Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4166: Zhang Daobai's unwillingness

Jiu Hun Great Realm.

The ancient world was suspended in chaos, and countless chaotic essences like long dragons lingered around it.

A figure like a **** and a demon is looming, or tells the truth of heaven and earth, or evolves magical powers, or deduces the universe, as long as you are in this world, the speed of cultivation can be increased countless times in an instant.

This is the core area where Jiuhun Sect has been operating for countless years.

It is also the foundation of Jiuhun Divine Religion!

And in the center of the Jiu Hun Great Realm, is a sacred mountain whose size cannot be described by ordinary people, and it goes straight into the Qingming.

Jiuhun Mountain.

The boundless chaotic essence shrouded Jiuhun Mountain, and palaces and pavilions were looming in it, and strands of immortal clouds rose from the ground, complementing the essence wafting in the sky, setting off this place like a nine-day fairyland.

Of course, to the billions of beings in the Nine Hundred Realm, this Nine Hundred Mountain is like the existence of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

If they can enter Jiuhun Mountain, for them, it means stepping into the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

On the top of Jiuhun Mountain, among countless lush ancient trees, there is a quaint attic standing here.


From time to time, there are terrifying fluctuations of the Great Dao, which come out from the attic, causing many disciples of the Nine Hundred Divine Sect to sway their minds.

However, the disciples of Jiuhun Divine Sect were not afraid.

Because this avenue fluctuation comes from the **** they believe in, Jiuhun Daozun.

Inside the attic.

There are two figures.

One sat down holding a bamboo slip, and the other stood behind the man with his hands tied, his eyebrows lowered and his expression extremely respectful.

"Master, there is news from the Eastern Border Territory that it is the strong man who proves the Tao, the immortal Tianzun, and he is the person who will not fall into the emperor's dynasty."

Zhang Daobai read the information in his hands, and his eyes revealed a hint of shock, but more of it was unwilling.

Over the years, he has been receiving news about the Buluo Dynasty, and every time it has given him a great shock.

From the beginning of not caring, to now, in his heart, he has long regarded the Buluo Emperor Dynasty as one of the gods of the gods, and the other is a force on the same level as the Jiuhun Divine Sect.

But this time, the news still shocked him.

There is already a practitioner of Yimu Dao in the Buluo Emperor, who is suspected to be from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, and now he has added a virtual fairy, whose strength is already more than the Jiuhun Divine Religion, unless he can break through the bottleneck and successfully prove the Tao. Immortal Venerable.

But Zhang Daobai is very clear about the difficulty, the distance of one step is like the furthest distance in the world.

It is this bottleneck that has locked him for hundreds of epochs!

Hundreds of epochs of practice have failed him to break through this barrier.

‘Eastern Ghost Emperor…’

Zhang Daobai muttered this name in his heart, and a strong sense of unwillingness surged in his heart.

According to the information, this Eastern Ghost Emperor is based on the cultivation base of breaking the shackles of the peak of the quasi-celestial realm, and strongly suppresses and defeats many powerhouses who practice the Dao of Death Qi, thus proving the Taoist Immortal Celestial Venerable.

In other words, this Eastern Ghost Emperor, who did not fall into the imperial dynasty, broke the bottleneck that had locked him for hundreds of epochs.


'This should have been my chance! ’

Zhang Daobai's eyes turned red, his fists clenched tightly.

In his view, the reason why this Eastern Ghost Emperor was able to break the shackles of the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm was that he had accumulated countless years of luck in the Eastern Border Realm.

With the blessing of luck in the Eastern Boundary, the Eastern Ghost Emperor can break the shackles of the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, and he could have had the opportunity to receive the blessing of the luck in the Eastern Boundary.

If he can get the blessing of the luck of the eastern border, he will definitely be able to break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and then, like this eastern ghost emperor, he will prove the Taoism and immortality Tianzun.

But this opportunity was seized by this Eastern Ghost Emperor, how could he be reconciled?

Zhang Daobai felt unwilling as long as he remembered that the chess piece he had dropped in the Eastern Border Region was removed by a strong man who did not fall into the imperial dynasty.

If it weren't for the existence of the Great Dao Sealing Town, how could it be possible to destroy his methods so easily without falling to the emperor?

With the support of the entire Nine Hundred Divine Sect, he would not be defeated even if he did not fall to the Emperor's Dynasty and had the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate in charge.

"Dao Bai, your heart is messed up."

At this moment, the person holding the bamboo slip opened his mouth.

His voice is quiet and quiet, as if floating from the ancient wilderness, containing the vicissitudes of the years, with the mysterious power to cleanse the mind.

The voice fell into Zhang Daobai's ears, his mind couldn't help trembling, the spiritual platform was cleared, all kinds of distracting thoughts suddenly receded, and he returned to his original indifference.

"Thank you, Master."

Zhang Daobai hurriedly bowed his hands and thanked Jiuhun Daozun.


Jiu Hun Dao Zun nodded slightly, but did not say anything to blame.

How could he not know about Zhang Daobai's unwillingness?

However, even He is powerless.

As for the Eastern Border Territory, how could it be possible that Venerable Jiuhun and other Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates did not have the heart to covet.

However, the existence of the Great Road Sealed Town is like the sword of Damocles, hanging above the heads of many immortals.

It is impossible for the immortal gods such as Jiuhun Daozun to come to the eastern border in person, and at most they only send a clone to the eastern border.

A clone may be placed outside the eastern border, and it also has the combat power of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, which is enough to suppress the weaker first-class forces.

However, in the Eastern Border Region, affected by the closure of the Great Dao, this clone can only exert the combat power of the Ninth Realm or even lower.

Such combat power cannot pose a threat to the Buluodi Dynasty.

In fact, if it was only the first time they heard about the battle strength of the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty, then they would naturally have no problem planning the Eastern Border Territory.

After all, apart from the Jiuhun Divine Religion, there are many other forces planning the Eastern Border Territory.

But the Buluo Emperor Dynasty showed amazing strength time and time again, first showing a Heavenly Venerate Artifact, and then another Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

Now there is a new powerhouse, the Proving Dao Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

This kind of strength is not weak among the forces of the gods of the gods, the extreme gods, and the immortal race.

Jiu Hun Dao Zun has a feeling that the strength of the Unfallen Dynasty may become stronger and stronger, and may even be stronger than the former Western Heaven Buddhism.

You must know that in the past, there were more than ten virtual immortals in the Buddhist monastery of the past, and they were the first in the five realms.

If it weren't for the tacit cooperation between the forces of other realms and the division of Western Buddhism into various factions against Western Buddhism, this would suppress the arrogance of Western Buddhism.

And now, Buluodi Dynasty may also grow into the former Western Heavenly Buddhism.

It is also the control of an entire realm, with great potential.

Not to mention, the eastern border has been suppressed for countless years, and once it erupts, more and more arrogant evildoers will inevitably be born.

With the blessing of luck in the Eastern Boundary, more powerhouses will naturally be born.

And as long as the avenues are closed and the town does not disappear, the powerhouses in other realms will not be able to intervene in the affairs of the eastern realm, let alone the development of the Emperor Dynasty.

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