Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4154: stupid pedantic

"Yunle Buddha?"

Fa Hai looked at the old monk in front of him and spoke lightly.

Although it is doubtful, the tone is very certain.

When Fahai was walking in Dahan Mountain, he used his mind to read the memory of the Great Good Knowing Buddha, and he basically understood the strong people of Dahan Mountain Temple by heart.

The old monk in front of him is one of the only two quasi-tianzun realm powerhouses in Dahanshan Temple, Yunle Buddha.

"Yunle, I have seen Brother Buddha."

Buddha Yunle got up, put one hand in front of him, gave Fahai a half salute, his voice was calm, and it seemed that he was not facing a strong man who suppressed the entire Dahanshan Temple.

"I was born in Dahanshan Temple, but I don't conspire with many Buddhist enemies in Dahanshan Temple, which is respectable."

Fahai couldn't help but praise.

The old monk in front of him was originally an inconspicuous monk in the Great Hanshan Temple.

However, this old monk did not commune with Moonlight Bodhisattva and others, nor did he do any dirty things. Even Moonlight Bodhisattva and others used various means to forcibly rob all the cultivation resources they had robbed.

With a transparent Buddha mind, stick to the path of your own body, and cultivate to the realm of quasi-tianzun.

Doing so deserves Fahai's praise.

It is simple to say, but it is extremely difficult to do, not to mention that Yunle Buddha has persisted for countless years.

Since the birth of Buddha Yunle, until now, Buddha Yunle has always adhered to this path and has not changed.

"Brother Buddha praised it."

Yunle Buddha's expression remained undiminished, and he did not show any emotional immobility because of Fahai's praise.

"However, he is a stupid and pedantic person."

However, Fa Hai's next sentence was a different story.

"Stupid and pedantic?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a ripple in the eyes of Yunle Buddha.

He understood what Fahai was saying, that he was cowardly in his heart.

From top to bottom, the Dahanshan Temple has long been rotten to its roots. Many strong people in the Dahanshan Temple practice the devil's way in the name of Buddhism.

There are countless means such as "Gore Demon Daojun".

In fact, the creatures that fell into the hands of the puppets refined by the Dahanshan Temple like the 'Gorefiend Daojun' exceeded hundreds of millions of creatures.

When Zen Master Huiming and others manipulated puppets such as the 'Gore Demon Daojun', they acted according to the magic way.

Slaughtering the world and destroying the world has been done many times.

In this case, Yunle Buddha's ability to maintain his original mind is commendable, but on the other hand, he is promoting the magic path hidden in the Dahanshan Temple.

You must know that Yunle Buddha has already cultivated into the quasi-tianzun realm, and is one of the only two quasi-tianzun realm powerhouses in Dahanshan Temple.

In terms of status, in Dahanshan Temple, Yunle Buddha is second only to Dashanzhi Buddha and above Moonlight Bodhisattva and others.

If Yunle Buddha intended, he might not be able to restrain the growing demonic flames in Dahanshan Temple.

Even if he can't contain the growing demonic flames, he can still protect a group of Arhat Bodhisattvas who uphold the Buddha's way in their hearts just like him.

But how did Yunle Buddha do it?

If you let it go, not only will you not protect the Arhat Bodhisattva who uphold the Buddha's way in your heart like him, but you will allow these Arhat Bodhisattvas to be oppressed.

It is said that it is their experience, but how many people like him can uphold the Buddha's heart. Therefore, these Arhats and Bodhisattvas have also fallen into the devil's way, and they have joined the ranks of the strong men of Dahanshan Temple and contributed to the devil's flame.

The reason for all this is just because the Great Compassionate Buddha is the master of Yunle Buddha, and Yunle Buddha is unwilling to tear his face with the Great Compassionate Buddha.

How ridiculous is this?

At the same time, this is also the reason why Fahai said that Yunle Buddha was stupid and pedantic.

It is obvious that he has the power to change everything, but he does nothing because he is afraid of the great good and knows the Buddha. This is not stupid and pedantic, but what is it?

"Hahaha, you're right, Yunle Bald Ass, you are a stupid and pedantic person!"

At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the world behind Yunle Buddha.


The monstrous demonic energy flooded that side of the world, and even filled that side of the world, turning into a demon god, roaring and roaring.

In this world, you can see a man in a black robe with red-blond hair falling down his shoulders.

The man's eyes were crazy, revealing an extremely evil light.

Red Heaven Demon Lord.

A devil in the realm of quasi-tianzun, who practiced the devil's way, acted as he wanted, and took pleasure in slaughtering living beings.

Later, he was suppressed by the Great Good Knowing Buddha and brought back to the Dahanshan Temple, where he wanted to transform it or refine it into a puppet.

It's just because the Chitian Demon Lord's strength is too tyrannical and his demon heart is firm, it can't be transformed for a while, or it can be refined into a puppet.

Even, Lian Yunle Buddha was trapped here, suppressing Chitian Daojun and preventing Chitian Demonjun from escaping.

"Yunle bald donkey, if I were you, I would have left Dahanshan Temple long ago, how could I have been suppressed to such a degree.

The powerhouses of his own bloodline have all withered away, how embarrassing! "

Chitian Demon Lord's eyes glowed with a bewitching red light, and his voice was full of bewitching, and Yunle Buddha's eyes suddenly lit up with ripples.

Chitian Mojun wanted to break Yunle Buddha's mind and lure Yunle Buddha into the devil's way while his mind was shaken.

Only by introducing Yunle Buddha into the devil's way, can he have a chance to escape from heaven.

While speaking, Chitian Demon Lord carefully glanced at Fahai, his eyes full of fear.

How could he not be afraid of the existence of the Buddha who suppressed the Great Knowing Buddha?

You must know that the Great Good Knowing Buddha is a peak powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun realm, and the Chitian Demon Lord is also suppressed by the Great Good Knowing Buddha.

Under such circumstances, how could He have a chance to escape by relying on the strength of Him alone?

If Yunle Buddha can fall into the devil's way and attract Fahai's attention, he may have a chance to escape from here.

"Yunle bald donkey..."

Chi Tianmojun wanted to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Fahai.


Fa Hai snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the endless Buddha light bloomed, instantly illuminating the entire void and suppressing the monstrous demonic pressure.

Under the illumination of the Buddha's light, a vision of a demon **** also turned into nothingness.

Immediately, the Buddha's light turned into six big characters, 'Om', 'Ma', 'Nai', 'Pa', 'Mi', and 'Hum', and fell into the world where the Chitian Demon Lord was.

"Do not!"

The Chitian Demon Lord let out an unwilling roar, and was suppressed by these six characters.


After the Chitian Demon Lord was suppressed, Yunle Buddha's eyes returned to clarity and he recited the Buddha's name.

"Brother Buddha's Dharma is exquisite, which makes the poor monk amazed."

Yunle Buddha glanced at the suppressed Chitian Demon Lord and couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

The level of difficulty of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Lord, who has been entangled with the Scarlet Heaven Demon Lord for several epochs, is most clear.

However, under Fahai's subordinates, the Chitian Demon Lord was like a child, and was suppressed by Fahai at will.

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