Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4091: Dan Zun trial starts

Time is like flowing water, and in a flash, three days have passed.

Li River Sacred Tree.

In the area near the top, there is an ancient mottled giant tower standing here, exuding the breath of suppressing the ages.

The whole body of the giant pagoda is in the color of red and blue, and there are many divine patterns inscribed on it, which are interwoven with infinite laws.

This is the Pill Venerable Trial Pagoda left before the fall of Lihe Pill Venerable, and the inheritance of Pill Venerable is in it.

The Pill Venerable Trial Tower is divided into nine floors, and there is a trial in each floor.

Today, in front of the Pill Venerable Trial Pagoda, there is a dark crowd, gathering many powerful people from the Pill Clan.

In three days, it was enough for the agreement between the first Dan clan elder and the second Dan clan elder to spread throughout the entire Dan clan, which naturally attracted the attention of most of the powerful Dan clan.

Except for the strong people who have important things to do, most of the strong Dan people have already arrived here.

No matter how bad it is, they also sent clones to come here.

"You said, who can pass the Dan Zun trial and obtain the Dan Zun inheritance?

The foreigner that the first elder found, or the second elder's direct son? "

"Does it need to be said, it must be the second elder's direct son!"

"The second elder's direct son is said to have a nine-turn Dan spirit body, and he is extremely talented. It is naturally easy to win the Dan Zun inheritance.

Moreover, the inheritance of Dan Zun is originally a thing of our Dan family, where can we get foreigners! "

This dialogue is a silhouette of many Dan Clan powerhouses.

Most of the strong Dan clan are on the side of the second elder of the Dan clan. After all, in their opinion, the inheritance of Dan Zun is the treasure left by Lihe Dan Zun to the Dan clan, how can it be given to foreigners?

Not to mention, the news that Dan Yuanzi has a nine-turn pill spirit body has long been rumored in the Dan clan.

On the other hand, Qin Changsheng, whose cultivation base is not at the Emperor Realm, does not have such a special physique as the Nine Revolution Pill Spirit Body.

In this case, the results seem to be on the horizon.

In front of the trial tower, two groups of people stood clearly.

One is headed by the first elder of the Dan family, and the other is headed by the second elder of the Dan family. Obviously, the second elder of the Dan family has a large number of people.

On the side of the Dan clan chief elder, there are only a few people such as Dan Qingzi.

In fact, when the news that the Dan clan chief elder found Qin Changsheng came out, it was another blow to the Dan clan chief elder.

Many elites from the Dan Clan chose to betray the Great Elder faction and join the Second Elder faction. In just three days, the Great Elder faction almost fell apart.

"Open the trial tower."

The second elder of the Dan clan looked at the single-eyed chief elder of the Dan clan and others, and said lightly.

The third elder of the Dan clan immediately took a step forward, his sleeve robe swayed, and a streamer flew to the Pill Venerable Trial Tower. Looking closely, there was a token in the streamer.


The next moment, the spiritual energy boiled like a sea, and the endless divine light bloomed from the Pill Venerable Trial Pagoda, illuminating thousands of miles of void.

At the same time, the door of the Pill Venerable Trial Tower roared and slowly opened to both sides.

In an instant, a breath of air that seemed to originate from the vast ancient times descended, and the entire Lihe City seemed to tremble under this breath.

Many Dan Clan powerhouses present had expected it, and they used various means to resist this momentum.


The second elder of the Dan tribe looked at Dan Yuanzi behind him and said with a smile.

"Yes, father."

Dan Yuanzi bowed his hands and stepped into the Dan Zun trial tower.

Qin Changsheng followed closely and stepped into the Pill Venerable Trial Tower in one step.

After the two entered, the first floor of the Pill Venerable Trial Tower also lit up, divided into two colors, one was cyan and the other was red, representing Dan Yuanzi and Qin Changsheng respectively.

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