Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4159: Northern prisoner's thoughts

"Disciple Beijiao, meet Master!"

With a loud shout, Ma Sui was stunned.

The person in front of him, Ma Sui knew, after entering the great world of Kanli, when Ma Sui used his spiritual sense to investigate the information of this world, he collected the information of the person in front of him.

This person is the real Northern Prisoner, the suzerain of the generation of Kan Lizong, the first strongman of Kanlizong, and one of the only three Quasi-Heavenly Venerate strongmen.

In terms of cultivation, he is considered to be a strong man among many quasi-tianzun strong men.

But that's all.

The Northern Prisoner is good at the way of sealing the town. If he competes in combat power, he is not the same as the realm, and he is a quasi-tianzun powerhouse who cultivates other avenues.

Therefore, the Northern Prisoner, or the entire Kanli Sect, is in the ranks of inferior and superior in the central realm.

However, these are not the point.

The point is that the real person from the North Prisoner calls Ma Sui the master?

Ma Suike didn't know when he had such a disciple, and he was still a disciple who had reached the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

According to the information that Ma Sui had learned, the master of the real Northern Prisoner should be the founder of Kanli Sect, Master Kanli, a quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse.

After the establishment of the Kanli Sect since the thousandth century, Daojun Kanli disappeared mysteriously. Some people say that he hid his traces and found a place to practice in order to prove the Dao Xianxian Tianzun.

However, Daojun Kanli has not appeared for thousands of epochs, and some people suspect that Daojun Kanli has fallen, and Kanli Sect has also declined.

Ma Sui looked at the red-black furnace cauldron that was trembling lightly in his hand and thought deeply.

Could it be that the real Beijiao also felt that he was the Daojun Kanli because he felt the fluctuations of the Dao in his body similar to Daojun Kanli?

‘No, not right. ’

Ma Sui glanced at Real Man Bei Prisoner, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He can feel the emotional fluctuations hidden in the real person of Bei Prison, there is awe, excitement, joy, but also fear and worry.

This is the fear of Ma Sui!

If the North Prisoner took Ma Sui as the Daoist Kanli, would he be afraid of it?

Of course not.

In other words, the real North Prisoner knew that Ma Sui was not the Daoist Kanli.

This is also reasonable, Chihei Furnace will admit mistakes, this is because of its lack of intelligence, and can only judge the identity of others by breath.

But as a real old man, Bei Prisoner could only judge the identity of others based on his breath, and naturally he would not recognize the wrong person.

"Beijing Prisoner, get up, you don't have to pretend, you should know that this seat is not your master, Kanli Daojun."

Ma Sui smiled lightly.

"Master protects and protects the disciple's body and buries in the immortal world, and the disciple will remember it in his heart.

Now that the master has returned as a clone, the disciple is willing to give up the position of the sect master of the Kanli Sect, please respect the authority of the Kanli Sect! "

However, the real North Prisoner seemed to have not heard, and spoke to himself.

In fact, there is no way for the real North Prisoner.

Previously, he sensed that the sealed object in the depths of Kanli Sect was abnormal, and he immediately came to check the situation of the sealed object.

If there is any accident in this thing sealed in the depths of Kanli Sect, for Kanli Sect, it is likely to be the disaster of annihilation.

The horror of this sealed thing, as the sect master of Kanli Sect, is the most clear, but if there is an accident, the entire Kanli Sect will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

As a result, when he came to the depths of Kanli City, he saw a scene that made him even more swaying.

That piece of seal was actually held in the palm of one's hand.

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