Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4097: Lihe Danzun

Pill Venerable Trial Tower.


Qin Changsheng staggered and sat on the ground, gasping for breath, with a trace of lingering fear in his expression.

Just one point, he was defeated by the gatekeeper of the ninth pass.

The guard of the ninth pass, whose combat power has exceeded his realm by several levels, seems to be in the first realm of the emperor with him.

But its combat power has already reached the level of the fourth realm!

If it weren't for the fact that he was in the first few levels, with the help of the gatekeepers in each level, he continued to sharpen his own body, and his understanding of Baquan improved again, and his combat power was improved again.

Otherwise, he is afraid that he will be defeated by the ninth gatekeeper.

The cultivation environment in the Pill Venerable's trial tower is even better than the outside world, not to mention that there are many gatekeepers to accompany him.

The insights after the First World War are very precious, and cannot be compared with the simple teachings of others.

Fighting is the best teacher.

It was through the battle with many gatekeepers that Qin Changsheng's combat power could have such a huge improvement.

Even so, it was not easy for him to win, and at the cost of taking a full blow from the gatekeeper of the ninth level, he barely defeated the gatekeeper of the ninth level.

Fortunately, at the end of this battle, he was considered to have passed the Pill Venerable Trial.


Just as he was thinking about it, an invisible wave escaped, Qin Changsheng's eyes flashed, and when he came back to his senses, he arrived at the palace.

The hall is not big, and there is only one figure standing in the center of the hall.

The figure is black-haired like a waterfall, with both hands on its back, standing here, like an immortal mountain that lasts forever, suppressing the ages.

Around him, countless laws and avenues manifested, as if lingering around him, and at the same time as surrendering to his feet.

One person overwhelms the world, and one person controls the heavens!

"Xu Xian Tianzun!"

In just a split second, Qin Changsheng judged that this figure was a virtual immortal.

Qin Changsheng, as the son of the unfallen emperor, is not unfamiliar with the power of the virtual fairyland level.

Such as Qin Yi's avatar of heaven, the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, Zhentianzhu, etc., are all powers at the level of virtual fairyland.

He used to practice with the help of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, and he is naturally no stranger to the power of the virtual fairyland.

Even, he has come into contact with the power beyond Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, such as the alchemy inheritance of Tusita Palace, which comes from the existence above Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

And the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate who can appear in the Pill Venerable Trial Tower must be the Lihe Pill Venerable.

"Under Emperor Qin Changsheng, I have seen Dan Zun."

Qin Changsheng had a positive expression and bowed.

In the face of a virtual immortal, he must also maintain respect and not be arrogant.

Not to mention, he will soon inherit this person's inheritance, and in a sense, be regarded as this person's disciple.

In terms of love and reason, Qin Changsheng should respect Lihe Danzun.

"Don't fall into the imperial dynasty..."

Hearing Qin Changsheng's words, a flash of reminiscence flashed in Lihe Danzun's eyes, as if remembering something long ago.

"Dan Zun, have you ever heard the name "Never Fall?"

Qin Changsheng was stunned for a moment and couldn't help asking.

Lihe Danzun has fallen for thousands of epochs. Logically speaking, he should never have heard of the name of the Emperor Dynasty.

Could it be that this Lihe Danzun never fell?

"As early as countless years ago, this deity has fallen, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul. Until you step into the trial tower, I will be in a deep sleep state."

Lihe Dan Zun seemed to see through Qin Changsheng's thoughts and smiled slightly.

As Dan Zun Lihe said, He has been in a deep sleep, and it is impossible to actively understand the external situation.

They don't know much about the current situation of the Dan people, let alone the current situation of the five realms.

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