Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4171: The mysterious world, the underworld

The mysterious world.

Also known as the Xuanyou Great Realm, it is located in the border area of ​​the Northern Desolate Realm close to the Eastern Border Realm.

But now this world has changed hands and is occupied by a new force.

This new force is called the underworld.

For hundreds of epochs, the first person in the five realms to testify to the existence of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate, the Eastern Ghost Emperor, and the forces created by Cai Yulei.

The existence of the underworld has attracted the attention of countless powerhouses.

One side of the gods has opened up a first-level force, especially this kind of force that has just been established from scratch.

For many loose cultivators, this is undoubtedly an opportunity, an opportunity to join the first-level forces of the God Dynasty.

Generally speaking, whether it is the Divine Dynasty of the Heavens or the Divine Religion of the Extreme Dao, most of them have developed step by step.

There are very few extreme Taoist religions established out of thin air like the underworld.

It is very likely that there will not be one in hundreds of epochs.

Therefore, as soon as the underworld appeared, it attracted the attention of countless powerhouses, and many powerhouses came to the great world of Xuanyou and wanted to join the underworld.

For a party, it is extremely difficult to be promoted to the first-level force of the gods of the gods. Among the forces, there must be a strong person who can break through the immortal gods.

But for a virtual immortal, it is easy to open up a first-level power of the gods.

As long as the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is willing, he can open up a side of the extreme Taoist religion at any time.


A Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is a side of the extreme Taoist religion and the gods of the gods!

That is to say, as long as they can join the underworld, these loose cultivators can become members of a side of the extreme Taoist religion.

Even, jumped to become the top of this extreme Taoist religion.

Of course, there are also strong people who are worried and unwilling to come to this muddy water.

Cai Yulei's identity has long been known to all the powerhouses, but he was a powerhouse who did not fall into the imperial dynasty, and was hated by the Wandao dynasty and the Nirvana Buddhist sect.

If you join the underworld, you will definitely be hated by the Ten Thousand Dao Dynasty and the Nirvana Buddhist Sect. In the eyes of some strong people, the gains outweigh the losses.

However, more powerhouses do not care about this.

From their point of view, although Cai Yulei was born in the Unfallen Dynasty, he finally broke away from the Unfallen Dynasty and created a new power.

Moreover, Cai Yulei himself is a virtual immortal, and he has the support of the virtual immortal behind the Emperor's Dynasty.

Even if the gods of all ways and the Buddhist sects are annihilated, it is impossible to rashly attack the underworld.

And if they miss this opportunity, they may never be able to wait for an opportunity to join the jidao cult.

Therefore, countless powerhouses flocked to join the underworld.

Dongqing Daojun and Zhang Daoxuan's master and apprentice, and the original staff of Xuanyouzong, also cameo as the screening personnel of the underworld.

Yes, the Xuanyou Sect, which originally occupied the great world of Xuanyou, was also controlled by Cai Yulei and became the basis for the construction of the underworld.

Cai Yulei went to Xuanyouzong at first, and many high-level officials of Xuanyouzong were still uneasy, for fear that the newly promoted Xuxian Tianzun would destroy Xuanyouzong.

But when you know that Cai Yulei, on the basis of Xuanyouzong, will open up a side of the extreme Taoist religion.

Many high-level officials of Xuan Youzong agreed immediately without saying a word.

This is a good thing that you can't find with a lantern!

How could it be possible for the many high-level powerhouses of Xuanyouzong to refuse?

Although Xuanyouzong is a first-class force, its strength is not tyrannical enough. Among the first-class forces, it can only be ranked at the bottom.

It is basically impossible to be promoted to the extreme religion.

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