Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4152: Suppressing the Great Good Knowing Buddha

In the situation that Yunle Buddha is inconvenient to take action, and the Great Good Knowing Buddha is unwilling to waste the heritage of Dahanshan Temple, the best choice is to avoid conflict.

"This is Brother Buddha..."

The Great Good Knowing Buddha was about to use his three-inch incorrupt tongue to fight with Fa Haihua as jade silk, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.


Dawei Tianlong let out an angry roar that shook the four fields, instantly suppressing the voice of the Great Good Knowing Buddha.

At the next moment, it was even more outrageous, and the hot divine fire burned around him, and the boundless force suddenly burst out, tearing the endless void.

The road roared, and this claw seemed to shake the entire heavens and the world, pushing the three thousand avenues, pressing towards the Great Good Knowing Buddha with an extremely domineering attitude.

Dawei Tianlong is respected by strength, and its strength is far above the ordinary powerhouses of the same rank.


The face of the Great Good Knowing Buddha suddenly changed, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The power of this claw of the mighty Tianlong made him look sideways.

"What a beast!"

Looking at the mighty Heavenly Dragon approaching with a claw, the Great Good Knowing Buddha sighed slightly, and suddenly pointed out that a huge Buddha finger in the sky stretched across the void.

This Buddha finger is extremely huge, and it seems to be countless times larger than the previous Buddha palm, as if countless ancient stars are stacked together.

Then, he penetrated countless voids and met the claws of the mighty Tianlong.

"You are the wicked beast!"

Hearing the words of the Great Good Knowing Buddha, the anger in his eyes was burning, and the anger in his heart was burning to the extreme.

He is the mighty Heavenly Dragon, the Buddhist Dharma Protector Heavenly Dragon, but he is not a beast!

The great good knows that the Buddha has a wicked animal on the left and a wicked animal on the right, and degrades him to the extreme. How can the mighty Tianlong not be angry!


Driven by the anger, the power of this claw of the Great Power Heavenly Dragon soared again, and immediately collided with a finger of the Great Good Knowing Buddha.

In an instant, a monstrous storm was set off, sweeping across the four directions, as if to destroy the entire Jialan Great World.


The Buddhist and Taoist formations activated independently and sealed the time and space, which was barely able to suppress the aftermath within the void of thousands of miles.

Even so, under the impact of the aftermath of the collision, the Buddhist and Taoist formations shattered one after another.

Moonlight Bodhisattva and other powerhouses from the Great Cold Mountain Temple also took action one after another, so as to avoid causing more casualties.

Although Moonlight Bodhisattva and others do not care about the life and death of many believers in the Jialan world, and millions of people die, they will not be moved.

But if tens of millions of people, hundreds of millions of people died, they would have to care.

After all, this is their believer, and the believers who provide them with incense and faith will have a great impact on them if they die too much.

In this case, they naturally would not sit idly by.

"It really is a Buddhist moth!"

Seeing this scene, Fa Hai let out a low sigh.

How could he not see the thoughts of Moonlight Bodhisattva and others?

If these believers in the Jialan Great World are useless to Moonlight Bodhisattva and others, Moonlight Bodhisattva and others will definitely not take action.

To die is to die!

"This is your Buddha."

Fa Hai slowly spread out his right hand and looked down.

A vast world suddenly appeared in Fahai's palm. If you look closely, you can see that there are countless creatures sleeping in this world.

It was before Dawei Tianlong fought against the powerhouses of Dahanshan Temple, and many creatures died under the aftermath.

These creatures were rescued by Fahai.

"Forget it, let the poor monk personally take action to clean up the worms for Buddhism!"

Fa Hai sighed, and the light in his eyes became colder.


Fahai took a step forward, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the Great Good Knowing Buddha.

Hand squeeze the fearless seal.


A stamp falls!


Under the seal of fearlessness, the Buddha's light surged vertically and horizontally, as if the world-destroying frenzy swept the heavens, one wave after another.

Violent forces attacked from all directions, shrouding the Great Good Knowing Buddha.


The Great Knowing Buddha was furious, but he never thought that Fahai would attack.

In his view, Fa Hai is a strong man who cultivates and protects the world, and who is dignified in Buddhism. This kind of strong man in Buddhism and Dao pays attention to his actions, and he does not behave like a villain.

Not to do sneak attacks, otherwise, it will contaminate one's own body and Buddha's heart.

Therefore, He never guarded against Fahai.

"To subdue demons and eliminate evil, we don't talk about the process, but only about the results. As long as we can understand the Buddhist moths, what methods are used, and what is the difference?"

Fa Haibao looked solemn and said lightly.


The great good knows that the Buddha is in a hurry, but in the face of the Fearless Seal of Fahai, he does not dare to neglect.


The Great Good Knowing Buddha didn't have time to inspire many great formations outside the Great Cold Mountain, and could only burn his own source world, and even his own path to Heavenly Venerate.

Under the fearless seal of Fahai, He felt the danger of falling.

If he doesn't burn his own way to Heavenly Venerate, maybe he can't stop this blow.


The whole body of the Great Good Knowing Buddha seemed to be plated with pale gold, and bright Buddhist texts circulated on it.

A Buddha's Dharma image appears around him, guarding it in the center, as if guarding the king of all Buddhas.

On one side, the Buddhist Pure Land opened up.

"Praise the Great Compassionate Buddha!"

Countless bhikkhus, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas sat cross-legged, recited and read the scriptures, and the sound of meditation and singing roared across the world.

"The Great Good Knows the Buddha Seal!"

The Great Knowing Buddha roared angrily, and regardless of the Great Power Heavenly Dragon beside him, he squeezed a Buddha seal in his hand and slammed it out.


The power of the Great Good Knowing Buddha and the power of Fahai collided, causing a storm of destruction.

One side of the Buddhist Pure Land was destroyed by this force, and the monks, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas who chanted the scriptures fell on the spot.

A statue of the Buddha's Dharma is also vomited and annihilated.

Obviously, Fa Hai has the absolute upper hand, firmly suppressing the Great Good Knowing Buddha.


The Fearless Seal of the Fahai penetrated through countless Buddhist pure lands, and then was printed on the eyebrows of the Great Good Knowing Buddha.

The wisps of domineering red Buddha light instantly spread into the body of the Great Good Knowing Buddha, like shackles, bit by bit suppressing the Great Good Knowing Buddha.

After a few moments, the breath of the Great Knowing Buddha fell silent, and the whole person followed with all the strength of resistance, and was easily suppressed by Fahai.

"The Great Knowing Buddha!"

"How is it possible, how can the Great Good Knowing Buddha be suppressed?"

"I do not believe!"

Seeing this scene, Moonlight Bodhisattva and the others were full of shock, unwilling to believe what was happening in front of them.

This is the Great Knowing Buddha!

A quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse, the most powerful existence under the immortal celestial being.

The first powerhouse of Dahanshan Temple is the founder of Dahanshan Temple.

Such a strong man would be suppressed by a strong man of the same realm?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Moonlight Bodhisattva and others would not have believed it at all.

"Dawei Tianlong, suppress them all!"

Fahai turned his hand and suppressed the Great Good Knowing Buddha in the palm of his hand, as if he had done a trivial thing.

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