Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4092: Contents of the trial


The whole body swayed for a while, rippling like water waves.

Qin Changsheng only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and the time and space seemed to have shifted. When he came back to his senses, he had come to a new world.

"This is…"

Qin Changsheng looked around, and as far as he could see, it was all green, with countless ancient trees rising from the ground, forming a sea of ​​ancient trees.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of this world is extremely rich, which is several times higher than the concentration of the spiritual energy in the outside world. It is a holy place for cultivation.

Qin Changsheng just inhaled a breath of spiritual energy, and felt that his whole body was at ease, and his own cultivation had a hint of diligence.

He estimated that if he cultivated in this world for a year, he might break through the second realm.

"This world is extremely suitable for the cultivation of medicinal herbs!"

Qin Changsheng felt a hint of enlightenment in his heart. Most of the auras in this world were wood-type auras, and they were extremely friendly to elixir creatures.

For a time, even he had the idea of ​​sitting down and practicing immediately.


At this moment, a streamer suddenly fell from the sky.

This stream of light flickered, and finally condensed into a young man in his twenties.

The young man had white hair and a shawl, wearing a yin and yang robe, with extraordinary bearing, and his gestures seemed to shake the whole world.


The surrounding trees swayed, and green leaves fell, forming lines of characters in front of Qin Changsheng:

"The first stage of the Pill Venerable Trial, the alchemist is focused on alchemy, but it is indispensable to the strength of the enemy. If you defeat the defender, you can pass the first level, and the loser will withdraw from the Pill Venerable Trial.

The cultivation base of the level breakers is detected, and the cultivation level of the gatekeepers is locked in the first realm of the emperor. "

After Qin Changsheng read the text, the text disappeared.


Qin Changsheng's eyes moved, and he looked at the young man in Taoist robe not far away.

The young man in Taoist robe smiled slightly, and when he raised his right hand, he pointed.


At that moment, Qin Changsheng's heart exploded, and he only felt as if an ancient **** raised his fingers that stretched across the heavens and the earth, and pointed at the air.

The terrifying pressure swept over, as if to crush the heavens and smash mountains and rivers.

In the area where Qin Changsheng was located, the vast expanse within a radius of ten thousand li exploded directly, and countless ancient trees were shattered into dust, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust.

However, fortunately, Qin Changsheng's combat experience was not bad, so he quickly regained his senses, lightly stepped on his feet, and quickly retreated back.

Qin Changsheng, as the son of the unfallen emperor, has a noble status, but he has no shortage of experience in fighting with others.

After all, Qin Changsheng would often practice against them without falling into so many powerhouses in the Imperial Dynasty, and naturally he had no shortage of combat experience.


Qin Changsheng kept backing away, but the young man in Taoist robe followed him like a shadow, giving him a relentless instruction.


Qin Changsheng snorted coldly, and he could naturally see that it was impossible to avoid the gatekeeper's blow only by escaping.

Simply, Qin Changsheng stopped his steps to retreat, punched out, and greeted the gatekeeper, the vast and domineering fist rose into the sky,

In an instant, Qin Changsheng seemed to have transformed into a god-king, and he fell with a punch, leveling the world and dissatisfaction.

This punch is the tyrannical punch!

As the emperor of the Buluo Dynasty, it is not difficult to learn Baquan, and even Qin Yi's deity goes out from time to time to instruct Qin Changsheng.

Although Qin Changsheng didn't practice the Emperor's Avenue, he couldn't exert the full power of Baquan, but as long as he could exert 70 to 80% of the power of Baquan, it was enough to make Qin Changsheng run rampant.

At least, before the seventh realm, Qin Changsheng could be invincible at the same level.

After all, Baquan has long been deduced by Qin Yi to the level of quasi-Tianzun, and even, it has already transformed towards the level of Tianzun.


The fists and fingers crossed, and the violent fluctuations escaped from the collision between the two, rolling up a monstrous storm.

Qin Changsheng's expression remained unchanged, and he punched out again, pressing down the Taoist robed youth.

After fighting a few tricks, Qin Changsheng found that the Tao-robed youth seemed to be a little weak. Except for the first finger, the Tao-robed youth seemed to have no other powerful means.

However, after thinking about it, Qin Changsheng also suddenly realized.

This is the inheritance of the Lihe Dan Zun left to the Dan people, or the elixir creatures, and it is a trial for the elixir creatures.

From the very beginning, the prompt for this level made it clear that this was a test of the alchemist's strength against the enemy.

The difficulty is naturally not too strong, and it is impossible to ask how amazing the alchemist is.

In fact, the guards of this level are still somewhat beyond the standard.

If the finger just now was replaced by an ordinary emperor of the first realm, he would have been killed by the young man in Taoist robe.

That is to say, Qin Changsheng has sufficient combat experience and his combat power is far superior to that of the same level, so he can take this blow.


The battle continued, and after Qin Changsheng got used to the attack of the Taoist youth, he punched the Taoist youth in the chest.

The next moment, the young man in Taoist robe collided with an ancient tree, and his figure became illusory until he disappeared.

"The first pass guard was defeated, the trial passer passed the first pass and is heading to the second pass."

Pieces of leaves fell, forming a line of text.


Qin Changsheng glanced at it, and when he returned to his senses, the world had already changed a lot, and he had come to the next world.

The tester of this level is a spirited white-haired old man.

The trial content of this level is to refine a quasi-emperor-grade medicinal pill, the Earth Dry Divine Pill, within one month.

Among the quasi-emperor-grade pills, the difficulty of refining the Digan Shendan is the most refined, and it is not inferior to the difficulty of refining the ordinary emperor-grade low-level pills.

Fortunately, Qin Changsheng had a certain foundation in alchemy. He had followed Hao Yilian to learn the alchemy inheritance of the Tushita Palace, and it was not difficult to learn.

Moreover, when he followed the white-haired old man to learn alchemy, he recalled the inheritance of alchemy that he learned from the Tusita Palace, and he actually mastered it little by little.

In the end, Qin Changsheng succeeded in refining the Earth Dry Divine Pill and entered the next level a month later.

The third test was another test of Qin Changsheng's ability to deal with the enemy. Qin Changsheng passed it easily.

Then, it was another level for Qin Changsheng to concoct pills. This time, it was to concoct a quasi-emperor pill. The difficulty of refining this pill was even more difficult than that of the dry **** pill.

It took Qin Changsheng two months to refine it.

The next trial was an alternation of the two trials, and the difficulty continued to increase accordingly. Qin Changsheng's speed of breaking through the level also slowed down, or rather, very slowly.

However, Qin Changsheng fought steadily, without being too anxious, and constantly absorbing what he needed from the gatekeepers.

Whether it is fighting skills or alchemy skills, he will not refuse anyone who comes, and for Qin Changsheng, it is also a big opportunity.

In this way, time passed slowly and unknowingly, and many strong Dan people outside the trial tower were still paying close attention to Qin Changsheng and Dan Yuanzi.

Because of the speed of the two of them, many Dan Clan powerhouses also caused a lot of trouble.

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