Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4067: Cang Yi Dao Zun surrenders


A huge warship rowed through the chaos and smashed through the void.

This warship straddled the chaos like a continent, and the shadows poured down like mercury, covering a million miles of void.

Anyone who looks up can feel the majesty of this warship.

It seems to contain many big worlds, giving people a sense of oppression that is difficult to define.

In front of this warship, there is one side of the world of Zhongqian, all of them seem a little small, not that the warship is not huge, but the momentum is far less than this warship.

Therefore, when the warship was traveling, no one dared to stand in front of the warship, and they all avoided it.

If someone really dared to stand in front of the warship, they would probably be knocked against each other.

Even a giant of the heavens in the seventh realm will be directly killed by the warship.

Because this warship is a quasi-celestial device.

On the deck of the warship, Qin Yi stood with his hands behind his back, just looking into the depths of chaos, wondering what he was thinking.

Jumang Zuwu and the others stood respectfully behind him without saying a word.

Tai Tianzun on the side controls this warship, which is one of the collections of Tai Tianzun.


Suddenly, Qin Yi opened his eyes, an amazing light burst out in his eyes, his breath surged, and it was quiet for a while.

"The innate chaotic essence is worthy of being one of the purest forces in the world, and it is the cornerstone of the construction of the heavens and the world.

The mystery contained in it has benefited me a lot. "

Qin Yi smiled.

After leaving the forbidden area of ​​bones, Qin Yi and others set out on their return journey. Along the way, he was comprehending the essence of innate chaos.

As the cornerstone of the construction of the heavens and the world, the congenital chaotic essence, in addition to its own unimaginable energy, also contains infinite good fortune, which hides the secret of the evolution of heaven and earth.

There are even the most fundamental rhymes of many avenues.

In just a few days of comprehension, Qin Yi gained a lot.

You must know that this avatar is practicing "Daqianzhen Shilu", with the main method of cultivation being opening up the world.

The Dao rhyme about the evolution of heaven and earth in the innate chaotic essence is of great benefit to Qin Yi's comprehension of "Daqianzhen Shilu".

Not to mention other things, in the past few days, Qin Yi once again condensed a real Zhongqian world.

Perhaps, it won't be long before the eternal avatar can reach the peak of the seventh realm, or even the eighth realm.

However, Qin Yi was not in a hurry to break through.

The breakthrough speed of the eternal clone is too fast, and it takes time to stabilize the original realm before making a breakthrough.

After all, the eternal avatar is not like the four fellow practitioners of the deity. It supports the cultivation of the Emperor's Avenue with the way of boxing, swordsmanship, and thunder, and has a strong foundation.

Qin Yi's deity practice, everyone walks extremely steadily, and there is no hidden danger of unstable foundation.

At least, before Qin Yi's deity broke through the virtual fairyland, he didn't have any worries in this regard.

The eternal avatar is different. The eternal avatar does not have the strong foundation of the deity, and naturally does not dare to break through too quickly in a short period of time.

Furthermore, if the eternal avatar can continue to comprehend the innate chaotic essence and absorb more Dao rhyme, the breakthrough will be smoother.

This is not in a hurry for the time being, and it will not be too late to continue to comprehend when we return to the Buluo Emperor Dynasty.

Although Qin Yi's deity urgently needs the innate chaotic essence, so that the deity can quickly break through, but the deity's demand for the congenital chaotic essence is more of the vast energy contained in the congenital chaotic essence.

At most, add the rhythm of boxing, swordsmanship, thunderbolt and emperor avenues in the innate chaotic spirit.

As for other rhymes, just strip them out and let the eternal avatar continue to comprehend.

Even Qin Yi intentionally asked Jumang Zuwu to make a move to refine these Dao rhymes into a treasure that can be comprehended by people, as a treasure of inheritance that will not fall into the imperial dynasty.

In this way, after the eternal avatar is comprehended, it can also be handed over to other powerhouses of Buluodi Dynasty.


At this time, Jumang Zuwu, whose eyes were tightly closed, slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It can be seen that he is holding a space-time bead in his hand.

Looking through the space-time beads, you can see a Taoist man with jade-like skin, sitting down, with a faint and indifferent breath.

It's just that the Taoist looked pale and didn't seem to be in good condition.

"Congratulations to the emperor."

With a smile on his face, Jumang Zuwu spoke loudly.

"Why is there joy?"

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Jumang Zuwu in surprise.

"Congratulations to the emperor for adding another general!"

Jumang Zuwu said with a smile.

Before Qin Yi could open his mouth to ask, Jumang Zuwu raised the Space-Time Pearl in his hand.

A voice with a hint of unwillingness and helplessness floated from it: "My Cang Yi Dao Zun, I would like to serve in the imperial court, as a minister who will not fall into the imperial court, if you violate it, you will be attacked by the devil in your heart. The difficulty of collapsing, all the heavens learn from it!"


As the voice was uttered word by word, words like the sun and the moon appeared in the void at the same time, forming a contract.

Immediately, the contract trembled and merged into the avenues of the heavens.

At the same time, the Dao of All Heavens left an imprint and merged into the brow of the Taoist in the Space-Time Bead, the Taoist Cang Yi.

The avenue oath, fulfilled!

"Well done!"

Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He never thought that Jumang Zuwu would give him such a big surprise.

Previously, Qin Yi was a little surprised that Jumang Zuwu chose to suppress Cang Yi Dao Zun instead of killing Cang Yi Dao Zun.

It never occurred to me that Jumang Zuwu had the idea of ​​subduing Cang Yi Dao Zun, and let him succeed.

The existence of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is standing on the top of the five realms, like the existence of the ancient **** king.

Everyone who can prove the existence of the virtual fairyland is a proud and arrogant generation.

Therefore, most of the virtual immortals do not want to be subservient to others, even in the face of Jiutian Zhenxian.

Not to mention, it is basically impossible to make Xuxian Tianzun surrender to the creatures under Tianzun.

However, Jumang Zuwu did it and made Cang Yi Daozun willingly surrender to Qin Yi.


Jumang Zuwu flicked lightly, the space-time beads flew out, and Cang Yi Daozun fell out of it.

"My minister Cang Yi, pay tribute to the emperor."

Taoist Cang Yi looked at Qin Yi with a complicated look, took a deep breath, and bowed.

To be honest, he didn't want to surrender to Qin Yi.

For him, even if he fell into the hands of Jumang Zuwu, he would not be willing to surrender to a creature under the Heavenly Venerate.

As far as Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is concerned, the creatures under Heavenly Venerate are like ants.

How ridiculous is it to surrender a dragon to an ant?

In the beginning, Dao Zun Cang Yi naturally preferred to die, but after Jumang Zuwu revealed some amazing things to him, he couldn't help but hesitate.

Moreover, Jumang Zuwu made a condition that he would not occupy the source of Yimu Avenue, as long as he could comprehend Yimu Avenue at any time.

After several deliberation, Daozun Cang Yi finally chose to surrender.

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