Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4177: Sweep invincible

The powerhouses such as Fairy Bailian are far from being comparable to other powerhouses in terms of cultivation and status, and most of them have trump cards in their hands.

Naturally, they will not panic like the powerhouses of other forces.

What's more, this newly promoted Xuxian Tianzun has already appeared, how can it be possible to sit and watch Daoxing Daojun and others wipe out Xuanyou City?

You must know that today is the opening ceremony of the underworld. Many powerful people from various forces are here to congratulate the underworld. How could Cai Yulei ignore it?

If Daojun Ta Xing really wiped out Xuanyou City, then Cai Yulei would probably become the laughing stock of the entire five realms.

As the face of the virtual immortal, it will be lost.


Sure enough, Cai Yulei snorted coldly, and Taozhishan in his hand shone brightly, bursting out with the aura of death.

The death energy filled the air, and in an instant, the sky and the earth became dark, and the sky and the sky were all dimmed for hundreds of thousands of miles.


Cai Yulei snorted coldly, and saw a large river of yellow springs emerging across the void, and then a stalwart demon and **** of the underworld evolved.

Or three heads and six arms, or a ferocious face, or holding a scythe of hell...

Every Huangquan River has evolved a terrifying Demon God and Underworld God, as if the underworld is re-enacting in this world.

The aura of each demon and underworld **** is extremely terrifying, possessing power that is unimaginable to others, as if the real demon **** and underworld **** reappeared.

At a glance, there are more than a dozen demon gods and underworld gods that have evolved.


Many demon gods and underworld gods took action one after another to welcome the six avatars of Heavenly Venerable Artifacts including the ‘Zhen Xuan Yin’.

The huge collision sound resounded throughout the universe, and the avenues of the heavens roared, and everything seemed to perish under the aftermath of the collision.

As the collision continued, the situation on the battlefield also changed, and Daoxing Daojun and others gradually fell behind.

If it is a demon **** or a **** of the underworld, Daoxing Daojun and others can control the avatars of the gods such as the 'Zhenxuanyin', and they can firmly suppress them.

Two demon gods or underworld gods can also have the upper hand.

However, if faced with the siege of three or more demon gods or underworld gods, Daoxing Daojun and others would inevitably fall into a disadvantage.

After all, each of these Demon Gods and Underworld Gods possessed the Heavenly Venerable-level combat power that had just entered the Void Wonderland.

The avatar of the Celestial Venerable Artifact in charge of Daojun Tingxing and others is just a ray of the source energy of the Celestial Venerable Artifact, far less than the Celestial Venerable Artifact itself, with only one ten millionth of the power of the Celestial Venerable Artifact.

Naturally, Daoxing Daojun and others were suppressed by the Demon God and the Underworld God.


The Bone Demon God's palm swept across the sky, as if a mountain of Bone God was suddenly pressing down, and the infinite death energy eroded the heavens and the earth, eroded all laws, and eroded all the avenues.

Then, a palm bombarded the ‘Zhen Xuan Yin’, making a dull sound.

The 'Zhen Xuan Yin' trembled suddenly, and cracks appeared one after another, which could not help humming and trembling.

The next moment, 'Zhen Xuanyin let out a faint whimper, and immediately, it shattered directly from it, bursting into countless fragments.

‘Zhen Xuan Seal’, broken!

"Do not!"

Daoxing Daojun's heart trembled, and he was attacked by the broken "Zhen Xuan Yin", and his clone was also directly swallowed by death energy.

Fall on the spot!

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