Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4157: Kanli big world

Just when Fahai reopened the Jinshan Temple in the Western Heaven Realm, Ma Sui also stepped into the Central Realm.


In the chaotic void, countless chaotic essences rolled around, forming a terrifying chaotic storm.

A strong man drives all kinds of cars and crosses chaos.

"This world is really blessed. The three thousand avenues are manifested in the world, and it is far easier to practice than the world of prehistoric myths."

Ma Sui could not help but sigh as soon as he understood the laws of the void and the fluctuations of the Great Dao.

The avenues and laws of the prehistoric mythical world are obscure and difficult to understand, and when comprehended, it is more than ten million times more difficult than this world.

The eastern border was fine, but as soon as he came to the central border, Ma Sui felt the difference.

The laws and avenues of the central realm are too active, and the degree of activity is far beyond the world of prehistoric myths.

After only a few hours of comprehension, Ma Sui felt that his own cultivation had improved to a certain extent.

Although the laws and avenues of the five realms were slightly different from those of the prehistoric mythical world, it was precisely because of these differences that Ma Sui's vision was widened at once.

Not to mention, after seeing the cultivation system in this world, Ma Sui was touched and took another step on the road of Da Luo.

You must know that Ma Sui has already taken a half-step Da Luo, and taking another step means that Da Luo Jin Wonderland is within easy reach.

That is to say, as long as Ma Sui is willing, he can immediately trigger the great calamity of Tianzun and prove the Tao.

However, Ma Sui firmly remembered his own mission, and after infiltrating the central realm, he led to the great calamity of Tianzun and proved the Taoism of the immortal Tianzun.

"How does this seat fit into this central boundary?"

Ma Sui's eyes narrowed, thinking about what to do next.


At this moment, Ma Sui suddenly had a whim and looked to the south, where there was something that was attracting him.

Without hesitation, Ma Sui immediately went to the south.

Ma Sui's speed is so fast, one step, it is in countless chaotic paths, and in an instant, he arrives at the southern area of ​​the central boundary.


In front of him, there is a blue world suspended in chaos, if it is a crystal sapphire.

Outside of this world, apart from the essence dragons transformed by the chaotic essence, there are many great formations.

If you look carefully, you can see that the surface of this world is wrapped in layers of huge formations.

In addition to the ability to gather and absorb the chaotic essence in the chaos, the biggest function of these large formations is to block the chaotic essence, laws, and avenues in this world without leaking out at all.

Lock down!

Anyone who sees the big formation outside this world will have a word in their hearts.

Yes, these great formations are to seal all the chaotic spirits, laws, and avenues that enter this world into this world.

"The way to seal the town?"

Seeing these great formations, Ma Sui's eyes lit up, and he immediately became interested.

He himself practiced the way of sealing the town. At the beginning, he relied on the way of sealing the town to suppress Huanglong Zhenren, one of the twelve golden immortals.

As for these great formations outside this world, although the rank is not particularly high, they are just some high-ranking imperial rank formations, but some of them are applied to the way of sealing the town, which makes Ma Sui even stand out. Small inspiration.

You know, at the level of Ma Sui, every bit of progress is precious.

It may even take countless years for Ma Sui to capture that little flash of inspiration.


Ma Sui suddenly became interested in this world.


Ma Sui took one step at a time, and the next moment, he stepped into this world.

Although the many great formations outside this world are somewhat ingenious, in front of Ma Sui, the master of the way of sealing the town, it is not enough to see.

With just one glance, Ma Sui saw through all the great formations outside this world.

Naturally, there is no need to enter this world after waiting for the review of this world at the entrance and exit of the big array, like other powerhouses who want to enter this world.


After entering this world, Ma Sui closed his eyes, and his spiritual sense slowly spread out in this world.

After a breath, Ma Sui slowly opened his eyes.

With just one breath, Ma Sui grasped the general situation of this world.

This world is called the Great World of Kanli, and it is the Great Thousand World with the central border close to the border of Nanming.

The great world of Kanli is controlled by a first-class force named Kanli Sect, and it has been passed down for more than a thousand epochs.

Although the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate has never been born, there are several quasi-celestial Venerable powerhouses in the town. They are famous for the way of sealing the town, and they are not small in the central realm.


The horse then walked, toward what attracted him.

There are also many squatting formations in the great world of Kanli, and various squatting gods are inscribed in the void.

As long as one of the Sealing Divine Marks is touched, many Great Sealing Arrays, Sealing Gods, and even many Great Arrays outside the Great World of Kanli will be activated, and a terrifying siege will erupt. force to suppress the intruders.

Under the suppression of so many Great Sealing Arrays and Sealing Divine Marks, even the Overlord of the Ninth Realm cannot sneak into the great world of Kanli without a sound.

However, in front of Ma Sui, the master of the way of sealing the town, it is still not enough.

As Ma Sui continued to penetrate into the center of the great world of Kanli, the Great Sealing Array and Sealing Divine Marks all over the void became more and more terrifying.

Until a city reaches its peak.

The ancient towering city was quietly crawling on the ground, and the vast chaotic essence lingered around it, like hundreds of millions of dragons flying.

On the city wall, the mottled bricks and stones are inscribed with dense seals, which have unimaginable power to seal the town.

It can be said that a random piece of brick and stone can be compared with a holy weapon, and can even be used as a weapon to suppress a strong saint.

The city wall composed of hundreds of millions of bricks and stones, even the quasi-tianzun realm powerhouse, cannot leave a trace on the city wall.

Can Licheng.

The largest city in the world of Kanli is also the core hinterland of Kanli Sect.

At this point, even a quasi-tianzun realm powerhouse, if he is not familiar with the way of sealing the town, it is impossible to sneak into Kanli City without a sound.

But in front of Ma Sui, it was still not enough to see.

Ma Sui walked in the void dimension, passing through one terrifying blockade after another, just like walking in his own courtyard at will.

It was not until the secret world in the deepest part of Kanli City that Ma Sui stopped.

Walking into this secret world is like coming to a chaotic void. There are no mountains and rivers, and no living beings exist, only disordered chaos.

In the center of this world, there is a red-black furnace, quietly suspended in the void.

The thing that attracted Ma Sui was this red-black furnace.

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