Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4074: Dan Qingzi's hesitation

Based on Dan Qingzi's understanding of the situation of the Buluo Dynasty, it can be judged that the Buluo Dynasty is on the cusp of a storm.

A little carelessness can cause a storm.

Under the threat of hostile forces such as the Wan Dao Dynasty, the strong people who did not fall into the emperor did not dare to easily step out of the eastern border.

After all, in the eyes of many powerhouses, the reason why Buluodi Dynasty can be the enemy of Wandao Divine Dynasty is more relying on the Great Dao closure of the Eastern Border.

Without the existence of the Great Dao Sealing Town, the Buluodi Dynasty would have been trodden by the Wandaoshen Dynasty long ago.

In this case, if the powerhouses who did not fall into the imperial dynasty leave the eastern boundary, they are likely to be intercepted by the powerful powerhouses such as the Wandao dynasty.

Especially the noble people of the Buluodi Dynasty, including several emperor sons and daughters of the Buluodi Dynasty.

That is to say, this immortal emperor who does not fall into the emperor's dynasty cannot easily leave the emperor's dynasty.

Moreover, even if this longevity emperor is willing to follow him to leave the Emperor Dynasty and go to the Dan family to participate in the inheritance trial.

Dan Qingzi did not think that many elders in the clan would agree to let this longevity emperor participate in the inheritance trial.

If this longevity emperor is allowed to participate in the inheritance trial of Dan Zun, it means that he has a connection with the Buluo Dynasty.

Even, in the eyes of outside powerhouses, the Dan Clan and the Buluo Emperor Dynasty belonged to an alliance.

After all, the Dan people handed over the inheritance of the Lihe Danzun and other precious things to the emperor who did not fall into the imperial dynasty.

This is not an alliance, what is it?

This is definitely not something that many elders of the Dan clan would like to see. If the relationship between the Dan clan and the Buluodi Dynasty is exposed, it is likely to attract revenge from the hostile forces of the Wandao Dynasty and the Buluodi Dynasty.

The Dan people are not inferior to the imperial dynasty, and they have the protection of the Great Dao in the eastern border.

In the face of the invincible army of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, the Dan Clan's defeat is an inevitable result.

Therefore, even if this long-lived emperor is willing to go to the Dan family, the final result is likely to end without a problem.

"Do you just give up?"

Dan Qingzi pursed her lips, a little unwilling.

According to what the Great Elder said, this long-lived emperor is the one who is most suitable for the inheritance of Dan Zun. Apart from him, there is no one in the world who can inherit the Dan Zun inheritance.

Judging from the current situation, the best choice is to give up this longevity emperor and wait for the next person who fits the inheritance of Dan Zun.

After all, just because this generation doesn't, doesn't mean the next generation doesn't.

But there is a problem. Who knows when the next person who fits the inheritance of the Dan Zun will appear?

million years?

Thousands of years?

One epoch, or dozens of epochs?

If it were changed to the past, the Dan people had time to wait, but now it is different, with the predicament of the Dan people, it is not enough for the Dan people to continue to wait.

But the threat from Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces is real.

This seems to be an unsolvable problem.

"No, as long as the identity of the Changsheng Emperor is not exposed, the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty will not target the Dan Clan."

Dan Qingzi's eyes flashed and he thought of a way.

This is a method that is not a solution. As long as the news is not leaked, no one knows the relationship between the Dan clan and the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, and the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces will not target the Dan clan.

"The next step is to find a way to persuade the Emperor Fuluo to let the Emperor Changsheng go to the Dan Clan."

Dan Qingzi was determined, so he thought about the next plan.

For this matter, he is 60-70% sure to persuade the emperor to not fall, after all, this is not a bad thing.

If you can obtain the inheritance of a virtual immortal, the emperor of longevity will not refuse.

Although it may take some risks, compared with the harvest, this kind of risk will also be willing to try the longevity emperor.

In the same way, the emperor who does not fall should not refuse.


Dan Qingzi immediately raised his eyes to look at Cai Yulei, just as he was about to say something, he saw a big hand grabbing towards him.

This big hand is extremely slender, without a trace of flesh and blood, only a white phalanx, revealing a coquettish light.

With just one glance, Dan Qingzi felt the power that was enough to sink all worlds.

"Everything will be decided after the emperor leaves the customs. As for you, you are still by my side during this time."

Dan Qingzi only heard an indifferent word, and the whole person went black and lost consciousness.

Cai Yulei grabbed the unconscious Dan Qingzi with one hand and walked out of this world.

Although from the perspective of various performances, what Dan Qingzi said is true, and there should be this matter in the inheritance of Lihe Danzun, but this matter is about the Emperor Changsheng, and he does not dare to make up his mind.

Naturally, we have to wait until the emperor leaves the customs, or the emperor's clone returns and does not fall, and then discuss this matter.

As for suppressing Dan Qingzi, he just didn't want him to run around.

That's all.


After doing this, Cai Yulei stepped out of this world and returned to the Imperial Capital.

With the departure of Cai Yulei, the world built by Cai Yulei's power quickly collapsed and turned into a chaotic nothingness.

After leaving the small world, Cai Yulei threw Dan Qingzi into Chaotian Pavilion.

Chaotian Pavilion is the place where Buluodi Dynasty receives members of foreign forces. All the members of foreign forces who come to Buluodi Dynasty are basically arranged here.

This is true whether it is a member of a large-scale power such as the Qilin family, or a member of some small forces.

Cai Yulei threw Dan Qingzi to Chaotian Pavilion and instructed the people in Chaotian Pavilion to leave after watching Dan Qingzi.

Chaotian Pavilion is not well-known among the many power organizations of the Buluodi Dynasty.

However, there is no shortage of strong people in Chaotian Pavilion, such as Qingyuan Emperor, Biluo Daojun and other ancient giants in the eastern border, and they guard here.

After all, this is where foreign forces are received.

Cai Yulei didn't worry that Dan Qingzi could make trouble here. Dan Qingzi was not the deity in person, just a clone.

Under the suppression of the Great Road, how much storm can a clone create?

Dan Qingzi was also very sensible, and stayed in Chaotian Pavilion honestly, without any thoughts of making trouble.

He knew very well that the gap between himself and the behemoth of the Buluodi Dynasty was that the Dan Clan was not as good as the Buluodi Dynasty.

You must know that the Buluo Emperor Dynasty can defeat the Wandao God Dynasty several times. Under the offensive of the Wandao God Dynasty, it remains undefeated. Its power background is naturally far beyond the Dan people.

Dan Qingzi's experience in Buluo Imperial City over the past few months can also confirm this.

It's just that Dan Qingzi didn't expect that he has always overestimated the background of the Buluodi Dynasty as much as possible, but he still underestimated the Buluodi Dynasty.

After Dan Qingzi stayed in Chaotian Pavilion for a few days, news of the forbidden area of ​​bones came.

It was also passed into Dan Qingzi's ears. This was not Dan Qingzi's intention to inquire, but the news spread throughout the Imperial Capital in a very short period of time.

Even, with the passage of time, it became more and more intense in the Buluodi Dynasty, sweeping all over the Buluodi Dynasty.

There are countless people who are not left behind, if they are honored!

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