first path if they want to break through the virtual fairyland.

Even if there are many existences that have penetrated the threshold of the peak of the quasi-tianzun, it is the same. If you can't occupy the source of a single day, you can't really prove the Taoist immortal Tianzun.

This is the influence of the will of the Great Dao of the Heavens!

But all this does not apply to Wen Zhong. Wen Zhong himself practiced the immortal qi training system of the prehistoric mythological world, not the practice system in the five realms.

Wen Zhong had only borrowed from the cultivation system of the five realms before, in order to break through the bottleneck of his own body, and did not switch to the cultivation system of the five realms.

Therefore, Wen Zhong was far less affected than the powerhouses of the five realms.

In addition, Qin Yi used the power of the system to eradicate the suppression of Wen Zhong by the will of the Dao of the Heavens, so that Wen Zhong could continue to practice.

As long as Wen Zhong continued to practice step by step, he would eventually become the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate, but it was a matter of course.

Correspondingly, Qin Yi spent a billion killing points.

That is to say, Qin Yi has accumulated a lot of killing points during this time, otherwise, taking out one billion killing points at one time is enough to hollow out his foundation.

Therefore, as long as Wen Zhong does not show a combat power that exceeds the peak of the quasi-tianzun, it will not attract the attention of the will of the Great Dao of the Heavens.

In the future, when Wen Zhong truly cultivates into the Great Luojin Fairyland, which is the Void Fairyland, and then exposes his body, at most, he will be like a Jumang Ancestral Witch, attracting the attention of the Heavenly Venerate who occupy the source of Thunder.

And because Wen Zhong was on the verge of a breakthrough, he did not dare to set foot in the aftermath of the fight between the two Jumang Zuwu.

Even, according to Wen Zhong's estimation, even if he really broke through the virtual fairyland and stepped into it rashly, he would be seriously injured on the spot.


Just when Wen Zhong thought about it, the situation on the scene changed again.

Jumang Zuwu punched through time and space, penetrated the endless void, and penetrated the cyan torrent that fell from the Chaos God Tree.


A punch hit the Chaos God Tree.

The next moment, the chaotic **** tree trembled, and cracks spread instantly from the fist mark of Jumang Zuwu.

In just an instant, the Chaos Divine Tree was already crumbling.

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