Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4180: non-falling reaction

Tianyao Continent, do not fall into the imperial capital.

Chenglong Hall.

On the eighty-eighth steps, a figure was sitting on the dragon chair, and the twelve rows of glazed crowns fell quietly, making it difficult to see his face.

Although he didn't say a word, the dignified and domineering emperor qi rolled around, covering the entire Chenglong Hall.

Sitting upright in the sky, overlooking the big thousand!

A group of ministers of civil and military affairs lined up on both sides of the hall, standing with their hands down, their eyes watching their noses, their noses watching their hearts, and they did not dare to say a word.

"Should I surrender to the God of Ten Thousand Daos immediately without falling to the Emperor? Should I kowtow to the God of Ten Thousand Daos and admit my mistake?"

The figure on the dragon chair looked at the information in his hand.

Although the voice was not hurried or slow, and there were no emotional fluctuations, many of the officials in the ceremony could hear the coldness in the voice of the figure.

The ministers only felt cold all over, and almost wanted to kneel on the ground.

"Emperor Lord, this is the negligence of Wei Chen. Wei Chen will bring Ting Fengwei and put all those who spread the news into the prison."

A man dressed in a black black robe and wearing a star pincer walked out immediately and said with a bow.

"This is indeed the dereliction of duty by the entire Tingfengwei. I limit you to suppress this news within three days."

Qin Yi glanced at Bai Zai and snorted coldly.

"The minister obeys the order."

Kuchiki Byakuya responded immediately, then turned and left.

"What do you think about blocking the Eastern Border Territory and cutting off the passage from other territories to the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces?"

After Kuchiki Byakuya left, Qin Yi turned over the information in his hand again, and lowered his eyes to look at the courtiers under the stage.

"From my grandson's point of view, if there is anything to worry about, just hit him directly."

Sun Wukong, a militant, was the first to speak.

"Wei Chen thought it was the same."

As soon as Sun Wukong opened his mouth, the Bull Demon King followed.

"Monkey King, Bull Demon King, you still haven't gotten rid of the demon clan's style of behavior, this is the first-level power of the six-party gods.

There are six virtual immortals behind it, how can they act rashly? "

Yang Jian, who was beside him, immediately retorted.

"You, then what do you say?"

A sullen look flashed in Sun Wukong's eyes, and he looked at Yang Jian viciously.

There has always been a grudge between He and Yang Jian, and in the mythical world of Journey to the West, the two have fought each other a lot.

The reason why Sun Wukong was captured by the Heavenly Court was because he fought against Yang Jian and was stunned by Taishang Laojun with Vajra Zhuo.

From that battle, Sun Wukong and Yang Jian had a grudge, and neither of them looked down on each other.

If it weren't for this, Sun Wukong would have turned his face and shot at Yang Jian.

"Although Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces blocked the eastern border, it did not have much impact on me, Fuluo.

What we should do is to accumulate strength and concentrate on development. When our strength is strong, we can tear apart the blockades of the Wandaoshen Dynasty and other forces at any time, and we don't have to contend with them for a while. "

Yang Jian talked eloquently, obviously he was well prepared.

As soon as this statement came out, it was also recognized by all the courtiers.

As Yang Jian said, the best choice for not falling into the imperial dynasty now is not to compete with forces such as the Wandao dynasty.

After a period of development, although the foundation of the Buluodi Dynasty has grown, it is still unable to compare with the first-level forces of the Six Heavens and Gods Dynasty such as the Wandao Dynasty.

It is impossible to challenge the first-level forces of the Six Heavens and Gods Dynasty with one's own strength, without falling to the current strength of the Emperor Dynasty.

This is only possible unless the Emperor Wuluo can firmly control the entire Eastern Frontier in the palm of his hand.

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