Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4098: Ask the emperor to take action and rescue the Heavenly Secret Dao Zun

"Have been sleeping?"

Qin Changsheng frowned. He didn't quite agree with Lihe Danzun's statement.

If Lihe Danzun has been sleeping all the time, how could he know the existence of the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty?

You must know that before the news of the Forbidden Land of Bone Bone came out, although the major forces in the five realms gradually paid attention to not falling into the imperial dynasty, more powers were still very concerned about not falling into the imperial dynasty.

After all, in the eyes of these forces, the Buluo Dynasty only relies on the Great Dao to seal the town, so as to resist the attack of the Wandao Dynasty.

If the Great Dao seals the town and disappears, the greatest possibility of not falling into the Emperor Dynasty is to be trampled and destroyed by the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty.

"Ha ha."

Seeing Qin Changsheng's doubts, Dan Zun Lihe just smiled and didn't open his mouth to explain.

Actually, He did not lie.

For so long, since the deity's fall, He has been in a state of deep sleep, never voluntarily awakening to understand the outside world.

He naturally couldn't use this way to learn about the existence of the Buluo Dynasty.

And Lihe Danzun knew about the existence of the Unfallen Dynasty, but it was thousands of epochs ago, before his deity fell.

To be precise, it was through the mouth of Tianji Dao Zun that he learned of the existence of the Buluo Dynasty.

"Tianji Dazun once said that the five realms in the future will be stirred by a force called the Buluodi Dynasty.

Sure enough, this party did not fall into the imperial dynasty, and it really appeared. "

Danzun Lihe whispered in his heart.

Before his deity had fallen, he had gone to the place of Heavenly Secret Daoist to ask for a deduction **** seed for the chief elder of the Dan clan.

At that time, He also asked Tianji Dao Zun to deduce the future situation of the Dan tribe.

After all, the Dan Clan is the sanctuary he created for countless elixir creatures, and he wants to know the future situation of the Dan Clan.

It went well at the beginning, and when He knew that the Dan family could continue to inherit thousands of epochs, He was very happy.

Even if it loses him, the Dan clan can still stand in the five realms and continue to inherit.

However, when Tianji Dao Zun continued to play backwards, the difficulty suddenly increased, as if there was a powerful force preventing Tianji Dao Zun's deduction.

Even Tianji Daozun was attacked and seriously injured.

At that time, Tian Ji Dao Zun only had time to tell Li River Dan Zun some information, some information about the not falling emperor.

In the mouth of Tianji Dao Zun, this force named Buluodi Dynasty will disrupt the entire five realms.

The pattern of countless years inherent in the five realms will change because they do not fall into the imperial dynasty.

Countless forces will submit to the Buluodi Dynasty, including the Dan clan.

It is a pity that more information, because of certain restrictions, Tianji Daozun can no longer tell Lihe Danzun.

After saying this information, Tianji Dao Zun quickly retreated to recover his injuries, until his deity fell, the remnant soul fell into a deep sleep, and Tianji Dao Zun did not leave the customs.

It is conceivable how terrifying the backlash Tianji Dao Zun received because of this!

Also because of this incident, Lihe Danzun will not fall into the name of the emperor, and it is deeply engraved in his mind.

Sure enough, when he woke up from his endless slumber, he heard the name of the Unfallen Dynasty again.

Moreover, when he heard Qin Changsheng's words, in an instant, he understood why the Dan tribe would surrender to the Buluodi Dynasty.

Qin Changsheng passed the alchemy trial that he left behind, and he inherited the inheritance he left behind. He was regarded as his disciple and the future leader of the alchemy clan.

Qin Changsheng was also the son of the Buluo Emperor, so the Dan Clan naturally became a part of the Buluodi Dynasty.

"In any case, it is enough that the Dan family can pass on it."

Lihe Dan Zun smiled slightly.

Although surrendering to the Buluodi Dynasty made the Dan people lose their previous independence, the inheritance of the Dan people is still there.

Not to mention, Qin Changsheng is the son of the Buluo Emperor, and he has a very high status in the Buluo Dynasty.

This is enough, after all, this is better than the destruction of the Dan family.


Lihe Dan Zun took a deep breath, cut off the distracting thoughts in his heart, and prepared to pass on the Dan Zun inheritance to Qin Changsheng.

If he wants things to develop as he guessed, he must hand over the Dan Zun inheritance to Qin Changsheng.

Before that, however, He has one more thing to do.

After all, if the Dan Zun inheritance is handed over, this remnant soul will also dissipate, completely dissipating in the heavens and the world.

The state of the Lihe Danzun when he fell was really bad, and the power that he could leave behind was very small.

If not, this remnant of His soul would not have to fall into a deep sleep to maintain his own existence.

"Why don't you show up to see this strong man who did not fall into the imperial dynasty?"

Lihe Danzun looked at Qin Changsheng with deep eyes.


Hearing this, Qin Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned, but before he was surprised for long, he sensed a familiar wave coming from him.


A ray of golden divine light fell from him and turned into a figure.

The figure is bathed in divine light, and the Taoist rules are scattered. Just standing there, it attracts all the heavens and the Tao to worship him.


The moment he saw the figure, Qin Changsheng was startled and hurriedly bowed.

But his heart was warm, and he knew that this was Qin Yi's successor to help him get the Dan Zun inheritance.


Hearing Qin Changsheng's words, Lihe Danzun was also shocked.

Qin Changsheng is the son of the unfallen emperor, and it is self-evident who his father is.

"Don't fall to the emperor?!"

Danzun Lihe looked at the figure and said word by word.

He originally thought that the strong man who left behind Qin Changsheng might be a big man in the Fudi Dynasty, but in the end, he didn't expect it to be the Fufu Emperor.

The Lord of the Unfallen Dynasty, the ruler of the entire Unfallen Dynasty.

"It's me."

Qin Yi said lightly, his eyes fell on Lihe Dan Zun, but his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The difference in the state of Lihe Danzun's remnant soul made him a little surprised, the source was depleted, and it was almost in a state of complete annihilation.

If it hadn't been for something in his body as a support, I'm afraid the remnant soul of Lihe Dan Zun would have long since dissipated between heaven and earth.

"It turns out that the emperor did not fall in front of the emperor, and the deity Lihe Danzun was polite."

Lihe Dan Zun looked straight, and bowed his hands in a salute.

"Dan Zun is too polite."

A strange look flashed in Qin Yi's eyes, and he only felt that the Lihe Dan Zun was a little too polite to him, and even put his own position below him.

This is a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, the most supreme being in the five realms.

Even if its deity has fallen, but after all, it is a virtual fairy, why should he be so polite to the creatures under his **** who have not yet proven the Tao?

"Emperor, I have something to ask for."

Lihe Dan Zun, however, seemed to be unaware and said to himself.

"Dan Zun, but it doesn't matter."

Qin Yi smiled.

"I would like to ask the emperor to take action and rescue Tianji Dao Zun!"

Danzun Lihe said something like a stone-shattering shock, which shocked Qin Yi and the two of them.

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