Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4051: Chaos God Tree Broken

Dome of heaven.

The Chaos God Tree hangs high for nine days, but the light it emits is much dim, and shocking cracks spread all over the tree.

Bright rays of light burst out from the cracks and hung down.


A clear cracking sound suddenly sounded, and the Chaos God Tree shattered.


The vast and violent power poured out, setting off an endless wave of destruction, which seemed to destroy the world.

How does the Chaos God Tree exist?

Even if it is just a phantom of the Chaos God Tree intercepted by Taoist Cang Yi from the river of time, the power contained in it is extremely terrifying.

Now it was smashed by Jumang Zuwu with a fist, and the power contained in it burst out in an instant, as if thousands of thousands of worlds exploded at the same time, which was extremely shocking.

At this time, even Tianzun in the early stage of the virtual fairyland, exposed to the explosion, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured on the spot, or even fall!

The energy that erupted when this chaotic divine tree was broken was no less than the energy that exploded when a celestial deity in the early stage of the virtual fairyland exploded, enough to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

"No, hurry up and seal the time and space!"

The Shadow Underworld Lord's expression changed, and he took the first shot to suppress the entire Forbidden Land of Bones with his own strength.

The rest of the Underworld Lords did not dare to neglect, and they took action one after another.

As the Lord of the Underworld who sits here, they dare not sit back and watch the Forbidden Land of Bones to be destroyed.

The Forbidden Land of Bones is the bridgehead for the endless underworld to invade the five realms, and there is no room for loss.

If during this period of time, the Bone Forbidden Land is lost, many Underworld Lords will inevitably be punished by the Underworld Emperor.

Therefore, the Shadow Underworld Lord and others did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately took action to suppress the Forbidden Land of Bones.

Although the Shadow Underworld Lord and others are just a ray of spiritual sense clones to come here, but there are seven underworld underworld masters, plus the cooperation of the endless will of the underworld.

Under the joint efforts, the aftermath of the fight between Jumang Zuwu and Cang Yi Dao Zun was reluctantly limited to thousands of miles of void.


The violent power surged in the void of thousands of miles around, stirring the surroundings into a mess and returning to chaos.

Even the avenues and laws within this radius of thousands of miles have been annihilated.

This is a huge energy that is enough to seriously injure the Heavenly Venerate in the early stage of the virtual fairyland. It is suppressed within a radius of tens of thousands of miles. One can imagine how terrifying the destructive power will be?

Heaven and earth return to the ruins, ten thousand things become ashes!


The Chaos God Tree shattered, Cang Yi Dao Zun was immediately backlashed, and the terrifying backlash force from the long river of time fell on him instantly.

One mouth is a mouthful of the blood of Tianzun.

The blood of Tianzun smashed into the void, pierced through layers of space in an instant, and fell into the shattered vastness.

In an instant, vitality emerged, and the vastness of hundreds of millions of miles was green.

In less than one breath in a billion, it was originally infused with the will of the endless underworld and became extremely barren. After the aftermath of the battle between the two ancient ancestors, the vastness that had already become broken and regained its vitality.

Cang Yi Dao Zun practiced the Yimu Avenue and dominated the vitality. The blood of his Tianzun was naturally contaminated with the breath of the Yimu Avenue, and he possessed an unimaginable vitality.

Just a few drops of Tianzun's blood is enough to open up a fairyland.

If there is no influence of others, the vastness that is soaked in the blood of Tianzun may be able to repeat the old scene.

It is a pity that this is a forbidden place for bones, with endless will and suppression by many underworld masters, they will naturally not sit idly by and watch this happen.

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