Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4170: make waves again

five realms.

As the Buluo Dynasty fell silent, the five realms also fell silent, and no major events happened.

But everyone knows it's just the calm before the storm!

Since hundreds of epochs in the five realms, the first to prove the existence of the illusory immortal, the Eastern Ghost Emperor, Cai Yulei, turned out to be a strong man who did not fall into the emperor's dynasty. The storm caused by this news intensified among all forces.

Of course, most forces have no intention of taking action.

Many forces can naturally see the potential of the existence of the Buluo Dynasty, but they still have no intention of taking action.

After all, there is no hatred between most of the forces and Buluodi Dynasty, so there is no need to take action against Buluodi Dynasty just because of one possibility.

Besides, it is not a simple matter for Buluodi Dynasty to grow to the level of Western Heaven Buddhism.

In the past, Xitian Buddhism was able to grow into the first force in the five realms, and it took an unknown number of years.

It also takes a lot of time for Buluodi Dynasty to reach that level.

If the virtual fairyland is so easy to break through, in the five realms, Tianzun has already left everywhere.

That is to say, even if the emperor can rise without falling, I don't know how long it will take.

Moreover, what should be worried is not the forces that have no grudges with the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, but the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty and the Quiet Buddhist Sect.

The powerhouses of the Myriad Taoist Dynasty and the annihilated Buddhist sect tried to intercept and kill the clones of the Emperor Lord, but they all fell.

This matter is no longer a secret among the high-level forces of all parties.

It is a public matter for the Wandaoshen Dynasty and the annihilation of Buddhist sects to have enmity with the Wandaoshen Dynasty.

The Buluo Dynasty is becoming more and more powerful, and the most anxious should be the Wandao Shen Dynasty and the Nirvana Buddhist Sect. Therefore, all forces are waiting for the reaction of the Wandao Shen Dynasty and the Dead Buddha Sect.

At the beginning, seeing that the Wandaoshen Dynasty and the Nimie Buddhist Sect did not make any moves, all the forces thought that the Wandao God Dynasty and the Jijie Buddhist Sect would stay put for the time being, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

However, the forces of all parties got news of the spies, and the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and the Quiet Buddha Sect had new moves.

Chaos Void.

The endless terrifying aura of soldiers spread out, filling the heavens and the universe.

One after another, the warships that are huge like a continent, lie across the chaos, and the powerful momentum that dominates the world bursts out and suppresses everything.

Each warship is extremely magnificent, and it seems to carry countless worlds, and a single collision can freeze the world.

The mottled traces on the boat reveal a chilling aura, and there is a mighty presence standing on the bow.

If every warship is driven to the extreme, it can have the terrifying combat power to suppress the giants of the seventh realm, which is a well-deserved weapon of war.

And there is more than one such warship. At first glance, the warship seems to fill the entire chaos.

One hundred thousand ships!

A full 100,000 warships!

This kind of power makes everyone change their color.

The overlords of the heavens in the ninth realm, and even the quasi-tianzun powerhouses, faced with such a lineup, they only had the chance to flee.

"Forged by the ancient stars, feathering immortal gold into bones, this is the most elite legion of the Wandao Divine Dynasty, the standard warship of the Wandao Divine Army, the star warship.

It is said that if any star warship explodes with all its strength, it may kill the giants of the seventh realm. "

"One hundred thousand star warships, the Myriad Dao Divine Army is pouring out!"

"One hundred thousand star warships, coupled with the power of the ten thousand Taoist army, this power is probably even the peak powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun realm, and it is necessary to avoid its edge."

Countless powerhouses in the central realm were shocked to see this huge group of warships.

"No, no, that's not a good word. The Myriad Dao Divine Army has a record of suppressing the peak powerhouses of the quasi-Tianzun realm. I really need to be urgent.

There is an older generation of strong people who can't help but retort.

The Wandao Divine Army is the most powerful army of the Wandao Divine Dynasty, and its combat power is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and it is extremely powerful.

In the past, the Myriad Dao Divine Army came out in full force, suppressing one of the top and first-class forces with its powerful strength.

The two quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses from the top-notch forces on this side were both killed by the Myriad Dao Divine Army, together with the other powerhouses from the top-notch forces on this side.

Although, in that battle, the Heavenly Venerate Artifacts of the top-notch forces on this side were blocked by the Heavenly Venerate Artifacts of the Wandao Dynasty, but the strength of the Wandao Divine Army was strong enough.

"Look at the direction of the movement of the Wandao Divine Army. That is the Eastern Border Territory. Is the Wandao Divine Dynasty going to war with the Buluodi Dynasty?"

A group of powerhouses exclaimed in surprise when they saw the direction of the Myriad Dao Divine Army.

For a time, a group of powerhouses suddenly became interested.

"The Great Dao blockade in the Eastern Boundary has not disappeared, so the Divine Dynasty of Ten Thousand Daos shouldn't be so unwise, right?"

There are also strong people who are puzzled.

The Great Dao blockade of the Eastern Border is still in place, and the powerhouses of other borders who enter the Eastern Border will be suppressed by the Great Dao Block.

In this case, the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and the Buluo Di Dynasty went to war and did not have an advantage.

For example, outside the eastern border, a star warship has the combat power to suppress the giants of the seventh realm, but outside the eastern border, a star warship is accompanied by a sixth realm emperor. Neither can be suppressed.

If the entire Divine Army of Ten Thousand Paths enters the Eastern Territory, its combat power will be greatly reduced, and perhaps even the Overlord of the Ninth Realm cannot be suppressed.

The powerhouses of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty should not be so rational and make such a confused decision.

So, what does Wan Dao Shen Dynasty want to do?

"The Buddhist sect of Nirvana also has actions. The powerhouses from the Demon Suppression Hall and the Enshrining Hall are all dispatched, and they come to the eastern border with the soldiers of the annihilation Buddha."

Just when everyone was puzzled, another news came from the Western Heaven Realm.

"Silenced Buddhism also moved?"

After getting the news, everyone was even more puzzled, and some couldn't understand the purpose of the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and the annihilation of the Buddhist sect.

However, before the strong people were puzzled for too long, there was follow-up news:

"Two Supreme Elders of the Five Elements Dao Sect, who are at the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, personally command the army of the Five Elements Dao Sect, and come to the eastern border!"

"The Great Xia Dynasty sent two kings who were at the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and the most elite army, the Great Xia Zhenjie Army, to the eastern border."

"The Tiantian Longque family also sent a large army to the eastern border!"

"Jiuhun Divine Sect also sent a large army to the eastern border!"

One after another news came, and all the strong men suddenly swayed.

This is a monstrous event!

The Five Elements Dao Sect, the Great Xia Shen Dynasty, the Swallowing Dragon Bird Clan, and the Jiuhun Divine Religion are all first-level forces in the gods of the gods, and their powers are extremely terrifying.

If you count the two forces of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty and the Nirvana Buddhist Sect, that is the first-level forces of the gods and gods in all six directions, and they will make a move against the Emperor Dynasty.

In the five realms, since the last 100 epochs, there have been very few records of the first-level forces of the gods fighting against each other.

Not to mention, the situation in which the first-level forces of the Six-Party Gods Dynasty attacked at the same time.

This is simply the five major realms, the most astonishing event in the past 100 epochs!

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