Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4158: Disciple North Prisoner, knocking on Master

A scarlet-black furnace cauldron is suspended in the void, and at a glance, you can see the many divine seals engraved on the scarlet-black furnace tripod.

One after another, the seals of the fortification embody countless efforts of the caster, representing the caster's full understanding of the way to seal the town.

With just a glance, Ma Sui seemed to see an old man with red hair and white eyebrows, using his own blood as a guide, to lead his own avenues, turning them into a series of seals, landing on this red-black furnace.


Ma Sui's expression changed, and his eyes instantly burst into dazzling divine brilliance. The power of the source revolved in his eyes, and he carefully observed the divine patterns on the red-black furnace.

This contains all the understanding of a strong person of the same realm about the way of sealing the town. If he can fully understand it, it will be of great benefit to Ma Sui.

In this way, Ma Sui stood in front of the red-black furnace and fell into an epiphany.


The divine seal on the red-black cauldron flickered brightly and dimly, and it seemed that it might disappear at any time.

Under the baptism of time, the Sealing Divine Rune, which could have suppressed the world, was already shaky at this time, as if it could be broken at any time.


Every time the divine seal on the red-black cauldron dimmed, an extreme blood-colored light could be seen bursting out of the cauldron.

This **** light is wrapped in the terrifying will to destroy everything.

The vast and majestic power swept across the world along with the blood-colored light, annihilating all tangible and intangible things.

This side of the secret world is because of the blood-colored rays of light that burst out of the furnace, and everything was annihilated into endless nothingness by these blood-colored rays of light that burst out of the furnace.

If it weren't for this secret realm world, there would be many great formations to seal the town.

I am afraid that these blood-colored rays of light that burst out from the cauldron have already stirred the city of Kanli into a mess.

Even an overlord of the ninth realm, who was caught off guard and injured by a ray of blood, would probably be seriously injured on the spot.

Even, it is likely to leave irreversible road damage.


However, when these terrifying blood-colored rays of light came to three inches around Ma Sui's body, an invisible wave rose up, wiping out the extreme rays of light that swept over.

This is also the power of the power of sealing.

Time is like water, always passing slowly and silently.

Ma Sui stood in the void and comprehended the divine seal on the red-black furnace.


Ma Sui slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

The seal on the red-black cauldron was also a surprise to him. After understanding it thoroughly, Ma Sui's seal on the Great Dao of All Heavens was once again improved countless times.


Ma Sui just raised his hand, and the red-black cauldron trembled, and then flew into his hand obediently.

After the red-black furnace ding flew into Ma Sui's hands, it made a humming sound, as if a child was coquettish to his parents, and as if a wronged child was complaining to his parents.

In the perception of the red-black furnace and cauldron, Ma Sui had a familiar smell on him, the smell of the person who made him.

Ma Sui smiled slightly, and poured his own strength into the red-black cauldron, nourishing the red-black cauldron, and recovering the damage suffered by the red-black cauldron.


The red-black furnace cauldron suddenly made a trembling sound like cheers, and the seal engraved on it was bright and radiant.

After doing this, Ma Sui did not take care of the Chi-Hei Furnace Ding.

The reason why the Scarlet-Black Cauldron God has an affinity for him is because he has comprehended all the seals on the Crimson-Black Cauldron and integrated them into his own avenue.

This is equivalent to the avenue of the caster of the red-black furnace, becoming part of the avenue of Ma Sui himself.

Therefore, the gods of the red and black furnace will have an intimacy with him.


Ma Sui's spiritual thoughts passed through the red-black cauldron and looked inside the cauldron. Finally, he knew the source of the blood-colored light that filled this secret world.

Inside the Scarlet Black Furnace, there was a Scarlet Divine Sword suppressed in it.

The chains formed by the seals of the gods firmly seal them in the center of the red-black furnace, but every time the red sword trembles, it will burst out with a sharp sword light.

The blood-colored light that destroys everything is the sword light of the red sword, which is formed by the boundless killing and slaying of the evil spirits.

"This divine sword?"

Ma Sui's eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

From this red divine sword, he felt a deadly threat, a feeling as if his body and soul would be annihilated.

The ultimate killing aura, just looking at it, I feel that my soul is torn apart.

This is a ferocious sword that may devour the Lord!

"Maybe it's not as good as the two accompanying spiritual treasures of the Sect Master Styx, but it's not far behind."

Ma Sui couldn't help mobilizing his own strength to protect his spiritual sense to avoid being hurt by the killing energy of this fierce sword.

The two accompanying spiritual treasures of the Styx Sect leader can be said to be one of the top killing treasures in the prehistoric mythical world.

Although this red divine sword is inferior, it is also an unimaginable weapon for killing.

If you can mobilize this red sword, even if it is held by a mortal, it can hurt the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate!

"However, there are no gods, or the gods in the sword have disappeared, and ordinary people can't use this red sword at all."

Ma shook his head.

Even if he wants to touch this red divine sword, he must be fully prepared, otherwise, he may be attacked by the red divine sword.

There is no **** in the sword, this red sword has no meaning to restrain its own breath.

If it wasn't for the seal of the Scarlet Furnace Cauldron, I'm afraid that if the Scarlet Divine Sword was allowed to unleash its power, the entire Kanli City and even the entire Kanli Great World would have been destroyed long ago.

As for urging this red divine sword, even Ma Sui thought he couldn't do it.

If you want to ignore the backlash of this red divine sword, at least Ma Sui needs to truly break through the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, or even set foot in the middle stage of Void Immortal Realm.

Otherwise, even with Ma Sui's strength, using the Scarlet Divine Sword for strong action might still be injured by the backlash of the Scarlet Divine Sword.

"Interesting, I don't know if the people in Kan Lizong know that there is such a time bomb buried under their old nest?"

Ma Sui smiled and was thinking, when suddenly, his expression changed:


Immediately, Ma Sui looked behind him, and a spatial fluctuation came.

The next moment, a figure came in from the entrance of this secret world.

The visitor entered this world cautiously, and when he looked up, he could not help but be stunned when he met the gaze that came down from the horse.

The visitor was startled at first, and there was a thick look of fear on his face. He carefully sensed the breath on Ma Sui's body, and then changed to a look of surprise.

Then, he even knelt down on the ground: "Disciple Bei Prison, meet Master!"

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