Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4153: Under the Great Cold Mountain

For Fahai, suppressing the Great Good Knowing Buddha was not a difficult task.

Although it seems that the Great Good Knowing Buddha and He belong to the same realm, in fact, the two are not on the same level at all.

Fa Hai has already retrieved the Dao Fruit of the Dragon Subduing Arhat, and he is only a thin film away from breaking the shackles of the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, and it may be broken at any time.

At the level of quasi-tianzun, every gap is like a moat, and it is difficult to bridge.

As the saying goes, the road is high and the front line is too high!

If the Great Good Knowing Buddha inspired many great formations outside the Great Cold Mountain, and awakened many Quasi-Heaven Venerable Artifacts in the Great Cold Mountain Temple, he might be able to compete against Fahai.

Fahai wants to suppress the Great Good Knowing Buddha, but he has to spend a little more effort.


Fahai lost his face and attacked the Great Good Knowing Buddha, so that the Great Good Knowing Buddha had no time to inspire many Buddhist formations to bless his body, let alone awaken many quasi-celestial devices.

This was easily suppressed by Fahai.


After speaking, Fahai stepped out and stepped into the Dahanshan Temple.


Dawei Tianlong roared, and excitedly shot at Moonlight Bodhisattva and others.

Tianlong holds revenge, he can still remember the contempt of Moonlight Bodhisattva and others when he first entered this world.

One bite of a beast, He still remembers these!

"not good!"

Moonlight Bodhisattva and other Dahanshan Temple powerhouses changed their faces and wanted to escape.

Dashan knew that the Buddha was suppressed, and they understood that the Dahanshan Temple might be submerged in the long river of history.

You must know that another Yunle Buddha in Dahanshan Temple is suppressing a peerless demon, and it is impossible to take action.

Moreover, Yunle Buddha and many strong people in Dahanshan Temple are not the same. It can be seen from the fact that Dashanzhi Buddha was suppressed and Yunle Buddha did not take action.

Therefore, Moonlight Bodhisattva and the others did not have the idea of ​​desperately fighting with Dawei Tianlong, but desperately wanted to escape from the Jialan Great World.

As long as they can leave the Jialan Great World and go to other Buddhist forces, they can also occupy a high position with their strength.

As for the Dahanshan Temple, if it disappears, it will disappear. What does it have to do with them?

However, if Moonlight Bodhisattva and others wanted to escape, how could Dawei Tianlong allow it?

At this moment, the mighty Tianlong, under the blessing of Fahai's power, has reached the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

And Moonlight Bodhisattva and others are the strongest, but they are only the overlords of the heavens at the peak of the ninth realm, how could they be the opponents of the mighty Tianlong.

Soon, Moonlight Bodhisattva and other Dahanshan Temple powerhouses were suppressed by Dawei Tianlong.

Fahai stepped into the Dahan Mountain, and the Arhats and Bodhisattvas of the Dahan Mountain fell to their knees tremblingly.

In the face of an existence that suppressed the Great Good Knowing Buddha, they had no choice but to kneel on the ground.


Fahai just glanced at the group of Arhat Bodhisattvas in the Great Cold Mountain, and his mind was activated, and he quickly identified the moths among the group of Arhat Bodhisattvas in the Great Cold Mountain.

In the blink of an eye, these Buddhist worms were suppressed, leaving only a few clean Arhat Bodhisattvas kneeling on the spot, feeling uneasy in their hearts.


Fahai strolled leisurely in the courtyard, starting from the top of Dahan Mountain and walking down to the bottom of Dahan Mountain step by step.

Wherever he passed, an Arhat Bodhisattva who respected Dahan Mountain was suppressed.

Down to the foot of the Great Cold Mountain, there were at least hundreds of thousands of Arhat Bodhisattvas suppressed by Fahai, or even more.

Fa Hai's expression did not fluctuate, and stopped under the Great Cold Mountain, in front of a world.

There, there was a thin old monk with a sad face sitting cross-legged.

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