Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4167: The Lord of Ten Thousand Daos descends on the Nine Hundred Gods

In the view of Dao Zun Jiuhun, if he is allowed to find out, it is very likely that it will be another huge force like Western Heaven Buddhism.

Even more terrifying than Western Buddhism.


Because of the existence of the Great Road Sealing Town, it is difficult for the powerhouses of other realms to intervene in the affairs of the eastern realm, thus curbing the development momentum of the Unfallen Dynasty.

In fact, Dao Zun Jiuhun was very clear about Zhang Daobai's arrangement in the eastern border, and supported the forces in the eastern border, allowing it to compete with the Buluo Dynasty and suppress the momentum of the Buluo Dynasty's development.

There is nothing wrong with such a method, plus the chess pieces dropped by the various forces in the five realms in the eastern realm, it is enough to contain the development momentum of the Fuluodi Dynasty.

It's a pity that Zhang Daobai misjudged the strength of the Emperor's Dynasty.

In other words, all the forces in the five realms have misjudged the strength of the Dou Luo Dynasty.

The strength of the Unfallen Dynasty is far beyond the imagination of the various forces. Not only does it have the foundation of the suppression of the immortal artifact, but it also has the immortal celestial being in charge.

Such strength is no longer inferior to that of the gods of the gods. With the geographical advantage, how could Zhang Daobai's previous arrangement threaten to not fall into the emperor's dynasty?

With the current strength of the Buluodi Dynasty, it is only possible to suppress the Buluodi Dynasty unless the forces of the first-level forces of the various gods and gods join forces.

Otherwise, just relying on the power of the Jiuhun Divine Sect family, it is impossible not to fall into the imperial dynasty.

"Dao Bai... eh?"

Jiuhun Daozun was about to say something to Zhang Daobai when suddenly his expression became condensed, his aura fluctuated, and his eyes shone with fierce divine brilliance.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, since you're here, why don't you show up and see?"

Jiuhun Daozun looked at the entrance of the attic and said in a deep voice.

'Wandao friend? ’

Zhang Daobai was shocked when he heard the words.

Those whom his master calls fellow Daoists must be strong at the same level, and there is only one person who fits the title of Fellow Daoist, the God Lord of Wan Dao.

He is no stranger to this Divine Master of Wandao. Although he has never dealt with the Divine Master of Wandao, he has dealt a lot with many powerhouses of the Divine Dynasty of Wandao.

In particular, several kings of the Wandao Dynasty, he has played against them.

In the same way, He is also very clear about the coveted heart of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty for the Eastern Border Territory. Long before the Seven Prison Gates were destroyed, the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty was eyeing the Eastern Frontier Territory.

If it weren't for the existence of avenues and towns in the Eastern Border, I am afraid that most of the Eastern Border would already be under the control of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty.

Zhang Daobai has always regarded Wan Dao Shen Dynasty as a competitor.

However, they all have a common opponent now, that is, the Emperor does not fall, so there is not much conflict between him and the Wandao Dynasty.


The void at the entrance of the attic fluctuated, and a figure shrouded in divine light stepped out of the void.

The figure stepped out, as if stepping down countless avenues, all the heavens and ten thousand paths seemed to surrender to it, and a domineering atmosphere permeated the entire attic.

Zhang Daobai's heart trembled, and there was an urge to kneel on the ground and surrender to the person in front of him.

Zhang Daobai hurriedly activated the power of the source, trying to resist this impulse, but under the influence of this breath, his power of resistance seemed extremely weak.

Soon, his consciousness slowly lost the power to resist, and he was about to sink under this breath.

"wake up!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly awakened Zhang Daobai, and a tyrannical force wrapped him, isolating the influence of the silhouette's breath on him.

Only then did Zhang Daobai completely regain consciousness, gasping for breath.

Just now, Zhang Daobai felt as if he had fallen into an abyss shrouded in endless darkness. His consciousness, soul, and everything in his body were slowly falling into a deep sleep.

This feeling is so powerless, powerless to struggle, and unable to struggle.

If it wasn't for Jiu Hun Dao Zun's action, he would probably have fallen into a deep sleep and lost all power to resist.

"Thank you Master for taking action."

Zhang Daobai settled his mind and bowed to Jiuhun Daozun.

Jiuhun Dao Zun waved his hand and looked at the Lord Wandao: "Fellow Daoist, you came to my Jiuhun God Sect, shouldn't it be just for my disciple, joking?"

"Hahaha, it's just a little joke, fellow Daoist Jiuhun has a solid foundation and is expected to break the shackles of the quasi-tianzun realm peak.

Perhaps, it won't be long before the Jiuhun Divine Sect can add another virtual immortal. "

Divine Master Wan Dao laughed.

"Why do you want to kill Daobai? This step seems simple, but I don't know how much time it will take to cross this step."

Jiuhun Daozun's expression remained unchanged, and said lightly.

"What if you add the blessing of luck in the eastern border?"

Divine Master Wan Dao suddenly said.


As soon as these words came out, Jiu Hun Dao Zun's eyes narrowed: "Wan Dao friend, what do you mean by this?"

"Fellow Daoist Jiuhun, you should understand what I mean, the Eastern Frontier has been suppressed for hundreds of epochs, and now that luck is flourishing, it is a good time to make plans.

If you can occupy the territory of the Eastern Territory, and get the blessing of luck in the Eastern Territory, your disciple can break the shackles of the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, and then prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate. "

God Lord Wandao did not beat around the bush any longer and went straight to the topic.

"Fellow Daoist Daoist, you should understand the current situation in the Eastern Frontier. Unless the Imperial Dynasty occupies the absolute general trend, we simply cannot extend our hands into the Eastern Frontier."

Jiuhun Daozun shook his head.

The current situation in the Eastern Border Region, all the forces in the Five Great Regions are very clear, and if the Emperor does not fall firmly in the Eastern Border, other forces cannot intervene at all.

After Buluodi Dynasty showed a strong background, Jiuhun Daozun had actually given up his plan for the Eastern Border.

For Jiuhun Divine Sect, it is not a cost-effective thing to offend the gods of one party for an unattainable plan.

Although Jiuhun Dao Zun is also worried that the Buluo Emperor Dynasty has developed too rapidly, and has grown to a behemoth like the old Western Heavenly Buddhism.

But Jiuhun Dao Zun still won't take action against Buluodi Dynasty. The one who should be anxious should not be Jiuhun Divine Sect, but Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and Quiet Buddhist Sect.

These two forces have a direct enmity with the Buluo Dynasty. If the Buluo Dynasty rises, the two forces should be the most restless.

Divine Master Wandao wanted to encourage him and Jiuhun Divine Sect to make a move, but he miscalculated.

Although the luck of the Eastern Frontier is attractive enough, Jiuhun Daozun has no idea of ​​being a spearman for others.

"If we fight on our own, we will naturally not be able to intervene in the affairs of the Eastern Frontier, but if we join forces, we may not be able to curb the development momentum of the Unfallen Dynasty.

Could it be that fellow Daoist Jiuhun wants to see another Western Heavenly Buddhism born? "

Divine Master Wandao smiled slightly, did not give up, but continued to speak.

Hearing this, Jiuhun Daozun's eyes flickered, and he seemed to be a little tempted.

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