Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4068: This wave made me predict your prediction

"Okay, okay, okay, Dao Zun, please get up quickly."

Qin Yi laughed and said three words "good" in a row, which shows the joy in his heart.

In the current Buluo Dynasty, only Jumang Zuwu is a virtual fairyland combat power.

If you count the Heavenly Dao avatars that can't be shot at will, they are only two virtual fairyland combat power.

The addition of an extra immortal Heavenly Venerate is also a matter of celebration for the entire Buluo Dynasty.

After all, Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is the top combat power of the five realms.

Not to mention, Cang Yi's identity is quite special.

In the eyes of others, Cang Yi Dao Zun was suppressed by Jumang Ancestral Witch, and both Jumang Ancestral Witch and Cang Yi Dao Zun practiced the Yimu Avenue, Jumang Ancestral Witch would never allow Cang Yi Dao Zun to survive.

Under such circumstances, everyone would think that Cang Yi Dao Zun would fall into the hands of Jumang Zuwu.

As long as he plays another scene of the fall of Cang Yi Dao Zun, Cang Yi Dao Zun can hide behind the scenes of the Emperor Dynasty.

At that time, Cang Yi Dao Zun can become a trump card for not falling into the imperial dynasty.

How can this not make Qin Yi happy?

Moreover, in terms of strength, Dao Zun Cang Yi is not a weak person, so don't watch Dao Zun Cang Yi being easily suppressed by Jumang Zuwu.

But in fact, Cang Yi Daozun's combat power is really not weak.

Whether it is the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Orb, or the means it has mastered, it has already stood at the peak of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

Cang Yi Dao Zun burst out with all his strength, and he could even compete with Tian Zun in the late stage of the virtual fairyland.

"Thank you, Lord."

Cang Yi Daozun bowed his head before standing up.

At this time, Dao Zun Cang Yi had already adjusted his mentality. Now that he has made a choice, he naturally understands his own situation.

With the limitation of the Great Dao oath, he cannot betray the emperor.

The Great Dao oath he made is different from the ordinary Dao oath, which can only limit the creatures under the Heavenly Venerate realm.

And the Great Dao Oath he made was the Dao Dao oath made directly in connection with the will of the Great Dao of the Heavens.

This kind of oath is also called the oath of the avenues of the heavens.

In addition to the word 'All Heavens', it does not seem to have changed much, but in fact, this Great Dao oath, named after the Great Dao of All Heavens, is the highest oath of the five realms.

Unless he can break through the Nine Heavens True Immortal, he will be able to erase the imprint of the Great Dao on which the Great Dao of the Heavens falls. Otherwise, he will always be restricted by the oath of the Great Dao of the Heavens.

Moreover, Jumang Zuwu also left some kind of mysterious means on him, a kind of prohibition rooted in his soul.

If he dared to betray the emperor, this ban would happen.

Perhaps before the backlash of the oath of the Great Dao of the Heavens arrives, He may fall under this restriction.

In other words, it was impossible for him to get rid of the fate of serving the Emperor's Dynasty in this life.

"Wei Chen is seriously injured and needs to recover urgently. Please forgive me."

Daozun Cang Yi sighed in his heart, but the surface mountain was respectful.

Earlier, in the battle with Jumang Zuwu, Cang Yi Dao Zun was severely injured. If he can't recover in time, it is likely to leave Dao injuries.

"No problem, Dao Zun can go to recover his injuries. If Dao Zun needs any help, even if you ask it, I will do my best to satisfy Dao Zun."

Qin Yi said with a smile.

Since Cang Yi Dao Zun has surrendered, he will naturally treat him equally and not hesitate to help.

"Xie Dizhu, if necessary, Wei Chen will speak."

Taoist Cang Yi bowed again, and with a move, he disappeared into the void.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for subduing a virtual immortal, the system reward has been sent, please pay attention to the host."

At the same time, the system prompt sound also sounded.

Qin Yi glanced at the system panel, and his eyes lit up slightly. After Cang Yi surrendered, the system also gave corresponding rewards.

15 billion killpoints.

This killing point is not unreasonable.

"System, how many kill points are needed in order to erase the impact of the Great Dao blockade on Cang Yi Dao Zun, and to restore Cang Yi Dao Zun's injuries?"

Qin Yi's eyes moved, and he asked the system in his heart.

"Ding! A total of 15 billion Kill Points are needed."


Hearing this, Qin Yi's mouth twitched.

Although he had expected it long ago, he was still a little speechless when he got the answer from the system.

This broken system of my own really calculated everything.

"Ding! Host, please don't slander this system, how can this system be..."

The system seemed to sense Qin Yi's thoughts and explained.

However, before the system finished speaking, Qin Yi said, "How can this system calculate the host, the host shouldn't spit on people, right?"


The system doesn't know what to say for a while. You have finished saying what the system has to say, and you ask the system to say something.


Seeing the system collapsed, Qin Yi couldn't help laughing and felt relieved. It was the first time he had made the system collapse for so long.

What is this called?

This wave made me pre-judgment your pre-judgment, leaving you speechless.

How could he not know the nature of the system after fighting with the system so many times, once he questioned the system, the system would definitely shirk responsibility.

Even if it is the calculation of the system, this broken system will not admit it.

Moreover, Qin Yi didn't plan to ask the system to calculate, the 15 billion killing points were taken from Dao Zun Cang Yi, and it happened to be used on Dao Zun Cang Yi, so Qin Yi didn't lose anything.

Moreover, he has no means to take the system out of his soul and beat it, but it is just a joke with the system.


The system seemed to be sulking, snorted, and stopped paying attention to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi smiled, and did not fight with the system anymore, but looked at Cang Yi Dao Zun, who had disappeared into the void and started to heal.

Qin Yi thought for a while, but did not take the initiative to open his mouth to heal Cang Yi Daozun.

Cang Yi Dao Zun has just joined the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty, although he has already made the oath of the Great Way of the Heavens and was banned by the Jumang Zuwu, there is no possibility of betrayal.

On the surface, Taoist Cang Yi quickly straightened his posture, but does Taoist Cang Yi really have no complaints in his heart?

Qin Yi was still skeptical about this.

Save others by yourself.

As an aloof, standing on the top of the five realms, the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate was suppressed and forcibly surrendered to the creatures under the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

In exchange for any virtual immortal, it is impossible to have no complaints.

Even if he doesn't say it on the surface, there will be dissatisfaction in his heart.

In fact, Qin Yi's question just now was a test, or in other words, the olive branch he threw to Daoist Cang Yi.

But Cang Yi Dao Zun politely refused. This is the manifestation of Cang Yi Dao Zun's grudges. However, this is a very normal thing.

If Cang Yi Dao Zun accepts everything quickly, that would be a strange thing.

In the coming days, Cang Yi Dao Zun has already surrendered, and in the future, he will subtly subtly, and eventually there will be a day when he will truly surrender to the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty and surrender to him.

This day is not too far away.

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