Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4073: cause and effect

"This is related to the inheritance trial left by Dan Zun, only those who have passed the inheritance trial can get the inheritance left by Dan Zun.

And if you want to pass the inheritance trial, the most basic requirement is that you are an elixir creature, and have a talent far beyond ordinary people. "

Dan Qingzi gave a wry smile and told Cai Yulei about the difficulties of the Dan people.

For the inheritance left by the Lihe Dan Zun, no one in the Dan family does not want to get it.

Within the Dan clan, from the great elders of the Dan clan to the common members, they have all tried to pass the inheritance test, but because the inheritance test is too difficult, no one has succeeded.

For example, Dan Qingzi had also passed the inheritance trial left by Lihe Dan Zun, but unfortunately, his success fell short.

Because of this, Dan Qingzi is very aware of the difficulty of inheritance trials. Even if he is extremely poor, he will not be able to pass the first level of inheritance trials.

The same is true for most creatures of the Dan tribe.

Even the most monstrous creature of the Dan tribe can barely pass the first two levels of the trial.

There are six levels of inheritance trials left by Dan Zun. According to Lihe Dan Zun, each level of inheritance trials is more difficult than the other, and the first two levels are naturally the easiest.

However, after so many years, the creatures within the Dan Clan could only reach the third level.

In desperation, the Dan Clan could only look for foreign aid, hoping to find an elixir creature that was as stunning and brilliant as the original Lihe Dan Zun.

Even if you are not a member of the Dan family, you can pass the Dan Zun inheritance to the other party.

After all, the current situation of the Dan Clan is not very good, and there is an urgent need for a township person to ease the plight of the Dan Clan.

Although it is said that the inheritance of Dan Zun is handed over, because of the limitations of inheritance trials, this person must be an elixir creature, and the position is naturally the same as that of the Dan clan.

Coupled with the love of incense inherited from Dan Zun, it is enough to protect the entire Dan family.

And the Dan clan chief elder is proficient in deduction. A few months ago, the Dan clan chief elder, on a whim, used the deduction method to deduce the most suitable person to inherit the inheritance of Dan Zun.

This time, with the result, with great joy, the Dan clan chief elder sent Dan Qingzi to the Buluo Emperor Dynasty to find someone to inherit.

This is what is happening now.


Hearing this, Cai Yulei nodded slightly.

If everything is as Dan Qingzi said, there will be a reasonable explanation for what the Dan people have done.

"However, do you know that the person you are looking for is the immortal emperor who will not fall into the emperor's dynasty?"

Cai Yulei snorted coldly and said suddenly.

"Emperor Longevity?"

Dan Qingzi was startled, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face.

At this time, he realized why when he wanted to talk to those two teenagers, Cai Yulei would shoot directly.

After a few months in the Buluo Emperor Capital, he also had a certain understanding of the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, and naturally knew that the Buluo Emperor Lord only had three children.

One emperor and two emperors.

That is, Princess Xiyue, Emperor Changsheng, Emperor Renjun.

The Emperor Changsheng ranked second among the three descendants of the Emperor who did not fall. According to legend, his talent was not as good as that of the most amazing and brilliant Emperor Renjun.

But his talent is also amazing. He has practiced for a hundred years and has already become a Taoist emperor. This is still under the circumstance that the emperor does not deliberately suppress the cultivation speed of several emperors.

"It's troublesome now."

The corners of Dan Qingzi's mouth were bitter, and his heart was quite helpless.

If it is the heirs of other big figures in the Buluo Dynasty, he will have the opportunity to persuade them, but if the other party is the heirs of the Buluo Emperor, then the situation is complicated.

It is also not good to know the current situation of the Emperor's Dynasty.

The eastern border has just been suppressed internally, and there are thousands of gods eyeing the outside world. Although the situation is not dangerous, it is not stable.

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