Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4072: Dan people

The five realms are vast and vast, and no one knows how many worlds there are in the five realms.

To be precise, in the five realms, the world will be born and destroyed every moment, and the number is not a small number.

Countless worlds have naturally given birth to as many creatures as Hengsha, one side and another side of the strange race, such as the race born from the grass, the grass and tree elves; such as the flames born from the flames and so on.

The Dan tribe is one of them.

The so-called Dan family is a race born from medicinal pills.

Elixir is psychic. The higher the rank of the elixir, the more likely it is to give birth to spiritual wisdom. Most of the elixir above the heavenly rank will have hazy wisdom.

The higher the rank, the higher the intellect.

At the beginning of its birth, some divine pills above the emperor's rank were not inferior to ordinary people in their spiritual wisdom.

Of course, most of the creatures born from the medicinal pills have high spiritual intelligence, but their combat power is far inferior to the powerhouses of the same realm.

Once born, it may be suppressed by alchemists, and even if it is not directly swallowed, it will become the cultivation aid of others, and the blood will be continuously drawn.

Although there are also medicinal pills that give birth to spiritual wisdom, and they were lucky enough to escape, but these medicinal pills have been scattered all over the five realms, and it is not a climate.

Until these elixir creatures, a stunning and brilliant generation, Lihe Danzun, was born.

Lihe Danzun was born in one side of the world of Zhongqian. It is said that at the beginning of its birth, the rank was not as good as the ground. Because of the baptism of the heavenly robbery, the spiritual wisdom was born by luck.

It stands to reason that there is a high probability that the Lihe Danzun will be trapped in this world in the middle of the world, or be swallowed by people, or fall between heaven and earth.

However, what is surprising is that Lihe Danzun has risen step by step, pushing all enemies horizontally, and ruling that side of the thousand worlds.

Later, Lihe Danzun was even more of a Taoist emperor, and he created his own practice called "Lihe Danjing", which pointed out the path of cultivation for the souls of elixir.

After the creation of the "Lihe Danjing", the Lihe Danzun seemed to have opened up, and the realm of cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds.

After that, Lihe Dan Zun stepped up to the front desk, set up the Dan family, and protected all elixir creatures who could come to the Dan family.

On the road of cultivation, the first priority is to cultivate resources.

Without cultivation resources, no matter how talented you are, you may waste your whole life.

And many practitioners in the five realms, the most important cultivation resource is the medicinal pill.

Pills are refined from many spiritual medicines, which gather thousands of spiritual opportunities, and are of great help to practitioners. Needless to say, whether it is normal practice or breaking bottlenecks, they are all beneficial.

Lihe Danzun created the Dan tribe and protected the elixir creatures, which naturally touched the interests of most practitioners in the five realms, and was hated by many forces.

Furthermore, there are a large number of elixir creatures in the Dan clan, and to others, it is a huge treasure trove.

It can be said that the creation of the Dan Zun by Lihe Dan Zun is an extremely dangerous road.

However, the Lihe Dan Zun has made great strides along the way, undefeated vertically and horizontally, and forcibly led the Dan clan to rise and become a first-class force in the five realms.

In the end, Lihe Dan Zun knocked on the door of Tianzun, triggered Tianzun's catastrophe, defeated many competitors, and finally succeeded in proving the Taoist Immortal Tianzun.

It is a pity that although Lihe Danzun defeated many competitors during the three tribulations of Tianzun, one of the great enemies still left him with an indelible wound.

These wounds, even the Lihe Danzun, were unable to recover.

Therefore, Lihe Dan Zun passed away suddenly after less than an era of proving the Tao, leaving only the Dan clan standing in the five realms.

Because of the birth of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and the various backhands left by Lihe Dan Zun, although the Dan people have risen and fallen, they still maintain the level of first-class forces.

There are constant quasi-celestial respects in the clan, and there are also many giants of the heavens above the seventh realm.

Counting the back-hands left by Lihe Dan Zun, although the strength of the entire Dan family is not comparable to the first-class top forces, it is only slightly inferior.

However, there is news that there seems to be turmoil within the Dan clan, and the ninth realm overlord of the heavens in the clan has fallen, which is when the situation is unstable.

Under such circumstances, why didn't Dan Qingzi stay in the Dan clan and go to Buluodi Capital?

Dare to hit the idea of ​​the two emperors?


Emperor Changsheng is not the direct son of the emperor, but the adopted son of the emperor. Like many members of the Dan clan, he is a spiritual elixir.

So, is the Dan Clan putting their minds on the head of the Changsheng Emperor?

Cai Yulei's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

The mere Dan people dare to act so daringly, coveting the immortal emperor!

"Dan Qingzi, why did you come to the Buluo Emperor Dynasty?"

However, on the surface, Cai Yulei still asked calmly, he wanted to see what medicine was sold in this Dan clan gourd.


Dan Qingzi was hesitant, and his tone was hesitant.

"You don't want to say it?"

Cai Yulei's voice sank, and the void sank with it. The surrounding air seemed to freeze in an instant, and a huge pressure suddenly swept across Dan Qingzi.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Dan Qingzi was instantly shocked, and quickly told Cai Yulei everything he knew.

At this time, he is also very clear about his own situation. In front of the strong man in front of him, he does not need to say that he has completed the entrustment of the great elder, even if he can keep his avatar, it also depends on the strong man. the meaning of the person.

Moreover, at this time, Dan Qingzi also realized that the person he was looking for might not have a simple identity.

Otherwise, he just showed that he wanted to come forward to chat with him, and the unstoppable strong shot directly and suppressed him here.

You must know that this unfallen powerhouse is at least a quasi-celestial powerhouse, and may be even more powerful than the elders in the clan.

Dan Qingzi could naturally guess that the identities of the two teenagers just now were not simple.

Therefore, in order to achieve what the Great Elder entrusted and relieve the plight of the Dan Clan, the best way is to explain everything calmly.

"You mean you want an outsider to go to your Dan family and inherit the inheritance of Lihe Danzun?"

Following Dan Qingzi's narration, Cai Yulei finally figured out Dan Qingzi, and precisely the purpose of the Dan Clan. Because of this, He was even more surprised.

This is the inheritance of Lihe Danzun, that is, the inheritance of a virtual immortal.

With the status of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, anything left behind will be sought after by countless powerhouses, not to mention the inheritance of a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

Although it was said that the inheritance of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, it is impossible for people to become the Void Immortal Celestial Lord, but it is not impossible for people to cultivate into the quasi-tianzun realm, and even the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

This kind of inheritance, the Dan Clan did not leave it to the strong within the clan, but to find an outsider to inherit the inheritance of the Li River Dan Zun.

This made Cai Yulei have to doubt.

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